(ntraj, nnucl, nel, verbose=0)[source]¶ This function allocates memory for matrices (external objects). The function also creates an array of External_Hamiltonian objects and bind them to the external matrices
- Parameters
ntraj (int) – The number of trajectories in the ensemble
nnucl (int) – The number of nuclear DOF ( usually, = 3* Number_of_atoms)
nel (int) – The number of electronic DOF ( usually the number of electronic states)
verbose (int) –
The parameter controlling the amount of debug printing:
0: no printing [ default ]
1: do print info
- Returns
(ham, ham_adi, d1ham_adi, ham_vib), where:
- ham ( list of ntraj External_Hamiltonian objects ): “External Hamiltonian” objects,
one per trajectory. These are the “controller” objects that organize the flow of computations and store the results in the matrices bound to them.
- ham_adi ( list of ntraj MATRIX(nel, nel) ): Electronic Hamiltonian matrices
coupled to the ham objects
- d1ham_adi ( list ntraj lists of nnucl MATRIX(nel, nel) objects ): derivatives of
electronic Hamiltonians w.r.t. nuclear DOFs for each trajectory. Also coupled to the ham objects for the corresponding trajectories.
- ham_vib ( list of ntraj CMATRIX(nel, nel) ): Vibronic Hamiltonian matrices
coupled to the ham objects
- Return type
(syst, ff, verbose=0)[source]¶ This function creates a list of MM Hamiltonians and bind them to the corresponding systems
- Parameters
syst (list of ntraj System objects) – self-explanatory
ff (ForceField object) – defines which force fields to construct for all systems
verbose (int) –
The parameter controlling the amount of debug printing:
0: no printing [ default ]
1: do print info
- Returns
the ensemble of the objects defining the MM Hamiltonians that are also bound to the provided systems.
- Return type
(list of ntraj Hamiltonian_Atomistic objects)
(syst, ntraj, nnucl, verbose=0)[source]¶ This function creates a list of Nuclear objects and initializes them by extracting info from the provided systems - in “syst”
- Parameters
- Returns
mol: self-explanatory
- Return type
(list of ntraj Nuclear objects)
(ntraj, U, filename, format, verbose=0)[source]¶ This function creates a list of System objects and loads the content into them
- Parameters
ntraj (int) – The number of trajectories in the ensemble
U (Universe object) – The container of the fundamental parameters of atoms
filename (string) – The file containg the atomistic system
format (string) – The format of the file to load (see LoadMolecule for possible formats)
verbose (int) –
The parameter controlling the amount of debug printing:
0: no printing [ default ]
1: do print info
- Returns
the ensemble of the objects defining the replicas of the system
- Return type
(list of ntraj System objects)
(ntraj, filename, format, rnd, T, sigma, data_file='elements.dat', verbose=0)[source]¶ This function creates a list of System objects and loads the content into them, it also randomizes the original input from the coordinate file (by adding coordinate displacements and setting velocities)
- Parameters
ntraj (int) – The number of trajectories in the ensemble
U (Universe object) – The container of the fundamental parameters of atoms
filename (string) – The file containg the atomistic system
format (string) – The format of the file to load (see LoadMolecule for possible formats)
rnd (Random object) – random number generator object
T (double) – Target temperature used to initialize momenta of atoms. [ units: K ]
sigma (double) – The magnitude of a random displacement of each atom from its center [ units: Bohr ]
data_file (double) – The file containing information about elements [ default: “elements.dat” ]
verbose (int) –
The parameter controlling the amount of debug printing:
0: no printing [ default ]
1: do print info
- Returns
the ensemble of the objects defining the replicas of the system
- Return type
(list of ntraj System objects)