pyxaid_core.namd() parameters


The pyxais_core.namd() function takes a single argument (called params in below examples) of the python dictionary data type. This allows one to prepare a single object containing all simulation parameters an then pass it to pyxais_core.namd() function. One of the ways to do this is by setting key-value pairs as:

params = []  # empty dictionary container
params["key1"] = value1   # set the value corresponding to key1
params["key2"] = value2   # set the value corresponding to key2

Alternative way to define a dictionary with the simulation parameters is:

params = {key1:value1, key2:value2, ...}

Although the first way is a bit longer, it is easier to understand, modify and support. That is why you will find it in the tutorial scripts. Especially in the script "" Before going into description of the parameters used by namd function, you may find it very useful to take a look on that script first - it is heavily commented and explaint most of the valid keys and their allowed values and also shows how to set the corresponding parameters up.

Recognized key values for the namd function: