#* Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Kosuke Sato, Alexey V. Akimov
#* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
#* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#* See the file LICENSE in the root directory of this distribution
#* or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
.. module:: init_ensembles
:platform: Unix, Windows
:synopsis: This module implements functions that allocate memory for ensembles of trajectories
.. moduleauthor:: Alexey V. Akimov
import os
import sys
import math
if sys.platform=="cygwin":
from cyglibra_core import *
elif sys.platform=="linux" or sys.platform=="linux2":
from liblibra_core import *
from . import LoadMolecule
from . import LoadPT
[docs]def init_ext_hamiltonians(ntraj, nnucl, nel, verbose=0):
This function allocates memory for matrices (external objects). The function
also creates an array of External_Hamiltonian objects and bind them to the external matrices
ntraj ( int ): The number of trajectories in the ensemble
nnucl ( int ): The number of nuclear DOF ( usually, = 3* Number_of_atoms)
nel ( int ): The number of electronic DOF ( usually the number of electronic states)
verbose ( int ): The parameter controlling the amount of debug printing:
- 0: no printing [ default ]
- 1: do print info
tuple: (ham, ham_adi, d1ham_adi, ham_vib), where:
* ham ( list of ntraj External_Hamiltonian objects ): "External Hamiltonian" objects,
one per trajectory. These are the "controller" objects that organize the flow of
computations and store the results in the matrices bound to them.
* ham_adi ( list of ntraj MATRIX(nel, nel) ): Electronic Hamiltonian matrices
coupled to the ham objects
* d1ham_adi ( list ntraj lists of nnucl MATRIX(nel, nel) objects ): derivatives of
electronic Hamiltonians w.r.t. nuclear DOFs for each trajectory. Also coupled to
the ham objects for the corresponding trajectories.
* ham_vib ( list of ntraj CMATRIX(nel, nel) ): Vibronic Hamiltonian matrices
coupled to the ham objects
# Create an list of External Hamiltonian objects
ham = []
for i in range(0,ntraj):
ham_i = Hamiltonian_Extern(nel, nnucl)
ham_i.set_rep(1) # adiabatic representation
ham_i.set_adiabatic_opt(0) # use the externally-computed
# adiabatic electronic Hamiltonian and derivatives
ham_i.set_vibronic_opt(0) # use the externally-computed vibronic Hamiltonian and derivatives
# bind actual matrices to the External_Hamiltonian objects
ham_adi = []; d1ham_adi = []; ham_vib = []
for i in range(0,ntraj):
# create external matrix for adiabatic Hamiltonian
ham_adi_i = MATRIX(nel, nel)
# bind adiabatic Hamiltonian
# create external matrices for the derivatives
d1ham_adi_i= MATRIXList()
for k in range(0,nnucl):
tmp = MATRIX(nel, nel)
# bind derivative of adiabatic Hamiltonian
# create external matrix for vibronic Hamiltonian
ham_vib_i = CMATRIX(nel, nel)
# bind vibronic Hamiltonian
if verbose==1:
print("Addresses of the working matrices")
for i in range(0,ntraj):
print("%i th Hamiltonian is" % i)
print("ham_adi = ", ham_adi[i])
print("d1ham_adi = ", d1ham_adi[i])
for k in range(0,nnucl):
print("d1ham_adi[",k,"]= ", d1ham_adi[i][k])
print("ham_vib = ", ham_vib[i])
return ham, ham_adi, d1ham_adi, ham_vib
[docs]def init_systems(ntraj, U, filename, format, verbose=0):
This function creates a list of System objects and loads the content into them
ntraj ( int ): The number of trajectories in the ensemble
U ( Universe object ): The container of the fundamental parameters of atoms
filename ( string ): The file containg the atomistic system
format ( string ): The format of the file to load (see LoadMolecule for possible formats)
verbose ( int ): The parameter controlling the amount of debug printing:
- 0: no printing [ default ]
- 1: do print info
(list of ntraj System objects): the ensemble of the objects defining the replicas of the system
syst = []
for tr in range(0,ntraj):
syst.append( System() )
LoadMolecule.Load_Molecule(U, syst[tr], filename, format)
syst[tr].determine_functional_groups(0) # do not assign rings
if tr==0 and verbose==1:
print("Number of atoms in the system = ", syst[tr].Number_of_atoms)
print("Number of bonds in the system = ", syst[tr].Number_of_bonds)
print("Number of angles in the system = ", syst[tr].Number_of_angles)
print("Number of dihedrals in the system = ", syst[tr].Number_of_dihedrals)
print("Number of impropers in the system = ", syst[tr].Number_of_impropers)
return syst
[docs]def init_systems2(ntraj, filename, format, rnd, T, sigma, data_file="elements.dat", verbose=0):
This function creates a list of System objects and loads the content into them, it also randomizes
the original input from the coordinate file (by adding coordinate displacements and setting velocities)
ntraj ( int ): The number of trajectories in the ensemble
U ( Universe object ): The container of the fundamental parameters of atoms
filename ( string ): The file containg the atomistic system
format ( string ): The format of the file to load (see LoadMolecule for possible formats)
rnd ( Random object ): random number generator object
T ( double ): Target temperature used to initialize momenta of atoms. [ units: K ]
sigma ( double ): The magnitude of a random displacement of each atom from its center [ units: Bohr ]
data_file ( double ): The file containing information about elements [ default: "elements.dat" ]
verbose ( int ): The parameter controlling the amount of debug printing:
- 0: no printing [ default ]
- 1: do print info
(list of ntraj System objects): the ensemble of the objects defining the replicas of the system
# Create Universe and populate it
U = Universe(); LoadPT.Load_PT(U, data_file, 0)
syst = []
for tr in range(0, ntraj):
syst.append( System() )
LoadMolecule.Load_Molecule(U, syst[tr], filename, format)
for at in range(0, syst[tr].Number_of_atoms):
# Random shift
shift = VECTOR(sigma*rnd.normal(), sigma*rnd.normal(), sigma*rnd.normal() )
# Apply it
# Initialize random velocity at T(K) using normal distribution
syst[tr].determine_functional_groups(0) # do not assign rings
if tr==0 and verbose==1:
print("Number of atoms in the system = ", syst[tr].Number_of_atoms)
print("Number of bonds in the system = ", syst[tr].Number_of_bonds)
print("Number of angles in the system = ", syst[tr].Number_of_angles)
print("Number of dihedrals in the system = ", syst[tr].Number_of_dihedrals)
print("Number of impropers in the system = ", syst[tr].Number_of_impropers)
return syst
[docs]def init_mm_Hamiltonians(syst, ff, verbose=0):
This function creates a list of MM Hamiltonians and bind them to the corresponding systems
syst ( list of ntraj System objects ): self-explanatory
ff ( ForceField object ): defines which force fields to construct for all systems
verbose ( int ): The parameter controlling the amount of debug printing:
- 0: no printing [ default ]
- 1: do print info
(list of ntraj Hamiltonian_Atomistic objects): the ensemble of the objects defining
the MM Hamiltonians that are also bound to the provided systems.
ntraj = len(syst)
ham = []
# Creating Hamiltonian and initialize it
for tr in range(0,ntraj):
ham.append( Hamiltonian_Atomistic(1, 3*syst[tr].Number_of_atoms) )
atlst1 = range(1,syst[tr].Number_of_atoms+1)
ham[tr].set_interactions_for_atoms(syst[tr], atlst1, atlst1, ff, 1, 0) # 0 - verb, 0 - assign_rings
# Bind MM-Hamiltonian and the system
if tr==0 and verbose==1:
print("Printing the Hamiltonian info for the first trajectory")
print("Energy = ", ham.H(0,0), " a.u.")
return ham
[docs]def init_mols(syst, ntraj, nnucl, verbose=0):
This function creates a list of Nuclear objects and initializes
them by extracting info from the provided systems - in "syst"
ntraj ( int ): The number of trajectories in the ensemble
nnucl ( int ): The number of nuclear DOF ( usually, = 3* Number_of_atoms)
verbose ( int ): The parameter controlling the amount of debug printing:
- 0: no printing [ default ]
- 1: do print info
(list of ntraj Nuclear objects): mol: self-explanatory
# Initialize nuclear variables
mol = []
for i in range(0,ntraj):
if verbose==1:
for k in range(0,syst[i].Number_of_atoms):
print("mol[%d][%d]=%f,%f,%f"%(i,k,mol[i].q[3*k+0],mol[i].q[3*k+1],mol[i].q[3*k+2]) )
return mol
[docs]def init_therms(ntraj, nnucl, params, verbose=0):
This function creates a list of Thermostat objects and initializes
them according to given parameters
ntraj ( int ): The number of trajectories in the ensemble
nnucl ( int ): The number of nuclear DOF ( usually, = 3* Number_of_atoms)
verbose ( int ): The parameter controlling the amount of debug printing:
- 0: no printing [ default ]
- 1: do print info
(list of ntraj Thermostat objects): therm: self-explanatory
# Initialize Thermostat object
therm = []
for i in range(0,ntraj):
therm_i = Thermostat({"nu_therm":params["nu_therm"],
if verbose==1:
print("therm =",therm)
return therm