Libra: An open-source "Methodology Discovery" Library

Metropolis Monte Carlo Sampling

This tutorial shows how to utilize the Metropolis algorithm to sample data points from an arbitrary distribution defined by the user via Python script.

The working files can be found: here

Theory and implementation

The method is implemented in the montecarlo library. In Particular, we will be using the metropolis_gau function, which implements the Metropolis scheme with the Gaussian random walk. The function accepts a multidimensional coordinate (of the MATRIX type), `q`, that defines the probability distribution function, `P(q)`. The Metropolis sampling algorithm starts with some guess point of the variable `q(n=0) = q_0`. The point `q_0` does not have to be included in the final sampling. Then the following sequence of actions is executed repeatedly:

The algorithm described above generates an array of the points of an actual sample size, `As`: `q(0), q(1), q(2), ..., q(As-1)`. This value of `As` is generally smaller than the maximal number of trials `Ss` = sampling_size, defined by the user. The deviation of the `As` from the `Ss` can be used as a measure of the sampling efficiency. If `As < < Ss`, one may need to reconsider the property being sampled. The transformation of the property changes the distribution function from which it is sampled. Such transformation may be favorable (bringing `As` closer to `Ss`), which may improve the efficiency of the algorithm. The idea of the transformation is the cornerstone of the more advanced importance sampling algorithms.

In order to remove the potential dependence of the sampling on the starting point, the inital `Ns` = start_sampling points in the above sequence (we can even call it a trajectory) may be discarded. The resulting array of points `q(Ns), q(Ns+1), q(Ns+2), ..., q(Ss-1)` constitutes the returned result - the points sampled from the user-defined distribution.

One should be careful to choose the parameters of the metropolis_gau such that the best distribution is achieved with minimal computational efforts. In particular: starting away from the maximum of the distribution, with the need for transitioninig over the regions with low probability density may require prolonged simulation times (large sampling and large starting point), now discarding enough initial points (especially if the total sampling size is small) may deteriorate the quality of the sample (non- equilibrium effect), using very small Gaussian variance (step size) may slow down the convergence of sampling procedure. On the contrary, using very large step size may lead to inaccurate sampling.

Below, we will consider several examples (motivated by the quantum mechanics course) of generating samplings drawn from complicated distributions. We will illustrate how the choice of the parameters affect the quality of the sampling.

The general scheme of the implementation of the sampling algorithm is demonstrated in Figure 1. The idea of the approach is to hide unnecessary details of the Metropolis algorithm implementation from the user, but yet allow the user to define an input function. Both the definition of the sampling distribution function and the call of the metropolis algorithm (together with the definition of other control variables) is performed at the Python level, easily accessible to the user. The computationally- intensive details of the algorithm are hidden in the C++ implemntation. The C++ function is also exposed to the Python level in order to be used by the user.

Figure 1.The schematic showing the oranization of the computations with the user-defined (in Python) probability distribution function passed as an argument of the metropolis_gau function.

Examples 1: Particle in a 1D box

The probability distribution function for a 1D particle in a box is defined by `P_n(x) = (2/L) sin^2({pi n x} / L)`.

In particular, we are interested in the file. The plot_piab.plt file can be used to generate the plots of the computed distributions.

First, lets consider how the variation of the input parameters affects the quality of the computed distributions. The results are summarized in Figure 2:







Figure 2.Distributions sampled from the `P_1(x) = (2/L) sin^2({pi x} / L)` function using various combinations of the parameters: (a) `Ss = 1100`, `Ns = 10`, `sigma_{Gau} = 0.05`; (b) `Ss = 10100`, `Ns = 100`, `sigma_{Gau} = 0.05`; (c) `Ss = 12500`, `Ns = 2500`, `sigma_{Gau} = 0.05`; (d) `Ss = 125000`, `Ns = 2500`, `sigma_{Gau} = 0.05`; (e) `Ss = 12500`, `Ns = 2500`, `sigma_{Gau} = 0.5`; (f) `Ss = 12500`, `Ns = 2500`, `sigma_{Gau} = 0.01`

One can clearly observe how the version (d) (Case 4) shows the best distribution of all the tested ones. Please, take a look at how the variation of parameters changes the computed distributions and make your conclusions.

We can now go further and compute the distributions `P_n(x) = (2/L) sin^2({pi n x} / L)` for various n values, as implemented in the function test_2 of the same module. The results are shown in Figure 3.







Figure 3.Distributions sampled from the `P_n(x) = (2/L) sin^2({pi x} / L)` function using various combinations of the parameters: (a) `n = 1, Ss = 125000`, `Ns = 2500`, `sigma_{Gau} = 0.05`; (b) `n = 1, Ss = 1250000`, `Ns = 2500`, `sigma_{Gau} = 0.05`; For all (c,d,e, and f) the `Ss`, `Ns`, and `sigma_{Gau}` parameters as in (b) are used. The difference is only in the value of n: (c) n = 2; (d) n = 3; (e) n = 4; (f) n = 10.

Examples 2: Probability Density of Harmonic Oscillator Superposition

In this exercise, we will consider sample points from the distributions that are given by the `|Psi(q,t)|^2`, where `Psi(q,t)` is a user-defined superposition of the Harmonic Oscillator (HO) eigenstates: `Psi(q,t) = sum_n{ c_n * |n(q) \> * exp(-{i E_n t} / {\hbar} ) }`. The HO eigenstates are given by: `|n(q) \> = N_n * H_n (q * \sqrt(alpha)) * exp(- {alpha q^2} / 2)`. Here, `H_n(x)` is a Hermite polynomial, `N_n = 1/\sqrt(2^n * n!) (alpha/pi)^(1/4)` is the normalization coefficient. The coefficient `alpha` is defined as `alpha = {m omega} / {\hbar}`, where `omega = \sqrt(k/m)`. Here, `k` is the harmonic force constant and `m` is the mass of the particle. The HO Hamiltonian to which this solution corresponds is `\hat H = \hat p^2 / {2 m} + k/2 * q^2`.

This tutorial is implemented in the file in the tutorial directory. The plot_piab.plt file can be used to generate the plots of the computed distributions.

Lets start with a simple case: `t = 0` and the superposition coefficients `c_n` are the constants given by the user. The points sampled from a number of superositions are shown in Figure 4.










Figure 4.Distributions sampled from the distributions of HO states as described above. For all cases, the parameters of the Metropolis algorithm are: Ss = 1000000`, `Ns = 50000`, `sigma_{Gau} = 0.05` . (a) `Psi = |0 \>`; (b) `Psi = |1 \>`; (c) `Psi = |2 \>`; (d) `Psi = |5 \>`; (e) `Psi = |10 \>`; (f) `Psi = |25 \>`; (g) `Psi = |0 \> + |1 \> `; (h) `Psi = |0 \> - |1 \> `; (i) `Psi = |0 \> + |1 \> + |2 \>`.