
In this tutorial we show, step-by-step, a typical workflow of studying the dynamics of the charge carrier relaxation. In particular, we will consider the non-radiative relaxation in crystalline pentacene. This is a typical 3-step sequence that applyies pretty-much to almost any similar problem. All necessary files (code of the level 3) and some of the output results I've produced during preparation of this tutorial can be downloaded from here. To start this tutorial, download the archive and unpack it somewhere - that will create the directory PYXAID_tutorials. Below, the lines like

will represent command line. You should type the commands that follow > sign (not the sign itself).
Sometimes we will need to show what type of output the command line can produce. This will be indicated by:

Tutorial 1: Basics. Relaxation dynamics in solid pentacene

IMPORTANT: If you use QE 5.0.2 or higher - update the files in the tutorial #1 in accord with those presented in Tutorial #2. Otherwise, the calculations may fail. Alternatively, just start with Tutorial #2, but read the description of the operations from here (the workflow is the same for the two tutorials)

To start the first tutorial go to the directory PYXAID_tutorials/Tut1_basics:

> cd PYXAID_tutorials/Tut1_basics

This directory will contain a few sub-directories, containing required input files and scripts to run this example in a sequentiall manner.

> ls
] step1 step2 step3

We will need to perform calculations in each of the subfolders, starting with step1, then going to step2 and, finally, to step3

Main coarse

First of all, we need to produce an ab initio MD trajectory for our system (crystalline pentacene). Currently the main quantum-mechanical driver for such kind of calculations is the Quantum Espresso package. The folder step1 already contains all necessary input files:

> cd step1
> ls
] py-scr5.py submit.pbs x.md.in

For now, all you will need to modify the QE input file called "x.md.in" such that the variable 'pseudo_dir' points to the location of the pseudopotential files. Current value: pseudo_dir = '/usr/local/group/oprezhdo_group/QE_PP/upf_files/' The description of other parameters can be found in QE documentation.

Because most of the scientific computations are typically done on the Linux-based clusters managed by the batch systems such as PBS/Torque, we will also be using the pbs script to excute our computations on several processors and, in principle, on several nodes. Thus, before submitting a job to the PBS via submit.pbs script we will need to modify a few variables in it. In the file "submit.pbs" modify the following parameters:

#PBS -q exciton_long 
to the name of the queue on the cluster that you are using
to the location of the QE executable (PW code)

Finally, to start computations:

> qsub submit.pbs

Once the calculations are completed, the file "x.md.out" (this is defined in "submit.pbs" script) is produced, along with numerous other files that we do not need, at least for our current puprose:

> ls
] py-scr5.py x.md.out x.old2wfc12 x.old2wfc6 x.oldwfc10 x.oldwfc4 x.oldwfc9 x.wfc11 x.wfc5 ] qespresso.out x.msd.dat x.old2wfc2 x.old2wfc7 x.oldwfc11 x.oldwfc5 x.rdf.dat x.wfc12 x.wfc6 ] submit.pbs x.old2wfc1 x.old2wfc3 x.old2wfc8 x.oldwfc12 x.oldwfc6 x.save x.wfc2 x.wfc7 ] x.md x.old2wfc10 x.old2wfc4 x.old2wfc9 x.oldwfc2 x.oldwfc7 x.wfc1 x.wfc3 x.wfc8 ] x.md.in x.old2wfc11 x.old2wfc5 x.oldwfc1 x.oldwfc3 x.oldwfc8 x.wfc10 x.wfc4 x.wfc9
The file "x.md.out" contains the geometry of the molecular system at every time step of nuclear evolution, along with some other usefull information. Again, for our current purpose we will only need these geometries.

Optional coarse

Before going to the next step of this tutorial we will examine a few post-processing capabilities of the PYXAID distribution. Namely, we want to convert the "x.md.out" file, into more common file format. This is because the .out files produced by QE can not be read by many common visualization softwares, such as VMD. Among a few programs that can read it we want to note the J-ICE.

To convert the "x.md.out" file to a "x.md.xyz" file and to a set of .pdb files we will be using the PYXAID.out2xyz and PYXAID.out2pdb modules, respectively. To keep results of the conversion separate from all other files produced by QE lets first, create a directory called "snaps":

> mkdir snaps

Finally, to produce .xyz and .pdb files run "py-scr5.py" script:

> python py-scr5.py

The script "py-scr5.py" is a simple user-input file that takes advantage of the modules defined in PYXAID package. This is an excellent illustration of the level 3 code. Lets examine what the commant above has produced. Go to "snap" folder first and check out its content:

> cd snap
> ls
] snap_0.pdb snap_125.pdb snap_175.pdb snap_225.pdb snap_50.pdb traj.xyz ] snap_100.pdb snap_150.pdb snap_200.pdb snap_25.pdb snap_75.pdb

Lets examine the py-scr5.py script:

from PYXAID import*

The line 3 instructs the module PYXAID.out2pdb to use the "x.md.out" file and to create a series of MD snapshots at times 0, 25, 50, etc. for the first 250 steps (or less if the actual MD trajectory is shorter). The files will have a generic prefix "snaps/snap_", that is they will be located in the directory /snaps and will be named as snap_0.pdb, snap_25.pdb, snap_50.pdb, etc. By comparing the content of the produced files and the content of the "x.md.out" file it is easy to see that the file snap_0.pdb contains the very first (input) configuration of the molecular system, as it is intuitively expected from its name (indexing convention).

The line 4 does pretty much the same what the line 3, except now the module PYXAID.out2xyz is in play. The meaning of the input parameters and indexing convention are the same as for PYXAID.out2pdb module. The only difference is that instead of writing multiple files - one for each geometry,- a single file, called "traj.xyz" is created in /snaps directory. The geometries for different times are just stacked in that file with each one of them being in the standard .xyz format. This is also a recognized .xyz format.

Main coarse

The second step relied on the successfully completed step1 in that respect that it requires the molecular dynamics trajectory file produced by QE. Because obtaining MD trajectory file is a relatively standard procedure, it is likely that you have started from this step right away (may be the step1 MD trajectory is currently being computed to satisfy your honesty). So to start step2 go to this directory (I assume you are now in PYXAID_tutorials/Tut1_basics for some reasons) and check out its content:

> cd step2
> ls
] py-scr2.py py-scr6.py py-scr7.py submit_templ.pbs x0.exp.in x0.scf.in x1.exp.in x1.scf.in

Lets examine a few of these files. First of all, the file that drives the step2 calculations is "py-scr2.py". Lets see what is inside:

from PYXAID import *
import os

nsteps_per_job = 10
tot_nsteps = 250

# Step 1 - split MD trajectory on the time steps
# Provide files listed below: "x.md.out" and "x.scf.in"
# 1) use only ABSOLUTE path for PP in x.scf.in file
# 2) provided input file is just a template, so do not include coordinates
out2inp.out2inp("x.md.out","x0.scf.in","wd","x0.scf",0,tot_nsteps,1)  # neutral setup
out2inp.out2inp("x.md.out","x1.scf.in","wd","x1.scf",0,tot_nsteps,1)  # charged setup

# Step 2 - distribute all time steps into groups(jobs)
# several time steps per group - this is to accelerate calculations
# creates a "customized" submit file for each job and submit it - run
# a swarm in independent calculations (trajectory pieces)
# (HTC paradigm)
# Provide the files below:
# submit_templ.pbs - template for submit files - manually edit the variables
# x.exp.in - file for export of the wavefunction

os.system("cp submit_templ.pbs wd")
os.system("cp x0.exp.in wd")
os.system("cp x1.exp.in wd")


The step2 consists of basically repeating electronic structure calculations for all MD trajectory points. As it is described in the paper[], this procedure can be easily parrallelized such that the pieces of the original MD trajectory can be computed independently from each other. The lines 5 and 6 define in the above script define the way of doing this. Namely, we want to split out 250 fs trajectory into 25 pieces 10 fs each and compute the electronic Hamiltonian matrices (couplings and energies) for each of these pieces in parallel. More precisely, the parallelism we are talking about here implies submitting 25 independent PBS jobs, each of which will handle its own piece of the original MD trajectory. So this is the main idea of the "py-scr2.py" script.

Obviously, we will need to copy (or move to save space) "x.md.out" file in this directory, so:

> cp ../step1/x.md.out .

To split the MD trajectory stored in "x.md.out" file obtained in previous step and to prepare a bunch of input files for the QE sincle point calculations we use the module PYXAID.out2inp. The function out2inp, defined in this module performs that operation. Because the simulation parameters for single point calculations are in no way defined in the "x.md.out" and because we don't want to edit 250 input files manually, we use the input file headers, containing everything needed for calculations except for the actual coordinates. The coordinates will be taken out of the "x.md.out" (argument #1) file, in a way similar to how they were extracted into .xyz of .pdb formats. The input file header is called "x0.scf.in" (argument #2) and is placed in this directory. For this tutorial all you will need to edit in this file is the variable 'pseudo_dir'.

We also don't want 250 input files to be created in out current directory. That is why the function out2inp will create a working directory called "wd" (arument #3) first and then the input files created will be placed there, leaving our current directory tidy. The files created will have a generic prefix "x0.scf" (argument #4). The geometries will be extracted from time 0 (initial configuration, argument #5) till the time given by the variable tot_nsteps (argument #6) every 1 (arument #7) time step. That is the files x0.scf.0.in, x0.scf.1.in, ... x0.scf250.in will eventually be created and placed in the working directory "wd"

The line 14 repeats the same operations but using different input file header (in this case for the -1 charged system). The calculations of such type are needed for the band gap and NAC correction calculations. So, similarly to how you the edited file "x0.scf.in" you need to edit the file "x1.scf.in".

Once the script has prepared the necessary files it needs to submit a series (in our case 25) of pbs jobs. Again, we don't want to prepare 25 submit files each of which will handle a specific range of the input files. To automate this we will be using the PYXAID.distribute module. This is realized by the line 30. But before going into description of how this function works, we should note that the script copies the files "submit_templ.pbs", "x0.exp.in" and "x1.exp.in" (lines 26-28) to the just created "wd" directory and then it goes into that directory (line 29). So when the line 39 is called the os.getcwd() (the function that returns the current working directory of the Python interpreter/shell) will be ".../step2/wd", where "..." denotes arbitrary preceeding part of the path.

Ok, now we are virtually in the ".../step2/wd" directory. So what are the parameters of the distribute(...) function called in line 30. The first two arguments (0 and the value of the tot_nsteps variable, which is equal to 250) define the range of the input files to be actually used in the ongoing computations. The third argument (value of the nsteps_per_job variable) determines how many input files to be processed within each single job. In our case it is equal to 10. Next argument ("submit_templ.pbs") indicates which file is to be used as a template for submit files to be created. This file must be located in the current working directory - that is why we copied it from the upper level folder by the command in line 26. The next argument is the list of the filenames containing the input for wavefunction extraction by the pw_extract program of the QE package. The files included in this list ("x0.exp.in" and "x1.exp.in") will be distributed with to all jobs and must be present in cureent working directory at this point - that is why we copied them from the outer level by lines 27 and 28. The next argument - is also a list but now it contains the prefixes for the input files to be distributed to each job. That means the script will look for the files called x0.scf.#.in and x1.scf.#.in in the current directory (and they are already here, because the lines 13 and 14 did this job) and will pick bundles of them to be used in given PBS job. The # character here represents the actual numbers to be used. For example, in our case the job0 will require # to be in range from 0 to 10, job1 will require # in range from 10 to 20, and so on. These ranges are defined by the first 3 arguments of the distribute function. The prefixes must be consitent with those used as the arguments in out2inp function in lines 13 and 14 (otherwise the correct files will not be found).

Finally, the last argument, equal to 1, is a flag of job execution. If it is set to 1 (as in our case) the jobs will actually be started, if it is set to 0 - no PBS jobs will start - the script will only prepare the file system within "wd" directory to execution of the set of the jobs. So it is advisable to start experimenting by setting this flag to 0 and checking is everything went right.

Now, before actually starting calculations we need to modify the file "submit_template.pbs" that is present in our ".../step2" directory. Remember, the file and folder manipulations we have discussed above have not been actually performed yet. So lets take a look on the script:

#PBS -q exciton
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4
#PBS -l walltime=120:00:00
#PBS -l pvmem=1800mb
#PBS -o qespresso.out
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -N pentacene
#PBS -m n

echo "Current working directory is: $PBS_O_WORKDIR"
# Automatically determine the number of available nodes
NP=$(wc -l $PBS_NODEFILE | awk '{print $1}')
echo "Running on $NP nodes"

# Setup all manual parameters here
# Must be ABSOLUTE paths

# These will be assigned automatically, leave them as they are

# This is invocation of the scripts which will further handle NA-MD calclculations
# on the NAC calculation step
python -c "from PYXAID import *
params = { }
print params

The lines 2-10 define the PBS job parameters: which queue to use, how many nodes/CPUs and how much time and memory to request and how to handle the input/output operations. Also note the line 10. It is particularly important, because it lets computing nodes know the current environment variables, including PYTHONPATH, in particular. So it is important to pass that information to all involved nodes so that they could find the PYXAID package. You will need to modify the PBS-related parameters according to your cluster.

The lines 12-16 define the working directory (now in the PBS filesystem) - each for each job submitted. Remember, we are discussing the submit file template - it will be used to create actual submit files for each job to run. In addition, the number of available processors is determined for each job and is used to parallelize computations (now on the level of the QE package).

The lines 20-22 define the paths that are used as the parameters in the further calculations requested by the script. It is important to note here that, because each job has its own "current working directory", it is hard to use relative paths for many jobs. So one must define the path variables in the lines 20-22 as the ABSOLUTE paths. For this tutorial, this is the only place that you will need to modify (apart from the PBS-specific variables). The variables in lines 20 and 21 define the paths to the pw and pw_export binaries of the QE package. The variable in line 22 sets the path to the directory in which all results (from each independently running job) will be collected. You also need to CREATE RESULTS DIRECTORY defined by this path:

> mkdir res

Lines 25 and 26 is the main part of this file that makes it template. This is because the variables param1 and param2 are not set. To turn this template to actual submit-file one simply needs to set this variables to specific values. The values determine the range of the input files to be processed by each job. When multiple jobs (in our case 25) are spawned the distribute(...) function of the distribute module will set the variables param1 and param2 according to its arguments (see discussion above).

Finally, the variables are set, files and folders are created or copied, PBS-specific parameters are set, envoronmental variables are defined. Now we are ready to perform some useful task. This task in defined by the lines 30-50. Basically, it is the invocation of the python interpreter in the working directory of each job. The python is supplied with the command-line type of the argument taken withing " on line 30 and " on line 50. The python script contained withing these limits involves the module runMD. In particular, the function runMD is called with the argument params of the dictionary type. A set of the key-value pairs of the dictionary params defined in lines 31-47 determines the way the computations will be performed. In principle, this the other place of the script you need to edit according to your needs. However, for this tutorial all parameters are already defined and need not be modified.

So now, when we have copied the "x.md.out" file in thise directory, created the results directory and edited the submit template and scf input header files, we are ready to actually run the second step of calculations.

>python py-scr2.py
] 3503825.bhsn-int.bluehive.crc.private ] 3503826.bhsn-int.bluehive.crc.private ] 3503827.bhsn-int.bluehive.crc.private ] 3503828.bhsn-int.bluehive.crc.private ] 3503829.bhsn-int.bluehive.crc.private ] 3503831.bhsn-int.bluehive.crc.private ] 3503832.bhsn-int.bluehive.crc.private ] 3503833.bhsn-int.bluehive.crc.private ] 3503834.bhsn-int.bluehive.crc.private ] 3503835.bhsn-int.bluehive.crc.private ] ...

Now if we check the content of our current directory we will see that the "wd" folder has been created:

> ls
] py-scr2.py py-scr6.py py-scr7.py res submit_templ.pbs wd x0.exp.in x0.scf.in x1.exp.in x1.scf.in x.md.out

Lets now check what is in that directory:

> cd wd
> ls

We can see that it contains the files x0.scf.0.in ... x0.scf.250.in, x1.scf.0.in ... x1.scf.250.in and 25 sub-directories: job0, ..., job24. The file submit_templ.pbs is also here.

Going deeper, lets see what is in job0.

> cd job0
> ls

Depending on time you check the content the output may look like:

] submit_templ.pbs  x0.save       x0.scf.2.in  x0.scf.7.in  x0.wfc3     x1.scf.0.in   x1.scf.4.in  x1.scf.9.in
] wd_test           x0.scf.0.in   x0.scf.3.in  x0.scf.8.in  x0.wfc4     x1.scf.10.in  x1.scf.5.in
] x0.exp.in         x0.scf.10.in  x0.scf.4.in  x0.scf.9.in  x1.exp.in   x1.scf.1.in   x1.scf.6.in
] x0.export         x0.scf.1.in   x0.scf.5.in  x0.wfc1      x1.exp.out  x1.scf.2.in   x1.scf.7.in
] x0.exp.out        x0.scf.1.out  x0.scf.6.in  x0.wfc2      x1.save     x1.scf.3.in   x1.scf.8.in


] qespresso.out     x0.exp.out    x0.scf.1.in  x0.scf.5.in  x0.scf.9.in  x1.scf.0.in   x1.scf.3.in  x1.scf.7.in
] submit_templ.pbs  x0.save       x0.scf.2.in  x0.scf.6.in  x1.exp.in    x1.scf.10.in  x1.scf.4.in  x1.scf.8.in
] wd_test           x0.scf.0.in   x0.scf.3.in  x0.scf.7.in  x1.exp.out   x1.scf.1.in   x1.scf.5.in  x1.scf.9.in
] x0.exp.in         x0.scf.10.in  x0.scf.4.in  x0.scf.8.in  x1.save      x1.scf.2.in   x1.scf.6.in

In the first case we may observe the temporarily created and deleted folders x0.export and x1.export. They are created by the runMD function of the runMD module and contain the temporary output of pw_export program. This output contains the wavefunction for given configuration exported in the ascii format (basically plain text) and then utilized to compute non-adiabatic couplings and the transition dipole matrix elements. In the last case we see that the file qespresso.out is created indicated that the job0 has completed. Keep in mind, that this does not necesserily mean the job is completed successfully. In the case if some troubles are met it will contain the errors. In any case it will also contain the output of the runMD function called many times - once for each geometry we handle.

Add more detailed description of the output here

After waiting for a while for the calculations to finish we are almost ready to the next step. But before that we want to check out a few other things.

First of all, we should verify if all our jobs have completed successfully. For long simulations and large systems it is possible that some of the jobs have processed all necessary files, but others were somewhat slower or crashed, so the output for the configurations they were supposed to handle will be missing. For the dynamics calculations in the step3 it is important to have all sequential files without empty gaps.

So lets first go up to our PYXAID_tutorials/Tut1_basics/step2 directory. In this directory you will find the file "py-scr7.py" file. It is very symple python script that uses the function check of the PYXAID.filesys module.

import os
from PYXAID import *

# Edit parameters of the function called below
# argument #1 - prefix of the file to be found
# argument #2 - suffix of the file to be found
# argument #3 - minimal index of the file to be found
# argument #4 - maximal index of the file to be found

The script checks if the files 0_Ham_0_re, 0_Ham_1_re, ... 0_Ham_500_re exist in the subfolder /res of the current working directory. The functions will output the list of the pieces of the MD trajectory that has been computed (defined by Ham_ files that are present). For example, by running this script a while after starting the whole series of step2 calculations we can see that each job is steadily doing its work:

> python py-scr7.py
] range(0,3) nelts = 3 ] range(10,12) nelts = 2 ] range(20,23) nelts = 3 ] range(30,35) nelts = 5 ] range(40,43) nelts = 3 ] range(50,53) nelts = 3 ] range(60,63) nelts = 3 ...

This means that the job0 is has processed 3 MD steps and has produced the files with the time step indes in range (0,3), that is 0_Ham_0_re, 0_Ham_1_re and 0_Ham_2_re. The job2 was a bit slower and produces only 2 files in its range - 0_Ham_10_re and 0_Ham_11_re. At the same time the job3 was much faster, producing 5 files - 0_Ham_30_re, ... 0_Ham_34_re. We should note that with the help of script "py-scr7.py" we have only checked the files of 0_Ham_#_re type. Other files such as 0_Ham_#_im, 1_Ham_#_re, 0_Hprime_#x_re, 0_Hprime_#z_im, etc. are also produced in thise calculations. But because they are produced simulataneously with the 0_Ham_#_re files we can judge about the completion of the entire run by just checking one type of the files.

Once the all the jobs have completed their portions of the calculation, the /res directory will contain a full set of the Hamiltonian and the transition dipole moment matrix elements for all input geometries actually computed from 0 to 250. Note, the arguments 0 and 300 that are given in the function check(...) in line 10 define only the range of possible values of the file indexes. All the non-empty continuity ranges within such an interval will be shown.

So now we have:

> python py-scr7.py
This indicates that the all necessary quantities required for the next step - non-adiabatic MD - has been computed successfully.

Optional coarse

Before going to the next step - NA-MD simulations we may be interested in the properties of the electronic Hamiltonian matrix and transition dipole moments. In the sense of the avaverage values along the trajectory (or its piece). To perform such kind of the analysis we will use the module PYXAID.excitation_spectrum. The script that makes use of the functions included in this modele is "py-scr6.py":

from PYXAID import *
# Example of usage
opt = 1
scl1 = 13.60569253 # Ry to eV
scl2 = 1000.0 # some scaling to get plottable data
HOMO = 102
minE = 0.0
maxE = 10.0
dE = 0.05
tmin = 0
tmax = 250


# Energy, couplings and H' in space of orbital indexes
excitation_spectrum.ham_map("res/0_Ham_",   tmin,tmax,"_re" ,opt,scl1,"spectr1/ave_Ham_re.dat")
excitation_spectrum.ham_map("res/0_Ham_",   tmin,tmax,"_im" ,opt,scl1,"spectr1/ave_Ham_im.dat")

# Same, but in space of orbital energies
excitation_spectrum.ham_map1("res/0_Ham_","_re","res/0_Ham_",   tmin,tmax,"_re" ,opt,scl1,scl1,"spectr1/1ave_Ham_re.dat")
excitation_spectrum.ham_map1("res/0_Ham_","_re","res/0_Ham_",   tmin,tmax,"_im" ,opt,scl1,scl1,"spectr1/1ave_Ham_im.dat")

The lines 4-12 define some parameters used in the functions below. Their mening is either commented or relatively easy to deduce from their names. Yet, some comments may be helpful: variable opt (line 4) chooses what kind of averaging procedure we will be using (0 - average the values as they are, 1 - average the absolute values, 2 - compute the square root of the sum of squares and divide by the number of terms), variable HOMO - defines the index of the highest occupied orbital in the files. If all orbitals are considered it will coincide with the value of the variable params["nocc"] set in the submit_templ.pbs discussed above (see line 40). However, if the params["minband"] (line 39, the same script) is not 1, then the index of the HOMO will be smaller (because not all occupied orbitals are printed in that case). In particular, in that case HOMO will be equal to params["nocc"]-params["minband"]+1.

The variable minE, maxE (lines 8-9) define the subset of orbitals for which matrix elements will be written. Only the matrix elements H_ij will be printed if the orbital energy of both phi_i and phi_j are within the [minE,maxE] range. Variable dE (line 10) defines the spacing of the energy grid.

Finally, the variable tmin and tmax (line 11 and 12) define the temporal interval over which the averaging will be performed. In our case we request the averaging over the full MD trajectory we have computed.

The lines below in the script perform the computations of different variables - Hamiltonian matrix elements (Ham_) or the components of the transition dipole moment (Hprime_), different components - real and imaginary parts, different types of representation - in energy scale or in the orbital index scale. See comment lines in the script.

One can see that the firt arguments in the functions utilized provide the file prefixes for the file series that need to be averaged. These files are located in /res directory and is the output of the py-scr2.py script. The output containing the averaged values will be written in the files such as "ab_spectrx.dat", "ave_Ham_re.dat", etc. in the directory /spectr1. The directory is assumed to exist, so we need to create it manually:

> mkdir spectr1				
And then we are ready to execute the "py-scr6.py" script:
> python py-scr6.py			

The calculations shouldn't take long. Once they are finished we get a bunch of useful files in the /spectr1 directory:

> cd spectr1
> ls
] 1ave_Ham_im.dat 1ave_Hprime_y_re.dat ab_spectry.dat ave_Ham_re.dat ave_Hprime_z_re.dat ] 1ave_Ham_re.dat 1ave_Hprime_z_re.dat ab_spectrz.dat ave_Hprime_x_re.dat ] 1ave_Hprime_x_re.dat ab_spectrx.dat ave_Ham_im.dat ave_Hprime_y_re.dat

Finally, to visualize the computed results copy the gnuplot-scripts from the PYXAID/code_level3/plotting directory of your PYXAID package to the spectr1 directory. Namely, to visulaize the Hamiltonian and transition dipole matrices you will need the scripts plt_map and plt_map1. The first will show these matrices in orbital index coordinates, while the second - in energy of the KS orbitals coordinates:

> spectr1
> cp ...PYXAID/code_level3/plotting/plt_map .
> gnuplot plt_map
> cp ...PYXAID/code_level3/plotting/plt_map1 .
> gnuplot plt_map1

Make sure that you have adjusted the parameters in these plotting scripts to your specific needs. Also the current scripts are written for pngcairo terminal, that is working on my Win 7 machine. On other systems this terminal may be unavailable, so you will pick the one that works for you best. The visualization of the Ham_ and Hprime_ matrices produced is shown below:

Figure 1. Hamiltonian in orbital index coordinates:

Figure 2.Hamiltonian in orbital energy (shifted to make HOMO energy = 0) coordinates:

Figure 3.x, y and z components of the transition dipole matrix in orbital index coordinates:

Figure 4.x, y and z components of the transition dipole matrix in orbital energy (shifted to make HOMO energy = 0) coordinates:

In addition to maps shown above, that visualize the coupling (radiative or non-radiative) strength of all pairs of states one may be interested in a sum of transition dipole moments (radiative coupling) for any transition withing given energy interval. In other words such type of information is equivalent to electronic absorption spectra. The total absorption intensities for the light coming along x, y and z directions are computed in the lines 14-16 of the "py-scr6.py" script (see snippet above). The result is stored in the files "ab_spectrx.dat", "ab_spectry.dat" and "ab_spectrz.dat". To visulaize these files copy gnuplot script "plt_spectr" from the ...PYXAID/code_level3/plotting directory and run gnuplot:

> cp ...PYXAID/code_level3/plotting/plt_spectr .
> gnuplot plt_spectr

The resulting picture is shown below:

Figure 5. x, y and z components of the absorption intensity

Main coarse

Now we have done all especially time-consuming and dirty work. And we are ready for more pleasant, faster, and clean step - doing the actual NA-MD calculations. To start, go to the step3 directory:

> cd ...PYXAID_tutorials/Tut1_basics/step3

Its content consists of only 3 files:

> ls
] py-scr3.py py-scr4.py submit_namd.pbs

The file "py-scr3.py" contains all instructions for running NA-MD calculations and its analysis. Lets take a look on it:

from PYXAID import *
import os

# Input section: Here everything can be defined in programable way, not just in strict format

params = {}

# Define general control parameters (file names, directories, etc.)
# Path to Hamiltonians
# These paths must direct to the folder that contains the results of
# the step2 calculations (Ham_ and (optinally) Hprime_ files) and give
# the prefixes and suffixes of the files to read in
rt = "/scratch/aakimov/PYXAID_tutorials/Tut1_basics/step2"
params["Ham_re_prefix"] = rt+"/res/0_Ham_"
params["Ham_re_suffix"] = "_re"
params["Ham_im_prefix"] = rt+"/res/0_Ham_"
params["Ham_im_suffix"] = "_im"
params["Hprime_x_prefix"] = rt + "/res/0_Hprime_"
params["Hprime_x_suffix"] = "x_re"
params["Hprime_y_prefix"] = rt + "/res/0_Hprime_"
params["Hprime_y_suffix"] = "y_re"
params["Hprime_z_prefix"] = rt + "/res/0_Hprime_"
params["Hprime_z_suffix"] = "z_re"
params["energy_units"] = "Ry"                # This specifies the units of the Hamiltonian matrix elements as they
                                             # are written in Ham_ files. Possible values: "Ry", "eV"

# Set up other simulation parameters:
# Files and directories (apart from the Ham_ and Hprime_)
params["scratch_dir"] =  os.getcwd()+"/out"  # Hey! : you need to create this folder in the current directory
                                             # This is were all (may be too many) output files will be written
params["read_couplings"] = "batch"           # How to read all input (Ham_ and Hprime_) files. Possible values:
                                             # "batch", "online"

# Simulation type
params["runtype"] = "namd"                   # Type of calculation to perform. Possible values:
                                             # "namd" - to do NA-MD calculations, "no-namd"(or any other) - to
                                             # perform only pre-processing steps - this will create the files with
                                             # the energies of basis states and will output some useful information,
                                             # it may be particularly helpful for preparing your input
params["decoherence"] = 0                    # Do you want to include decoherence via DISH? Possible values:
                                             # 0 - no, 1 - yes
params["is_field"] = 0                       # Do you want to include laser excitation via explicit light-matter
                                             # interaction Hamiltonian? Possible values: 0 - no, 1 - yes

# Integrator parameters
params["elec_dt"] = 1.0                      # Electronic integration time step, fs
params["nucl_dt"] = 1.0                      # Nuclear integration time step, fs (this parameter comes from
                                             # you x.md.in file)
params["integrator"] = 0                     # Integrator to solve TD-SE. Possible values: 0, 10,11, 2

# NA-MD trajectory and SH control
params["namdtime"] = 200                     # Trajectory time, fs
params["num_sh_traj"] = 1000                 # Number of stochastic realizations for each initial condition
params["boltz_flag"] = 1                     # Boltzmann flag (set to 1 anyways)
params["Temp"] = 300.0                       # Temperature of the system
params["alp_bet"] = 0                        # How to treat spin. Possible values: 0 - alpha and beta spins are not
                                             # coupled to each other, 1 - don't care about spins, only orbitals matter

params["debug_flag"] = 0                     # If you want extra output. Possible values: 0, 1, 2, ...
                                             # as the number increases the amount of the output increases too
                                             # Be carefull - it may result in a huge output!

# Parameters of the field (if it is included)
params["field_dir"] = "xyz"                 # Direction of the field. Possible values: "x","y","z","xy","xz","yz","xyz"
params["field_protocol"] = 1                # Envelope function. Possible values: 1 - step function, 2 - saw-tooth
params["field_Tm"] = 25.0                   # Middle of the time interval during which the field is active
params["field_T"] = 25.0                    # The period (duration) of the field pulse
params["field_freq"] = 3.0                  # The frequency of the field radiation = energy of the photons
params["field_freq_units"] = "eV"           # Units of the above quantity. Possible values: "eV", "nm","1/fs","rad/fs"
params["field_fluence"] = 1.0               # Defines the light radiation intensity (fluence), mJ/cm^2

# Define states:
# Example of indexing convention with Nmin = 5, HOMO = 5, Nmax = 8
# the orbitals indices are consistent with QE (e.g. PP or DOS) indexing, which starts from 1
# [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] - all computed orbitals
# [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]                     - occupied orbitals
#                 [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] - unoccupied orbitals
#              [5, 6, 7, 8]            - active space

# Excitations from 102 (HOMO) to [103,... Nmax]
Nmin = 90
HOMO = 102
Nmax = 122

# Initial condition excitation: I->J
I = 102
J = 108
# This is how I,J are mapped to index of the corresponding basis state
# see module lazy.py for more details. This is not the most general way
# of such mapping though.
ex_indx = 1 + (J-LUMO)*(HOMO+1 - Nmin) + (I-Nmin)

# Each entry of the list below is an initial condition. It is also a list
# but containing only 2 elements - first is the time step at which we start
# the dynamics, the second is the index of the excited state configuration
params["iconds"] = [ [0,ex_indx], [25, ex_indx], [49, ex_indx] ]

# Set active space and the basis states
params["active_space"] = range(Nmin,Nmax+1)

# Generate basis states
GS = lazy.ground_state(Nmin,HOMO)  # ground state
SE = lazy.single_excitations(Nmin,Nmax,HOMO,1)  # single excitations

# Now combine the ground and singly excited states in one list
# In our convention, the GS configuration must be the first state in the
# list of the basis states.
params["states"] = []
for se in SE:

# Execution section: Here we actually start the NA-MD calculations and the analysis

############ Run calculations ######################
print params                   # print out all simulation parameters first

########### Below we will be using the average.py module ########
# Note: If you want to re-run averaging calculations - just comment out the line
# calling namd() functions (or may be some other unnecessary calculations)

Nstates = len(params["states"])  # Total number of basis states
inp_dir = os.getcwd()+"/out"     # this is the directory containing the input for this stage
                                 # it is the directory where pyxaid_core.namd() has written all
                                 # it output (raw output)
opt = 12                         # Defines the type of the averaging we want to do. Possible values:
                                 # 1 - average over intial conditions, independnetly for each state
                                 # 2 - sum the averages for groups of states (calculations with opt=1 must
                                 # already be done). One can do this for different groups of states without
                                 # recomputing initial-conditions averages - they stay the same
                                 # 12 - do the steps 1 and 2 one after another

# Define the groups of states for which we want to know the total population as a function of time
MS = []
for i in range(0,Nstates):
    MS.append([i])   # In our case - each group of states (macrostate) contains only a single basis configuration
                     # (microstate)

res_dir = os.getcwd()+"/macro"  # Hey! : you need to create this folder in the current directory
                                # This is where the averaged results will be written

# Finally, run the averaging

Although the file may look a bit long, this size is due to numerous explanatory comments. The meaning of the most of the input parameters is either explained in the file itself or is easy to understand. One can distinguish 3 main parts of this file: a) lines 1-120 - the specification of practically all input paramters (even those that will not be used in this calculation); b) line 130 - execution of the NA-MD calculations; c) lines 131-158 - analysis of the raw NA-MD results - to make them easier to interpret and handle. The all necessary parameters are already set for our pentacene molecule, so you don't need to modify almos any of them. Except... Note the lines 16, 33, and 154. The first line point to the location of the /res directory computed in the step2. So you need to modify it according to your file system. The other two lines don't need to be altered. But they imply that in there are sub-directories called out and macro in you current working directory. So you need to create them first:

> mkdir out
> mkdir macro

Now you are ready to launch the script. You can do it in two ways:
Either as normal python script, from the command line:

> python py-scr3.py

or via the PBS script "submit_namd.pbs":

> qsub submit_namd.pbs

Note, that because the pyxaid_core.namd() function is not parallelizable, there is no need in using mpiexc and requesting more than 1 CPU. You may also be wondering why would you need to use PBS if the step3 is relatively inexpensive stage? Well, it is much easier than ab initio calculations, but still may take quite long time to compute (especially if you use decoherence algorithms, integrator = 2, large basis set sizes, and small integration time steps). In addition, the code is still need to be improved in respect of memory-usage, so you may need to request alot of memory.

The computation didn't take long and we can now examine the content of the out and macro directories:

> cd out
> ls
] me_energies0 me_energies1 me_energies2 me_pop0 me_pop1 me_pop2 out0 out1 out2

The files out0, out1, and out2 in the out directory contain the SH-based probabilities along 3 different initial conditions specified in the input. Note, these conditions are different only by the starting (and consequent) geometries, but in all of them the initial state is chosen to be the same - the one with index 78 = the excitation from the HOMO to the LUMO+5. The files me_pop0, me_pop1, me_pop2 contain a similar information - the SE-based populations - the solutions of the TD-SE along the pieces of our trajectory. Finally, the files me_energies0, me_energies1 and me_energies2 contain the energy of the configurations along these paths.

Now, the macro folder:

> cd ../macro
> ls
se_en_ex78 se_pop_ex78 sh_en_ex78 sh_pop_ex78

It contials only 4 files: sh_pop_ex78 - the average of out0, out1 and out2; se_pop_ex78 - the average of the me_pop0, me_pop1 and me_pop2; se_en_ex78 - the average (over initial geometries) energy of the system, computed using SE-probabilities; sh_en_ex78 - the similar quantity but that uses SH-based populations. The suffix _ex78 in all these files indicates that this is for the initial state prepared as the basis configuration with index 78 (HOMO->LUMO+5).

Finally, we want to visualize the results produced. Some information can be plotted right from the file we just produced. For example, to plot the average (SH- and SE-based) energy as the function of time go to macro directory and copy the plotting script "plt_relax" from the distributions directory .../PYXAID/code_level3/plotting:

> cd macro
cp .../PYXAID/code_level3/plotting/plt_relax .

Run the script in a gnuplot:

> gnuplot plt_relax

The same kind of caution should be exercised as in plotting results in the step2 - some adjustments may be required depending on the terminals available or the version of gnuplot. The resulting picture is shown below:

Figure 1. Non-radiative relaxation dynamics in solid pentacene.

To obtain more advanced and comprehensive visualization of the results of the dynamics we use the PYXAID.td_map module. The function make_map is called in "py-scr4.py" script:

from PYXAID import *

# Example of usage

This function utilizes the information about the energies of the states (from out/me_energies0), and time-dependent populations of all states - either SH-based (macro/sh_pop_ex78) or SE-based (macro/se_pop_ex78). It produces the files se.dat and sh.dat (in the macro directory). These files contain the information about the population of all basis states and the energies of these states as the function of time. To plot this information in a 2D map use the script plt_td_map from the .../PYXAID/code_level3/plotting directory:

> cp .../PYXAID/code_level3/plotting/plt_relax .
> gnuplot plt_relax

The resulting pictures are shown below:

Figure 2.The TD-map plots showing the relaxation dynamics in solid pentacene. The x asis - is the time, y axis - is the energy of the states, z axis (color scale) - is the population of given energy level/state.

Optional coarse

Coming soon...

Tutorial 2: Small example. Program updates (as of 6/30/2014)

This tutorial is essentially similar to the tutorial #1, but the system is more suitable for rapid tests - ethylene in a 10 x 10 x 10 Angstrom box (vacuum). The main workflow is the same as before, but a few modifications are introduced to reflect updated philosophy of the quantum mechanical engine - QE. Also, we omit some calculations made in Tutorial 1 and show the rest from a slightly different angle.

IMPORTANT: If you use QE 5.0.2 or higher - update the files in the tutorial #1 in accord with those presented in this one. Otherwise, the calculations may fail

To start this tutorial go to the directory PYXAID_tutorials/Tut2_small
> cd PYXAID_tutorials/Tut2_small

Main coarse

Similarly to tutorial #1, this tutorial is organized in 3 steps. The files needed for going through it as well as some output results are already in the folders step1, step2, and step3.

Here we only outline the differences with the previous tutorial

Step 1

The only difference here is just using on new job management environment - SLURM. This is reflected in the format of the submit.slm file, which is now used instead of submit.pbs For local users: Because of recent migration of the bluehive cluster to new bluehive2 platform, the path to the executables (QE) has also changed. Also keep in mind that your specific environment may not be suitable for running calculations on the private partiotion - exciton, so modify the header of the submit file accordingly. To learn more, see here:

To run this step:

  1. go to step1 folder:

    > cd step1
  2. Modify input files x.md.in and x.exp.in, and environment variables in submit.slm
  3. submit the calculations:

    > sbatch submit.slm

Step 2

The main changes to py-scr2.py file:

  1. We do the calculations for only neutral set, so x1.scf.in and x1.exp.in files are not needed, and the lines with their use are now commented.
  2. The files x1.scf.in and x1.exp.in are not distributed into the job folders - this is reflected in the new call of distribute.distribute(...) function
  3. The option to run set of calculations under SLURM enviroment is now added - this is reflected in the argument "2" or the last parameter in distribute function. To be compatible with earlier version, the option 1 can be used to run jobs using mpirun (for PBS environment) or the option 0 - if one only wants to redistribute files and prepare job folders, but not run actual calculations. New option 2 will run jobs usin srun (for SLURM environment)

The main changes to submit_templ.slm file:

  1. Adaptation to SLURM environment
  2. Manual request of the number of cores (in this case 4) for parsing into the following embedded python script. The number of cores should be compatible with the number requested in the header of the submit file.
  3. Use of runMD1 module in the embedded python script. This module is corrected to perform intermediate file conversion transformations - from binary to text. This is because QE (pw_export) now writes wfc.1 and grid.1 files in binary format. The runMD module is preserved for back-compatibility.
  4. The new module runMD1 now requires additional argument: params[\"EXE_CONVERT\"] = \"$exe_convert\" The exe_convert should point to iotk executable, which is supplied with QE distribution. In the present case it is in the /software/group/oprezhdo_group/espresso-5.0.2/bin/iotk directory.
  5. We now use "complete" wavefunction pre-processing option: params[\"wfc_preprocess\"]=\"complete\". Why? What does it mean? See the tutorial # 3.

Changes to files py-scr6.py and py-scr7.py are mostly task-specific. In addition, in case of py-scr6.py file we only compute Hamiltonian matrix in two different coordinate systems, but not H_prime matrices (because this was not requested in our submit_templ.slm)

So, to run this step:

  1. go to step2 folder (assuming you are still in step1):

    > cd ../step2
  2. copy the output file of the MD calculations obtained in the step1 to this directory:

    > cp ../step1/x.md.out .

    or simply use the x.md.out file already provided with this tutorial

  3. create res directory:

    > mkdir res
  4. Modify the file submit_templ.slm : setup paths to executables - pw, pw_export, iotk, and to the results directory - the /res folder just created

  5. Modify parameters of the py-scr2.py file, at you will - mainly the variables nsteps_per_job and tot_nsteps. The latter can not be larger than the actual number of steps computed in MD during step 1, but it can be smaller.

  6. Submit calculations:

    > python py-scr2.py
  7. Check successfulness of completion of all calculations by running py-scr7.py from time to time

    > python py-scr7.py

    The calculations are successfully completed if the output of this operation is:

    ] range(0,49)       nelts = 49
  8. Once the calcuations are completed, create the folder spectr:

    > mkdir spectr
  9. Modify the file py-scr6.py, if needed - mostly tmin, tmax options, but also scl1 and opt, if needed. Compute Hailtonian maps:

    > python py-scr6.py
  10. Visualize the Hamiltonian maps as explained in Tutorial 1

  11. The reference results are provided: see archives res.tar.bz2 and spectr.tar.bz2 provided with this tutorial

Step 3

Here we compute relaxation dynamics of the first excited state (LUMO->HOMO) transition in planar (ground state-like geometry) of ethylene H2C=CH2. Our simulation time is set to 25 fs, and the averaging is perfromed over initial 20 fs. 1000 stochastic realizations are included. We consider the minimal basis of just two determinants - ground and first excited states.

The main changes to py-scr3.py file:

  1. System-specific modifications: path, parameters
  2. Unlike Tutorial 1, here we show how one can manually define basis states to include in simulations - see more info in HOW TO page. Here we just demonstrate it in the practical application.
  3. We also demonstrate how scripting capabilities of Python can be used within the input file (py-scr3.py), to define large number of initial conditions: we consider 2 initial basis states - Ground and first excited, and 10 initial times for each of them. Thus, in total we have 20 initial conditions.

Corrections to submit_namd.slm concern using SLURM environment. Corrections to the script py-scr4.py are system-specific.

To run this step:

  1. go to step3 directory:

    > cd ../step3
  2. Create directories out and macro:

    > mkdir out
    > mkdir macro
  3. Modify parameters of the py-scr3.py file, most importantly - the path to the res directory that contains Hamiltonian files, computed in step 2
  4. Run calculations:

    > sbatch submit_namd.slm
  5. Compute se.dat and sh.dat files for further plotting of TD-energy maps (see more details in Tutorial 1):

    > python py-scr4.py

    The files generated are now in macro directory

  6. Analyse your results, plot figures - see Tutorial 1 how to do this. For comparison, this tutorial contains the reference results, archived in the files macro.tar.bz2 out.tar.bz2
  7. The timescale for relaxation dynamics of H2C=CH2 obtined in our calculations is far to large - one can not observe SH events at all, one can use SE- derived populations to estimates the timescales. In reality, the transition occurs on the order of ~100 fs or so (if i remember it correctly). This tutorial does not care much about the quality of the computed results in this case - the main goal was to show the basic mechanics of the calculations with a small, fast example, such that the whole tutorial can be completed in the matter of 1 h, at most (rough estimate). The reason why a very long relaxation time is obtained is the use of CPA. With this approximation, the nuclear geometry evolves on the electronic ground state PES. As the result, the molecule stays almost planar all the time, and the NAC is small. In reality, the excited state PES may drive the system to the twisted conformation, at which the electronic energy surfaces for GS and S1 states are degenerate and hence are strongly coupled. In this geometry NACs are sufficiently large to induce rapid electronic transitions. In the CPA this conformation is not achieved, however, leading to very slow relaxation dynamics.

Tutorial 3: Code level 2 - NAC computations

This tutorial described more advanced and basics topics, more suitable for developers or system administrators who may need better understanding of the code, for its adaptation to a particular computational environment. Of course, we hope that this tutorial will also be of use to researchers, who want to utilize full capabilities of the code, hidden from basic users. Specifically, in this Tutorial we will show how the classes and functions defined in the pyxaid_code can be used in the python script. In fact, the first tutorial in this section will actually describe most of the content of the runMD.py module/file, but in the standalone manner. This code will then be adapted for further computations of NAC - e.g. in systematic manner for construction of model Hamiltonians of diatomic system or for investigation of NAC localization and directionality in more complex systems.

To start this tutorial go to the directory PYXAID_tutorials/Tut3_code_level2_NAC
> cd PYXAID_tutorials/Tut3_code_level2_NAC
The files needed for the first sub-topic will be in the Tut3.1 folder:
> cd Tut3.1

The content of the directory is

> ls
] out submit.slm tut3.1.py x0.exp.in x0.scf.in x1.exp.in x1.scf.in

The directory out contains some reference results, for further verification

The files x0.scf.in and x1.scf.in are the almost identical input files for QE. Both of them request spin-polarized calculation of C-H molecule with 10 bands at gamma-point, in the cubic box 10x10x10 Angstrom. The bond distance r(C-H) is set to arbitrary reasonable value of 1.3 Angstrom in the file x0.scf.in. The only difference between the two files is that the bond distance is increased to 1.4 Angstrom in the x1.scf.in file. Thus, the calculations will yield the NACs along this direction at intermediate bond length r(C-H) = 1.35 Angstrom.

The files x0.exp.in and x1.exp.in are the input files for export calculations - they are only different in the value of prefix parameter, which is also reflected in their names. The naming is made consistent with x*.scf.in files.

The file submit.slm is the submit script for SLURM systems. Ok. Our computational facilities have recently switched to this system, so the example, as well as default parameters in many script will now be adapted to SLURM. Still, it should not be difficult for one to transform this input script to the PBS format. The file content is following:

#SBATCH -A exciton
#SBATCH -p exciton
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1000
#SBATCH -t 1:00:00
#SBATCH -J qespresso
#SBATCH -e out_%j
#SBATCH -o out_%j


# Compute 1-st point
srun $exe_qespresso < x0.scf.in > x0.scf.out
srun $exe_export < x0.exp.in > x0.exp.out

# Compute 2-nd point
srun $exe_qespresso < x1.scf.in > x1.scf.out
srun $exe_export < x1.exp.in > x1.exp.out


The script above basically computes two single-points, one for each of the input files. Then, with the help of pw_export utility the wavefunction information is converted into convenient form. Since recently, the QE adopted the format according to which the resulting grid.1, wfc.1, etc. files are written in the binary form, even if ascii = .TRUE. (or may be this is just a bug? please let me know if know something about it). In any way, this is not a problem - in the latter stages we will utilize the iotk program to convert these files into txt format.

For now, to start the tutorial, modify the paths to executables as well as the computing resources section (if you use PBS - adopt it to the PBS conventions). On the system we SLURM, we do:

> sbatch submit.slm 

Once the computations are done (should take a few minutes), the directories x0.export, x0.save and x1.export, x1.save should be created, as well as the output files - x0.scf.out, x0.exp.out, x1.scf.out, and x1.exp.out

We are now ready to the main part of this tutorial 3.1 - utilization of functions and classes of the module pyxaid_core. Specifically, we will utilize them to compute NACs between all considered states, along the C-H bond direction. Start by examining the tut3.1.py code

import os
import sys
from PYXAID.pyxaid_core import *

def run_test():

    # Parameters
    dt = 0.1 # Angstrom
    # Set #1
    minband = 1  - 1
    nocc = 3 - 1
    maxband = 10 - 1

    # Set #2
#    minband = 1  - 1
#    nocc = 3 - 1
#    maxband = 5 - 1

    # Set #3
#    minband = 3 - 1
#    nocc = 3 - 1
#    maxband = 4 - 1

    EXE_CONVERT = "/software/group/oprezhdo_group/espresso-5.0.2/bin/iotk"

    # Containers for WFCs
    curr_wfc0 = wfc()
    curr_tmp0 = wfc()
    next_wfc0 = wfc()
    next_tmp0 = wfc()

    # Convert exportent wavefunction from binary to text format - using IOTK utility of QE
    os.system("%s convert x0.export/wfc.1 x0.export/wfc.1.xml" % EXE_CONVERT )
    os.system("%s convert x1.export/wfc.1 x1.export/wfc.1.xml" % EXE_CONVERT )

    # Read one wavefunction - at time t
    curr_tmp0.QE_read_acsii_index("x0.export/index.xml" )
    curr_tmp0.QE_read_acsii_wfc("x0.export/wfc.1.xml" )

    # Read the next wavefunction - at time t + dt
    next_tmp0.QE_read_acsii_index("x1.export/index.xml" )
    next_tmp0.QE_read_acsii_wfc("x1.export/wfc.1.xml" )

    # Trim each wavefunction to the active space chosen
    curr_wfc0 = wfc(curr_tmp0,minband,nocc,curr_tmp0,nocc+1,maxband)
    next_wfc0 = wfc(next_tmp0,minband,nocc,next_tmp0,nocc+1,maxband)

    # Try different pre-conditioning schemes:
    do_complete = 1
    # just choose one of the following options:
    wfc_preprocess = ""
#    wfc_preprocess = "normalize"
#    wfc_preprocess = "complete"
#    wfc_preprocess = "restore"

    if wfc_preprocess=="normalize": # just normalize

    # This option is made defaut in the latest version
    elif wfc_preprocess=="complete": # complete wfc with complex conjugate part,
                                     # the result is then normalized

    # The following option exists - but may be very slow or not work
    # a better diagonalization procedure is needed
    # It is disabled in the new version
    elif wfc_preprocess=="restore":  # restore real wfc from the projection, the result is normailzed
                                     # optionally the wfc can be completed with complex conjugate
                                     # before restoring
        curr_wfc0.restore(0,do_complete) # first 0 - k-point, second 1 - do complete wfc

    # Compute Hamiltonian
    ham(curr_wfc0,next_wfc0,0,0, 0,maxband-minband, dt,"Ham_original_"+wfc_preprocess )
#    ham(curr_wfc0,next_wfc0,0,0, 0,maxband-minband, dt,"Ham_original_"+wfc_preprocess+"_5x5" )
#    ham(curr_wfc0,next_wfc0,0,0, 0,maxband-minband, dt,"Ham_original_"+wfc_preprocess+"_2x2" )


In general, the script should be quite self-explanatory. First, 4 instances of the wfc class are created -lines 28-32. The objects are empty and do not have any large memory allocated, the size (number of planewaves) of wfc is unknown, other parameters are not set. These objects are just needed for global referencing from later parts of the code.

As i already mentioned above, the new format of wfc.1 and grid.1 files (and others) is binary. So before we can proceed further we need to convert them into text format. This is done by using iotk tool supplied with the QE distribution. From the command line this conversion would look like:

> path-to-iotk/iotk convert file.dat file.xml 

where file.dat is the source file in binary format, and the file.xml is the output xml file in text format (plus the xml meta-data)

Although one can convert the files manually from the command line, like we just explained, in this tutorial the conversion is incorporated in the tut.3.1.py script - lines 36 and 37.

Once we have information about wavefunctions in the text format (now written in x0.export/wfc.1.xml and x1.export/wfc.1.xml files), we can load all that information into our empty wfc objects. This is done in two steps - first all general information about dimensionality of all arrays and objects, flags and options, etc. is loaded by function QE_read_acsii_index(filename), where filename is the name of the index.xml file, generated by pw_export. In the second stage, the actual data - coefficients - is loaded by function QE_read_acsii_wfc(filename), where filename is the name of the wavefunction file in text format (xml), also generated by pw_export/iotk. Lines 40-41 and 45-46 illustrate utilization of the 2-step wavefunction loading processes - each corresponding to a single point calculation with given geometry.

The next interesting part of the script is demonstration of the non-default constructor of the wfc class, which takes the format wfc(wfc wfc1, int min1, int max1, wfc wfc2, int min2, int max2) This constructor creates a new wfc object from two wfc objects wfc1 and wfc2, taking a part of the orbitals from one of them - in the range [min1,max1] and the other part from the second object - in the range [min2, max2]. In the present case - lines 45-50 - both wfc1 and wfc2 are the same, so these lines effectively copy some part of the originally loaded wavefunctions (objects curr_tmp0 and next_tmp0) into the new objects curr_wfc0, next_wfc0. The capability of the non-deafult constructor to mix two different electronic structures was initially designed for band gap and NAC correction calculations (unpublished results) using two sets of calculations - for neutral and charged systems. This capability can also be used for construction of some diabatic states that mix localized wavefunctions, but this need carefull considereation.

The second important capability of the non-default constructor, which will be tested later in this tutorial, is its ability to trim the electronic structure to the active space of interest. For instance, our current calculation is setup to produce 10 orbitals, so the default size of the computed Hamiltonian matrices is 10 x 10. However, only 3 alpha and 2 beta orbitals are occupied, which make higher-lying states - e.g. from 5 to 10 not very important. To reduce utilization of of the disc memory, one can reduce the size of the computed Hamiltonian matrices to 5x5 or even to 2x2, windowing the range of orbitals of interest.

Before the Hamiltonian (NACs and energies) can be computed, the wavefunctions loaded and trimmed must be pre-processed. There are three types of pre-processing that are given by the functions normalize(), complete(), and restore(int kpt, int do_complete). The pre-processing of each of the wavefunction objects (one is at time t, the other at time t+dt) is performed in lines 61-78, depending on chosen option - lines 54-59.

The first option - normalize() - all KS orbitals will be normalized to unity, one-by-one. Keep in mind, that this does not mean the orbitals will be orthogonal, because of the use of PP.

The second option - complete() - is designed to address the wavefunction storage format. For the G-point, which is very typical in our calculations, only the coefficients for positive G-points are stored, the coefficients for negative one are simply complex conjugate: c(-G) = c^*(G). Pre-processing by this option transforms initially created N+1-element array containing coefficients into 2N+1 array that also included complex conjugate points, except for G=0, in which case the coefficient is real. This operation is performed for each KS orbital, independently. Finally, the resulting wavefunctions are then normalized. Completion of wavefunction is typically needed only for gamma-point calculations, for all other k-points the entire set of coefficients is usually written. Also, for the gamma point one does not need completion if it is requested via general format - "automatic 0 0 0" or so. In this case the gamma-trick is not utilized, all coefficients are written and the completion is not needed.

We want to emphasize that most of the time, just normalizing the wfc (option - normalize) is not enough - the wavefunctions are incorrect because they do not contain the complex conjugate part. As the result, the deviation from the orthogonality of KS orbitals is large. If the wavefunctions are completed, the deviation is relatively small for US-PPs and the orbitals are essentially orthogonal for NC-PPs.

Because of the utilization of PP, the orbitals we deal with may be non-orthogonal, especially in the US-PP case, while for NC-PP the orthogonality is practically preserved. One of the way to restore "all-electron orbitals" we have developed was to perform Lowdin orthogonalization of the wavefunctions we have. This is performed by the restore(int kpt, int do_complete) function. The first parameter chooses the k-point (typically 0 for gamma-point calculations), the second parameter chooses is the complex conjugate part is first added, before diagonalization is performed.

Currently we recommend using the completion and not using the restoration option. This is because the latter uses not very efficient diagonalization scheme (self-made, not very robust and efficient yet), which may simply hang all calculations. In future more robust schemes from Eigen library may be implemented. The second reason for utilization that suggests sufficiency of the complete() preprocessing is the following. If the US-PP is used in calculations, the "all-electron" wavefunctions (strictly orthonormal) can be obtained via pw_export utility by setting uspp_spsi flag to .TRUE. and utilization of the corresponding output. If the NC-PP is used, the orbitals are already orthonormal to good accuracy, so no additional orbital transformation is needed.

Finally, once the wavefunctions corresponding to adjacent geometries are prepared and pre-processed, the Hamiltonian matrix can be computed. This is done in lines 83-85 by function ham(...) The NAC and energy of orbitals are computed as it is described in the first Pyxaid paper (JCTC 2013).

Now, to practical calculations. To run this tutorial script, just do:

> python tut3.1.py 

Examine the printed output - files Ham_original_*

To better understand all options and the effects of different flags (types of calculations), try the following exercises:

Example 1. Run the default script - this will compute 10 x 10 Hamiltonian matrix obtained from non-preprocessed (raw) wavefunctions. The resulting files are: Ham_original__im and Ham_original__re

Example 2. Run the script with each of the pre-processing options - this will compute 10 x 10 Hamiltonian matrix obtained from preprocessed (according to choice) wavefunctions. Note have the restore() option hangs. Note in which case the off-diagonal elements of the real-part of the Hamiltonian are nearly zero - this is the sign that the wavefunction is correct, because these elements should be zero in case of orthonormal basis. Compare the off-diagonal elements of the imaginary part of the Hamiltonian (~NACs) with each other and with the raw calculations.

Example 3. Choose complete() as the pre-processing option and try 3 sets of orbital ranges for which Hamiltonian is computed - 3 sets of parameters in the beginning of the script (lines 10-23) and the corresponding 3 sets of ham() function invocation (lines 83-85, they are different only by output file name) Observe how you shrink the active scale of KS orbitals from 10 to 5 and then to 2, leading to 10x10, 5x5, ad 2x2 Hamiltonian matrices, respectively. Observe how the choice of minimal index of orbital > 1 is made and how it shift the window of the active space. In all cases it is most convenient to compare the diagonal elements of the real part of the produced Hamiltonian matrices (orbital energies).

Example 4(extra, not included in this tutorial files). We currently use NC-PP for our calculations. Try using US-PP and see how this will affect the results above (especially regarding choice of the preprocessing option). Also try using uspp_spsi option for pw_export function. Play with different ways of setup k-point to be gamma-point - we currently consider "K_POINTS gamma" (with gamma-point trick). Try using "K_POINTS automatic" or other options.

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Under development...

Tutorial 4: Coding with Pyxaid

An important feature of the Pyxaid code is its flexibility - the code is not a black-box meant to perform a predefined set of operations/calculation types. Rather, the Pyxaid is a library of useful functions and routines. Ideally, one should learn to use these types of "hidden" utilities. The best way to familiarize oneself wth these capabilities is, of course, via exploration of the source code. For simplicity, I recommend to start with the Python modules (no C++) - they are very simple and easy to understand, yet they are very useful. In this mini-tutorial I will show how this can be done.

To start this tutorial go to the directory PYXAID_tutorials/Tut4_coding_with_Pyxaid
> cd PYXAID_tutorials/Tut4_coding_with_Pyxaid

The tutorial is essentially the same as the Tut2_small. However, unlike the tutorial 2, we also want to compute the electronic spectrum, but no NA-MD simulation is involved. Thus, what we need is only the computations for the step2. Since in our earlier example (Tutorial 2) we didn't compute matrix elements of dipole moment operator, we need to recompute them in this tutorial. This is done by setting the compute_Hprime variable to 1 in the submit_temp.pbs file


Now, I have changed the file py-scr2.py too. This is because at the time of writing this tutorial we are again on the PBS-driven computational facility, so I had to choose the right option. But this is good, because it demonstrates this feature of the function distribute from the package distribute. Look at these lines:

	os.system("cp submit_templ.pbs wd") 

Two things were altered: 1) the name of the submit template file, which is now "submit_templ.pbs" and 2) the last argument of the function distribute - now it is set to 1 (use the PBS commands in the submit file) instead of 2 (SLURM commands in the submit file). Note that the file extension ".pbs" is needed only for convenience - it is not specific to PBS or SLURM, it just visually assists classification.

I also made a number of other system/environment-specific modifications in other files:

  • in the file "x0.scf.in" - change "pseudo_dir" variable to point to the location of the pseudopotential files on the current computing system
  • in the file "x0.scf.in" - change the names of the atomic pseudopotential files in the ATOMIC_SPECIES record
  • in the file "x0.exp.in" - change the "pseudo_dir" variable and the names of the pseudopotential files (must be in the same order as in the "x0.scf.in" file) to be consistent with those in the "x0.scf.in" file.

After these minor preparations we are ready to compute Hamiltonian and dipole transition moment matrices:

>python py-scr2.py

To verify if all calculations are finished use the auxiliary script py-scr7.py, which will show the number of files with given name pattern. If it is 50 (from 0 to 49) - the number of MD steps we want to use in our further computations - then we can move on to next calculations. Otherwise, the sript will return the continuity regions - that are the lists of the indexes in the successfully created files with a predefined filename prefix. For example if we have regions (0,7) and (10, 19) then we are missing files with indexes 8 and 9 in the first job, but all 10 files are computed in the job2. In this situation, one can simply enter the /wd directory then the /job* directory, modify the param1 and param2 variables in the submit script and manually submit the job in that directory. Once this computation set is finished, check the continuity of the generated filenames again.

In case you are lazy or unable to produce the Ham_ and Hprime_ files yourself, or if you just want to compare the results of your computations with what I've obtained, just unzip the attached tarball res.tar.bz2:

>tar -xjf res.tar.bz2

Great! Now we are ready for the main goal of this tutorial - learning how to use the capabilities of the Pyxaid for developing your custom code. In particular, we want to compute the absorption spectrum convolved with a Gaussian distribution. This is something one would want for producing nice-looking absorption spectra figures. This capability is not implemented by itself as a part of the "black-box" and one needs a bit more familiarity with scripting and Python. What Pyxaid does have - is a set of convenient functions that can greatly simplify our task.

All our computations are organized and performed in the py-scr6.py file. Lets look at it (in the snippet below I erased most of the commented lines you can find in the files for this tutorial):

from PYXAID import *
# Example of usage
opt = 1
scl1 = 13.60569253 # Ry to eV
scl2 = 1000.0 # some scaling to get plottable data
HOMO = 6
minE = 0.0
maxE = 10.0
dE = 0.05
tmin = 0
tmax = 50

[exE, exI] = excitation_spectrum.calculate("res/0_Ham_","_re","res/0_Hprime_","x_im",tmin,tmax,opt,scl1,scl2,"spectr/ab_spectrx.dat",HOMO,minE,maxE,dE)

#===================== User scripting goes here ===================
# Convert the 'naked' data in to the format for convolution
XP = []
i = 0
while i < len(exI):
	XP.append([exE[i], exI[i]])
	i = i + 1
# Now do the convolution
dx0 = dE # original grid spacing
dx = dE # this is new grid spacing
var = 2.0*dE # new variance
TM,R = pdos.convolve(XP,dx0,dx,var)

# Printing "broadened" results

Now lets discuss what is interesting about this code. First, you can recognize that we utilize the function calculate from the excitation_spectrum module of the Pyxaid distribution. We already used this function and module in the Tutorial 1. The difference is that now we not only print the computed X and Y data for plotting the absorption spectrum, but we also return these variables as the result. They are stored in the lists exE and exI (line 15). Each one is a 1-D list of the floating-point values. The first contains the excitation energies (X axis) and the second one contains the intensities (Y axis). We return these quantities as the output of the function, because we will need to manipulate them in our next steps. Also note that the function compute prints out the computed data in the file "spectr/ab_spectrx.dat" (only x component). The data reflect temporal averaging of the signal over the computed time trajectory, and, in principle, this is the right way of computing spectral broadening. The trajectory must be long enough, of course. What we want on top of that is to add some "artificial" broadening - e.g. from the known or precomputed spectral width. Just for a visual appeal or because of any other motivation.

The broadening and convolution are implemented for DOS computations. Both are hidden in the pdos module. The convolution is run in the "black-box" mode for this type of calculations when the sum_pdos function is called. However, the module defines two more auxiliary functions: convolve and printout. They are used in the present tutorial.

The function convolve takes 4 arguments:

  • XP - the original ("raw") data. The format of XP is a list of lists ("2D array"), so that XP[i][n] comprizes data for n-th axis along grid points i. The convention(ok, maybe a bit non-intuitive) is this: the set of pairs ({ XP[i][0], XP[i][n]), n>0, i = 0,...N} represents the function y_i = f_n(x_i). For example, within the sum_pdos this 2D list contained the densities of states for different projections along the common energy axis. In our present example we have only 1 function - the intensity vs. energy, so the XP object will have the dimension of Ngrid x 2, where Ngrid is the number of grid points along the X (energy) axis.
  • dx0 - is the original X axis grid spacing. In our example it is defined by the dE parameter used in the computation of the "raw" absorption spectrum.
  • dx - the final grid spacing - in case we want to change the resolution of the graph. In our case we will keep it the same as original (line 28)
  • var - is the variance (width parameter) of the Gaussian distribution with which we want to convolve our original dataset. In this case we set var to the value of two grid spacing (var = 2*dE), so to smooth out all fluctuations on this excitation energy scale.

To use the function convolve we first prepare the input argument XP in the proper format using the results of the computations in line 15. This preparation is a simple set of instruction in lines 19-23.

As a result of computations, the convolve function returns two objects - TM and R. The first one is of integer type. This is simply the number of the points on the new X axis - remember we could increase or decrease the resolution of the graph, meaning the number of data points (pairs of x and y values) could have increased or decreased, respectively. The second object, R, has the same meaning and format as our original XP object - the list of TM lists each of which contains 2 entries - x and y values.

Finally, we print out the 2-dimensional array (list of lists) R into the file "spectr/ab_spectrx_conv.dat" using the function printout of the module pdos(line 32). The first argument of this function is, obviously, the name of the output file. The other 3 arguments are: #2 (TM) and #3 (2, in our case) -are the dimensions of the output array, #4 (R) is the object containing the data to be printed out.

Having added these new functionalities, we can generate the smoothed absorption spectrum. In our settings the data points are printed into the file "ab_spectrx_conv.dat" in the folder /spectr. The results from two calculations ("raw" and convolved spectra) are plotted in the fig "spectr.png". Note that I probably missed a proper normalization in the convolution procedures, so the convolved intencities are much larger than the intensities of the original spectrum. So far I normalized them only manually (in the plotting script - "spectr.plt"), just for better comparison of the two types of spectra. In reality, the intensity of the absorption spectra are rather arbitrary (no units), so not many people really care about such normalization. If you do - please check out the modules and the functions we used - maybe you'll find a proper normalization coefficient (unless I find it earlier).

To summarize, we have touched the "hidden" powers of the Pyxaid package and learned how to make use of the existing functions beyond the original prescriptions coded into the package. End of tutorial.

For this tutorial we can utilize any of the precomputed data. Typically, don't need to run a full-scale NA-MD simulations, only a preprocessing phase. So the setup is essentially the same as we used before - e.g. see Tutorial 1, step 3. However, at this point we are interested in the so-called "influence" spectrum. This spectrum shows vibrational/phonon modes that drive particular electronic transition. It is computed as a Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function of the energy gap fluctuation (not of the gap itself!). The math and definitions can be found in the papers (see Literature section for references). Maybe later I'll put more formulai directly here in html. So... We need that autocorrelation function.

To compute the autocorrelation functions for energy gap fluctuations for all pairs of states dE_{ij}, we need to ask for NA-MD simulations with decoherence correctin. The program will compute all these functions first and will generate a lot of files - each file for a given initial condition and for each pair of states. So !!! BEWARE !!!! this may take quite a lot of disk space and may also be slow (because of frequent I/O operations), so enable decoherence calculations with greate caution. As I said, the Pyxaid will generate all the files first and only then it will use it in the NA-MD simulations (if we want NA-MD with decoherence effects). For now we can request only a preprocessing stage - this is all we need fpr computation of the "influence" spectra. So consider these options in your step 3 script (py-scr3.py in the tutorial files):

	params["runtype"] = "no-namd"  # or any other word, except for "namd"
	params["decoherence"] = 1   # don't forget this part too

At this point we should have generated a bunch of files in our "/out" directory. Now it is time to do a bit of Fourier transform. Now we will be using the module called spectrum. The module defines couple functions with quite self-explanatory names: get_data and do_fft. The first one extracts the data to be transformed, store it in a proper format, and sends it to the second function for further processing. To cut the long story short, here is basic piece of code (script, really) that will do the calculations we want:

from PYXAID import *

# Set parameters
filename = "out/icond0pair1_6Dephasing_function.txt"  # this is the file that contains the information we need to compute "influence" spectrum
                                                      # the name implies that this corresponds to the 0-th initial condition, and 
													  # we look at the transition between the pair of states 1 and 6
start_line = 2   # first_line = 1
end_line = 1000  # assume we have at least these datapoints (defined by the trajectory length - see params["namdtime"] parameter)
col = 4          # the 4-th column of the file above contains the autocorrelation function
                 # look inside the .txt file - you'll find a lot of other useful data and you will know what is that

# Read the data from the file
x = spectrum.get_data(filename, start_line, end_line, col)

# Define parameters for FFT
dt = 1.0         # fs, this is the timestep used to propagate nuclear dynamics
outfile = "icond0pair1_6_autocorr_fft.dat"  # the results will be printed to this file

# Finally, compute the FFT
spectrum.do_fft(x, dt, outfile)  # the first argument is the set of datapoints extracted from the file earlier

Once the computations are done, the output file icond0pair1_6_autocorr_fft.dat" will contain 5 columns. The first two pairs of columns provide the x (frequency) data - in 1/fs and in 1/cm units (columns 2 and 4 just show these units). The last column (5) contains the amplitudes of all modes. To get the intencities, one needs to plot the squares of these amplitudes.

Important! Note that the spectrum module depends on the external numpy module. The latter is typically bundled with many modern Python installations or can be easily installed manually.

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Under development...

Tutorial 5: Other capabilities of Pyxaid

In this tutorial you will learn how to do projected (also called partial) densities of states calculations, in which the density of states is projected onto an arbitrary set of atoms/orbitals. We will also learn how to compute orbital isosurfaces, for visualization purposes. The electronic structure calculations are, of course, performed with the Quantum Espresso package. What is the role of Pyxaid? Well, what QE does when you request computation of projection of DOS on all possible states is that it will generate a set of files each of which contains the orbital-resolved DOS for orbitals of each atom. Also the QE computes the total DOS. Now, what if you need to know DOS for a group of atoms (e.g. only N atoms, or only N and Fe atoms, or only atoms belonging to a particular functional group)? Then, obviously, you need to summ all orbital-resolved DOSs up. This is exactly what the Pyxaid module pdos does.

I will also share with you my scripts for automated computations of many isosurfaces with QE. These scripts are not part of Pyxaid, but can still be really useful once you get using it.

Ok. So far I have only placed the needed files only here. Later, I'll add them to the Pyxaid distribution. So for now, here is a file system and the files we need


Now it is time to give some explanation and instructions. The topmost level of our file tree contains a single submit file that takes care of all the calculations done by QE. Examine it. What it does is following: