This tutorial shows how to run classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of atomistic systems under various conditions. In principle, you can use these examples as a template for your particular calculations (also meaning you'd need to modify only very few parameters). The working files showing how to use different objects are located in the /tests/test_md directory of the Libra package.
Before doing this tutorial, it is recommended to go through the Molecular Mechanics tutorial, because it explains the main components and the operations (the creation of molecular system, force fields, hamiltonians, setting up interactions, organizing MD workflow) of the file. This is the file we are to run in each sub-directory of the present tutorial. It is almost the same for all cases, except for few places in which we introduce certain variations.
This is the first example in this tutorial, so we'll discuss some common elements here. In the later examples, we will focus only on the distinctions between the cases.
The initial workflow for initialization is the following:
rnd = Random()
U = Universe(); LoadPT.Load_PT(U, os.getcwd()+"/elements.txt")
uff = ForceField(...)
syst = System()
LoadMolecule.Load_Molecule(U, syst, "Pc-C60.ent", "pdb")
syst.determine_functional_groups(0) # do not assign rings
ham = Hamiltonian_Atomistic(1, 3*syst.Number_of_atoms)
ham.set_interactions_for_atoms(syst, atlst1, atlst1, uff, 1, 0) # 0 - verb, 0 - assign_rings
ham.set_system(syst); ham.compute()
el = Electronic(1,0)
mol = Nuclear(3*syst.Number_of_atoms)
nve_md.nve_md_init(syst, mol, el, ham)
So far we have performed only the initialization. Now, we can proceed to actual dynamics. In fact, the rest of the script does two types of dynamics: cooling (optimization by a simulated annealing) and the production MD. In addition to the previous tutorials, we now utilize the State class of the libscript library. The State class is designed to represent a thermodynamic state of the system. That is it encodes the state (coordinates/velocities) of the system, as well as the state of the bath (thermostat/barostat). It also contains information about the macroscopic and miscroscopic observables: potential, kinetic, total energies, extended system-bath energy, current temperature, pressure, simulation cell shape and volume, and other variables.
Together with the State class, we use an auxiliary MD class, defined in the same header. This class is essentially a container for the MD settings. So, we first create an object of MD type and then pass it to the State object to tell it how to perform MD simulations:
md = MD({"max_step":1,"ensemble":"NVE","integrator":"DLML","terec_exp_size":10,"dt":20.0,"n_medium":1,"n_fast":1,"n_outer":1})
Here, we utilize a constructor that takes a Python dictionary and extracts values for the keywords relevant to/defined in the MD class.
The State class has several methods for setups, initialization, and actual simulations. Lets look closely at some of them:
- Bind the System type object to the State type object, so that all changes made to
the "syst" variable are known to the "ST" object, and vice versa - all changes made internally by the "ST" object are reflected in
the variables of the "syst" oobject.
- Bind the external md object to the ST object. So, once this is done,
we can change the internal MD settings of the ST object by changing the corresponding variables of the external
md object. For instance, this can be used if we run several rounds of MD or optimization. In the first rounds
of optimization, we may want to use smaller MD integration timesteps md.dt, so do not destroy the system.
On the later rounds, we can increase this value (up to the stable integration limit), so to accelerate the convergence.
We can also vary the number of the MD steps performed in a sinle call of the "run_md" funciton (see below). This number
is accessed by md.max_step. Again, if you do an optimization, you may want to start with this number being relatively
small (1 - 10). As you acheive the equilibrated state, you may icrease it. This parameter can be used to control/design the
simulated annealing protocols. Finally, what you may want to change in md between one run to another, is the
ensemble type: you can start with the NVT and then switch to NVE. This is accessed by the md.ensemble variable.
Note, that to run an NVT simulation, you'd need to bind a thermostat to the ST object. So, generally it is easier
to switch from NVT to NVE (still keeping the thermostat) than from NVE to NVT (would need to bind a thermostat, and reinitialize
some internal variables, which may be not totally exact what you want to do).
ST.init_md(mol, el, ham, rnd)
- This function simply runs the consistency/sanity check and initializes
all needed variables. The function must be called prior to "run_md".
ST.run_md(mol, el, ham)
This function runs an MD simulation on the system bound to the ST object as described
by the md object also bound to the ST object. Note: this is not a single MD step - rather it may be many steps.
This function also propagates states of thermostat or barostat objects coupled to the ST object.
This function "cools" the system and thermostat by setting all atomic momenta/velocities to
zero and by resetting thermostat variables to a lower-energy state (so that they could absorb more energy). Together
with "run_md" constitutes a simulated annealing procedure.
The current micro/macroscopic descriptors of the State can be accessed via the exported variables:
kinetic energy of the systemST.E_pot
potential energy of the systemST.E_tot
total energy of the systemST.H_NP
the extended system energy (Nose-Poicare Hamiltonian, or a Nose-Hoover invariant)ST.curr_T
current kinetic energy of the systemST.curr_V
current volume of the simulation cellST.curr_P
current pressure of the systemPlease see the header file or a corresponding section of the Documentation, for a more comprehensive list of variables
To summarize, the workflow of the simulation part is following:
md = MD({"max_step":1,"ensemble":"NVE","integrator":"DLML","terec_exp_size":10,"dt":20.0,"n_medium":1,"n_fast":1,"n_outer":1})
therm = Thermostat({"Temperature":278.0,"Q":100.0,"thermostat_type":"Nose-Hoover","nu_therm":0.01,"NHC_size":5})
ST = State()
# ST.set_thermostat(therm)
ST.init_md(mol, el, ham, rnd)
for i in xrange(...):
ST.run_md(mol, el, ham)
for i in xrange(...):
ST.run_md(mol, el, ham)
To analyze the MD run and to assess its quality, we plot some of the obervables in Fig. 1. We also show a video of the MD simulation (10 ps).
What we see:
We extend the previous case by actually adding a thermosat:
therm = Thermostat({"Temperature":278.0,"Q":100.0,"thermostat_type":"Nose-Hoover","nu_therm":0.01,"NHC_size":5})
and by setting the "md.ensemble" variable to "NVT":
md = MD({"max_step":100,"ensemble":"NVT","integrator":"DLML","terec_exp_size":10,"dt":20.0,"n_medium":1,"n_fast":1,"n_outer":1})
We also do several cycles of cooling, before the NVT simulation. The results are shown in Fig. 2
What we see:
Everything is same as in the previous case (case 2). The only difference is that we decrease the frequency of the thermosat (increase inertia):
therm = Thermostat({"Temperature":278.0,"Q":100.0,"thermostat_type":"Nose-Hoover","nu_therm":0.001,"NHC_size":5})
The results are shown in Fig. 3
What we see:
Now, lets consider a different type of systems. Instead of organic, go to inorganic. So, try gold. This is a bigger crystal created with a script (see another tutorial) that generates a supercell good for modeling systems with Au(111) surface. Instead of molecular, go to crystalline. Well, we start with periodic-looking structure, but since there are no actual periodic boundary conditions applyed, the system is still a formally molecular one (isolated cluster).
Because this particular system consists of atoms, rather than molecules, there are no bonded interactions (bond stretching, angle bending, dihedrals, imporopers, etc). Moreover, the system is not charged, so there are no electrostatic interactions either. The only type of interactions remaining are the vdw interactions. So, the setup of the ForceField object can be simplified:
uff = ForceField({"mb_functional":"LJ_Coulomb","R_vdw_on":40.0,"R_vdw_off":55.0 })
The second important alteration made in comparison to the Example 1 scripts, is that the format of the input file defining molecular structure is different from the one we used before. The present file format follows closely the official pdb format. That is why we load it using the option "true_pdb" in the Load_Molecule function:
LoadMolecule.Load_Molecule(U, syst, "au.pdb", "true_pdb")
We start simulating the Au cluster using the default UFF Lennard-Jones (LJ) parameters for Au atom: `epsilon = 0.039` and `sigma = 3.293`. The results are shown in Fig. 4
What we see:
Ok. We now run one more simulation with the `epsilon` parameter of Au scaled by the factor of 10: `epsilon = 0.39`. The results are shown in Fig. 5
What we see:
Lets keep the parameters changing even more. We now set `epsilon = 2.8` and reduce `sigma` to `sigma = 3.0` (well, we could be just with the `epsilon` parameter alone, but I was curious to try a new thing). The results are shown in Fig. 6
What we see:
So, we know how to produce a stable Au cluster in isolated molecule calculations. Now, it is time to switch to a bit more complex case - periodic systems. We will not run an MD with periodic boundary conditions (PBC), which means the atoms are always confined into the simulation box and they interact with their own replicas (and replicas of all other atoms) in the periodically translated nearby boxes.
We start with the scripts and parameters from the case 2: `epsilon = 0.39` and `sigma = 3.293`. On top of that we introduce two additions:
T1 = VECTOR(32.6970772436, 0.0, 0.0)
T2 = VECTOR(16.3485386218, 28.3164995224, 0.0)
T3 = VECTOR(0.0, 0.0, 26.6970517757)
syst.init_box(T1, T2, T3)
This is sufficient to tell the State functions that the simulations are for a periodic system.
uff = ForceField({"R_vdw_on":10.0,"R_vdw_off":12.0, "mb_functional":"vdw_LJ1","mb_excl_functional":"vdw_LJ1"})
Everything else remains as before. The simulation results are summarized in Fig. 7
What we see: