Libra: An open-source "Methodology Discovery" Library

General installation instructions

These instructions are developed on my (AVA) system and may not work in all other cases, but the hope is that they will stay valid most of the time (provided one can suitably customize them). These instructions are now working on the WSL, but can be ported to other systems, like Linux.

  1. Get a miniconda installer and install the miniconda. In the home directory (/home/alexey) do the following
    mkdir Conda
    cd Conda/
    wget .
    sh ./
    The miniconda will be installed into "/home/alexey/miniconda2". You will be prompted to add this path to the .bashrc file. If you do this, you don't need the do the next step.
  2. [optional] If you select not to include the conda path to your PATH variable, you can create an alias which you'll need to invoke before you call conda. In the .bashrc file, you'l add:
    alias c='export PATH=${HOME}/miniconda2/bin:$PATH'
    You'll have to reload the terminal for the changes to take effect, or you could simply:
    source .bashrc 

    It may help sometimes to restart your terminal after this step!

  3. After you've added the alias:
    Create conda environment (name it "py37") and activate it
    c       [Skip this command, if you have skipped step 2]
    conda create -n py37
    source activate py37

    In this example, the environment will be created at: "/home/alexey/miniconda2/envs/py37". In the following steps, we'll need to know it.

    Analogously, you can also create another environment - the one with Python2 (e.g. 2.7) being the major Python version. This idea is probably not so good after 2020, when Python 2 will be deprecated. Then, one can switch between the two environments and compile Libra for corresponding Python version and then use the suitable Python environment.

  4. Install all the dependencies into the presently active conda environment ("py37" in this example, but you may have called it differently)
    conda install python=3.7
    conda install conda-build
    conda install gcc_linux-64
    conda install gxx_linux-64
    conda install make
    conda install boost
    conda install cmake
    conda install git
    conda install -c anaconda h5py

    Make sure you are in the "py37" (or whatever you called it) environment. You can check it by seen the name of the environment in the very left of you terminal prompt, in parenthesis. If you do the instructions above while being in another environment (such as "base" - meaning the system-wide settings), the packages you request to install will be installed into that environment in which case you may find some steps (e.g. compilation or during the run-time) not working properly when you activate the environment you thought you have installed all the needed packages to.

    For some reason, it is best to do the installations one by one, not all together. When I tried all packages in one command, I had some problems with the compilation later.

  5. [Optionally] (not needed to compile Libra itself, but may be required for some examples), install the following packages:
    conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
    conda install -c rmg py3dmol
    conda install -c anaconda scipy 
  6. Download the code source files from: here
    mkdir Libra 
    cd Libra
    git clone .
  7. [ Optionally ] When you cloned the code, the "master" branch will be the default one. Note this branch is updated only periodically, so you may need to switch to a suitable more recent branch. Usually, this will be the "devel" (development branch). Do this by:
    git checkout devel

    If you want to use a specific version of the code (yes, we have started tagging!), you can also checkout a particular tag - this may be a better way to be consistent in terms of which code version you are using, but may be not the best option for the development/contribution purposes. Do this by:

    git checkout v3.0.0
  8. Navigate to the root of the Libra code (the one with the folders like: src, tests, and so on), create the folder for binary files (results of compilation and linking). Prepare the make files (it is important to pass two variables to cmake: DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, which should point to the correspondingly used prefix, and the other one, DCMAKE_AR, which should be set to the presently used archiver (needed for creating static libraries)) In the following instuctions, assume the source code is located in: /mnt/c/cygwin/home/Alexey-user/Programming/Project_libra not just in "Libra" as in the example above, so please adjust accordingly.
    cd /mnt/c/cygwin/home/Alexey-user/Programming/Project_libra
    mkdir _build3 
    cd _build3
    cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/home/alexey/miniconda2/envs/py37 -DCMAKE_AR=${AR} ../

    In the case you decide to compile Libra for both Python2 and Python3 and want to switch between them, I recommend to make two directories: _build2 and _build3 and use each one to "host" the corresponding version of the code (you'll of course need to adjust the paths variables accordingly - see the instructions below)

    Sometimes, the cmake can not find the Boost installation, in this case the error message will suggest you to set up the BOOST_ROOT. For intstance, this occurs on our CCR cluster where the search finds the older boost version by default, but that version doesn't have developer's stuff (.h, .so, tc.). So my workaround it is point the cmake to find a specific version of the boost by the following change in the CMakeLists.txt:
    Please, make sure that this is the version that is insalled in your prefix (py37) by the instructions above. Then, I have to call the cmake command with the BOOST_ROOT set to my prefix, which for the CCR system is:
    cmake -DBOOST_ROOT=/user/alexeyak/Soft/Conda/miniconda2/envs/py37 ../
    This is where I have installed my all the necessary packages. Yours is likely different.
  9. Add the following environment variables in .bash_profile
    export PYTHONPATH=/mnt/c/cygwin/home/Alexey-user/Programming/Project_libra/_build3/src:$PYTHONPATH
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mnt/c/cygwin/home/Alexey-user/Programming/Project_libra/_build3/src:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    Load the settings so the changes take effect
    source .bash_profile
  10. Activate the environment and use the code
    c   [Skip this command, if you have skipped step 2]
    conda activate py37
  11. If you have updated your Libra installation and the only changes made to the code concern Python files (e.g. in the libra_py folder), the only build instructions that are needed are (from within the _build directory)
    cmake ../
    make copy-libra-py
    Which will merely copy the Python files from the /src directory in the root to the /src in the build folder.

Operation system specific instructions


Pretty much as written above

Windows (via WSL)

The most straightforward way to install Libra on Window is via the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) which is now available on Windows 10. To install the WSL, follow these instructions

Then follow the instructions above

Windows (via Cygwin)

I haven't yet figured out how to install Libra on Cygwin with the conda support You can build Libra without conda, in which case the instructions will look like:

  1. Edit the CMakeLists.txt in the Libra rood directory as:

    #  ADD_DEFINITIONS("-Wall")       # comment this line
    ADD_DEFINITIONS("-Wall -DCYGWIN") # uncomment this line
  2. Assuming you are in the Libra root directory, create the "_build" folder (can be named otherwise), switch into it and run cmake and make

    mkdir _build
    cd _build
    cmake ../

    Occasionally, you may need to tell cmake where to look for the Boost and Python include and library files. For Python, this is taken care of by the -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR and -DPYTHON_LIBRARY options to cmake. For instance, on my (AVA) system the libraries (python.2.6.exe and libpython.2.6.dll) are located in /home/Alexey_2/Soft/python2.6/bin , whereas the include files (such as Python.h ans bunch of other files) are located in /home/Alexey_2/Soft/python2.6/include/python2.6 So, for the cmake to generate a proper Makefile, I would call the cmake with the corresponding arguments:

    cmake -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/home/Alexey_2/Soft/python2.6/include/python2.6 -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/home/Alexey_2/Soft/python2.6/bin ../
    The same situation applies to Boost libraries and include files.
  3. Add the following environment variables in the (Cygwin) .bash_profile
    export PYTHONPATH=/home/Alexey-user/Programming/Project_libra/_build/src:$PYTHONPATH
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/Alexey-user/Programming/Project_libra/_build/src:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    Load the settings so the changes take effect
    source .bash_profile
    You are ready to use the code

Content of the root directory

The root directory contains the following items: