
libra_py.LoadMolecule.Load_Molecule(univ, syst, mol_file, format, verbosity=0)[source]

Load molecular system from various formats

Specify format manually (this gives flexibility) of format recognizable by program

  • univ (Universe object) – Contains the basic information about chemical elements

  • syst (System) – The Chemobjects object that represents molecular system - this is what we construct

  • mol_file (string) – The name of the file containing the molecular structure

  • format (string) –

    The name of the format according to which the file “mol_file” is assumed to be formatted Available options are:

    • pdb

    • pdb_1

    • true_pdb

    • true_pdb2

    • xyz

    • iqmol_pdb


but the syst object is modified to add the atoms and bonds, and to group atoms together

Return type



We assume that the coordinates in the files read are given in Angsrom.

However, the syst stores this data in the atomic units (Borh), so conversion happens