
Light installation

Installation (in the sense described below) is not required to execute the purely python-based modules that do not depend on the lower-level modules. The only condition that should be met in this case is that the modules are in the PYTHON_PATH. Obviously, Python itself must be installed. Some modules also require numpy.

To summarize, the light installation requirements are:

Full installation

Alternatively (for the full installation) follow these steps:

  1. > cd PYXAID/src_cpp
  2. Edit Makefile to let the compiler know where the Python and Boost.Python include and library files are located
  3. > make

    This will compile the source files and build the python extension (module) called pyxaid_core. It will be placed in the folder PYXAID/ where the rest of the modules are located.

  4. To test if compilation and build were successful go to PYXAID root directory and run script:
    > cd ..
    > python
  5. Add PYXAIS root directory to PYTHONPATH

To summarize, the full installation requirements are: