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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 o*ao_basis.pyThis module implements the functions that constructs atomic orbital basis by n Gaussian Type Orbitals (nGTO)
 o*defaults.pyThis module implements the functions that set up default parameters for different types of simulations
 o*detect_g09.pyThis module implements a function that detect columns showing gradients, molecular energies, molecular orbitals, and atomic basis information written in the Gaussian09 output file; also implements a function that shows the detected columns for debugging
 o*detect_gms.pyThis module implements a function that detect columns showing gradients, molecular energies, molecular orbitals, and atomic basis information written in the GAMESS output file; also implements a function that shows the detected columns for debugging
 o*extract_g09.pyThis module implements the functions that extract atomic forces , molecular energies, molecular orbitals, and atomic basis information written in Gaussian output file
 o*extract_gms.pyThis module implements the functions that extract atomic forces , molecular energies, molecular orbitals, and atomic basis information written in gamess output file
 o*hamiltonian_el.pyThis module defines the functions that return time-averaged energy and the Non-Adiabatic couplings (NACs)
 o*hamiltonian_vib.pyThis module implements the function which creates and updates ham_vib vibronic hamiltonian object
 o*include_mm.pyThis module defines a function initializing "Hamiltonian" objects for MM part
 o*main.pyThis module sets initial parameters from GAMESS output, creates initial system, and executes runMD script
 o*md.pyThis module implements functions setting initial system and executing NA-MD calculation
 o*misc.pyThis module implements a function reducing matrix sizes according to active_space
 o*moment.pyThis program implements the module that calculates and returns the dipole moment matrixes at given space coordinates r like <MO(t)| r |MO(t+dt)>
 o*overlap.pyThis module implements the functions that calculates the overlap matrixes of atomic and molecular orbitals with different time steps
 o*path_libra_lib.pyThis module defines the function which makes paths to the libra libraries
 o*print_results.pyThis module implements the functions which print out the results of NA-MD calculation
 o*reorder_matrices.pyThis module implements a function that reorders elements of density matrices or energy ones according to a permutation "perm"
 o*states.pyThis module defines the function which creates a list of ground and excited states
 o*x_to_libra_g09.pyThis module implements the functions that extract parameters from the gamess output file: atomic forces , molecular energies, molecular orbitals, and atomic basis information
 \*x_to_libra_gms.pyThis module implements the functions that extract parameters from the gamess output file: atomic forces , molecular energies, molecular orbitals, and atomic basis information