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This module implements the function which creates and updates ham_vib vibronic hamiltonian object. More...


def hamiltonian_vib.compute_Hvib
 Compute the vibronic Hamiltonian. More...
def hamiltonian_vib.compute_H_el
 For computing electronic coupling hamiltonian H_el = <Psi_i|H|Psi_j> This function uses unity operator I = sum_i|i><i| Returns H_el in non-orthogonal basis.
def hamiltonian_vib.force_orthogonal
 This function returns orthogonal gradients of all atoms using delta-SCF forces, non-orthogonal overlap matrix, and orthogonal transformation matrix. More...
def hamiltonian_vib.vibronic_hamiltonian_non_orth
 This function transforms the 1- or N- electron energies matrix and the matrix of nonadiabatic couplings into the matrix of excitation energies and corresponding couplings between the considered excited Slater determinants (SD). More...
def hamiltonian_vib.update_vibronic_hamiltonian
 This function transforms the 1- or N- electron energies matrix and the matrix of nonadiabatic couplings into the matrix of excitation energies and corresponding couplings between the considered excited Slater determinants (SD). More...

Detailed Description

This module implements the function which creates and updates ham_vib vibronic hamiltonian object.