Source code for libra_py.workflows.nbra.step2_many_body

#* Copyright (C) 2020 Mohammad Shakiba, Brendan Smith, Alexey V. Akimov
#* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
#* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#* See the file LICENSE in the root directory of this distribution
#* or <>.
.. module:: step2_many_body
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: This module implements functions for computing the overlap and nonadiabatic couplings matrices.
.. moduleauthors:: 
       Mohammad Shakiba, Brendan Smith, Alexey V. Akimov 

import numpy as np
import math
import sys
import os

import time
import copy

import multiprocessing as mp

# Concurrency for large systems
import concurrent.futures

from liblibra_core import *

from libra_py import data_conv
from libra_py import cube_file_methods
from libra_py import CP2K_methods
from libra_py import Gaussian_methods
from libra_py import DFTB_methods
from libra_py.workflows.nbra import mapping
from libra_py.workflows.nbra import step3
from libra_py import units

import util.libutil as comn

# This file is temp only. These functions will eventually be placed in Libra somewhere ...
[docs]def curr_and_final_step_job( istep, fstep, njobs, njob ): """ This function is used to determine the initial and final step of a job when distributing the molecular dynamics trajectory over a number of jobs. Args: istep (int): The initial time step for molecular dynamics trajectory which the user wants to start the calculations with. This paramter is set in the input file for submitting the jobs. fstep (int): The final time step for molecular dynamics trajectory which the user wants to start the calculations with. This paramter is set in the input file for submitting the jobs. njobs (int): The number of jobs specified by user. njob (int): The job number. Returns: job_init_step (int): The job initial time step. job_final_step (int): The job final time step. """ total_steps = fstep - istep + 1 nsteps_per_job = int(total_steps/njobs) if njob == 0: job_init_step = istep job_final_step = istep + nsteps_per_job - 1 elif njob > 0 and njob < ( njobs - 1 ): job_init_step = istep + njob * nsteps_per_job - 1 job_final_step = istep + ( njob + 1 ) * nsteps_per_job - 1 elif njob == ( njobs - 1 ): job_init_step = istep + njob * nsteps_per_job - 1 job_final_step = fstep return job_init_step, job_final_step
[docs]def normalize_ci_coefficients(ci_coefficients_raw_unnorm): """ This funciton normalizes the list of configuration interaction (CI) coefficients. Args: ci_coefficients_raw_unnorm (list): The list containing the lists of unnormalized CI coefficients. Returns: ci_coefficients_raw_norm (list): The list containing the lists of normalized CI coefficients. """ # Number of states contributing in the excited state nstates = len(ci_coefficients_raw_unnorm) # Creating an empty list to store the normalized CI coefficients ci_coefficients_raw_norm = [] for i in range(nstates): #### ordinary way without using numpy # Set up an initial parameter to compute the norm of the vector norm = 0.0 # For each list of CI coefficients ci_coefficients_raw_norm.append( [] ) for j in ci_coefficients_raw_unnorm[i]: # sum of CI coefficients square norm += j*j # Compute the norm by taking the square root of the sum to compute the norm norm = math.sqrt(norm) # numpy way to compute the normalized CI coefficients ci_coefficients_raw_unnorm[i] = np.array(ci_coefficients_raw_unnorm[i]) ci_coefficients_raw_norm[i] = ci_coefficients_raw_unnorm[i] / norm ci_coefficients_raw_norm[i] = list(ci_coefficients_raw_norm[i]) return ci_coefficients_raw_norm
[docs]def get_excitation_analysis_output(params): """ This function reads the information of the excited states from the log file of the single point calculations. Args: params (dict): logfile_directory (str): The log files directory. es_software (str): The name of the software used to calculate the energy calculations. curr_step (int): The current time step of the calculations. isUKS (int): This parameter is set for spin restricted and unrestricted calculations. When it is set to 1 it means that unrestricted calculations were set in the input file otherwise it is restricted. Returns: excitation_energies (numpy array): The excitation energies of the curr_step. ci_basis_raw (numpy array): The excited states which contains the occupied and virtual orbitals. ci_coefficients_raw_unnorm (numpy array): The excited states CI coefficients. spin_components (numpy array): Contains the excited states spin components ('alp' for alpha spin and 'bet' for beta spin) """ critical_params = [ "curr_step" ] # Default parameters default_params = { "isUKS": 0, "es_software": "cp2k", "logfile_directory": "logfiles" } # Check input comn.check_input(params, default_params, critical_params) logfile_directory = params["logfile_directory"] es_software = params["es_software"] curr_step = params["curr_step"] if es_software == "cp2k": logfile_name = F"{logfile_directory}/step_{curr_step}.log" params.update({"logfile_name":logfile_name}) # Extract the excitation energies and their configurations from the output file. excitation_energies, ci_basis_raw, ci_coefficients_raw_unnorm, spin_components = \ CP2K_methods.read_cp2k_tddfpt_log_file( params ) elif es_software == "gaussian": logfile_name = F"{logfile_directory}/step_{curr_step}.log" params.update({"logfile_name":logfile_name}) excitation_energies, ci_basis_raw, ci_coefficients_raw_unnorm, spin_components = \ Gaussian_methods.read_gaussian_tddft_log_file( params ) elif es_software == "dftb+": logfile_name = F"{logfile_directory}/TRA_{curr_step}.DAT" params.update({"logfile_name":logfile_name}) excitation_energies, ci_basis_raw, ci_coefficients_raw_unnorm, spin_components = \ DFTB_methods.read_dftbplus_TRA_file( params ) return excitation_energies, ci_basis_raw, ci_coefficients_raw_unnorm, spin_components
[docs]def integrate_cube_set( cubefiles_set_1, cubefiles_set_2, dv ): """ This function comutes the overlap matrix between two set of cube files. Args: cubefiles_set_1 (list): The list of cube files of the curr_step. cubefiles_set_2 (list): The list of cube files of the previous step. dv (float): The integration element obtained from the cube files. Returns: overlap_matrix (numpy 2D array): The overlap between the two set of cube files. """ # Initialize the overlap matrix # Note: The overlap matrix is a square matrix so the cubefiles_set_1 and cubefiles_set_2 must have the same length overlap_matrix = np.zeros( ( len( cubefiles_set_2 ) , len( cubefiles_set_1 ) ) ) # The overlaps between the cube files of the first set and second set for i in range( 0, len( cubefiles_set_2 ) ): for j in range( 0, len( cubefiles_set_1 ) ): # Use the integrate_cube to compute the integration between the wavefunctions. overlap_matrix[i][j] = cube_file_methods.integrate_cube( cubefiles_set_2[i], cubefiles_set_1[j], dv ) return overlap_matrix
[docs]def compute_cube_ks_overlaps( cubefiles_prev, params): """ This function computes overlaps between cube files of two time steps. In order to not read the cube files twice it returns the cube files of the current step, and gets the cube files of the previous step. Args: cubefiles_prev (list): The list containing th cube files of the previous step. params (dict): curr_step (int): The current time step. isUKS (int): This parameter is set for spin restricted and unrestricted calculations. When it is set to 1 it means that unrestricted calculations were set in the input file otherwise it is restricted. nprocs (int): The number of processors used to read the cube files and perform the integration. Returns: cubefiles_curr (list): The list of the read current step cube files. S_ks_prev (2D numpy array): The overlap matrix of the wavefunctions for the previous time step. S_ks_curr (2D numpy array): The overlap matrix of the wavefunctions for the current time step. St_ks (2D numpy array): The overlap matrix between wavefunctions of the two time step. """ critical_params = [ "curr_step", "nprocs" ] # Default parameters default_params = { "isUKS": 0, "es_software": "cp2k"} # Check input comn.check_input(params, default_params, critical_params) # Extract the variables curr_step = int(params["curr_step"]) isUKS = int(params["isUKS"]) nprocs = int(params["nprocs"]) es_software = params["es_software"] print('---------------------------------------------------------') print('Starting the calculations by reading the cube files \n') print(' Step time %i\n'%(curr_step)) print('-------------------------------------------------------\n') print('Reading cube files with %i number of processors'%nprocs) # First read all the .cube files (This is the most time consuming part) # Creating a pool and assigning the number of processors for mp.Pool pool = mp.Pool(processes=nprocs) # for curr_step print("Reading the cubes for step ", curr_step) # generate the cube file names produced by CP2K cubefile_names_curr = CP2K_methods.cube_file_names_cp2k( params ) #for cubefile in cubefile_names_curr: # os.system( "/gpfs/scratch/brendan/cp2k/tools/cubecruncher/cubecruncher.x -center geo -i %s -o %s-1.cube " % ( cubefile, cubefile.replace( ".cube", "" ) ) ) # os.system( "rm %s" % cubefile) # os.system( "mv %s-1.cube %s" % ( cubefile.replace(".cube",""), cubefile ) ) # Reading the cube files cubefiles_curr = [] # Apply to the cube_file_methods to the set of variables of the cubefile_names_curr cubefiles_curr = cube_file_methods.read_cube, cubefile_names_curr ) # Close the pool pool.close() # Calculate the dv element for integration dv = cube_file_methods.grid_volume( cubefile_names_curr[0] ) #### Compute the overlaps # If spin unrestricted calculations were set to run if isUKS == 1: # The cube files for alpha and beta spin for the previous time step # The alpha cubes are the even indices of the read cube files alp_cubes_prev = cubefiles_prev[0::2] # The beta cubes are the odd indices of the read cube files bet_cubes_prev = cubefiles_prev[1::2] # The cube files for alpha and beta spin for the current time step # The alpha cubes are the even indices of the read cube files alp_cubes_curr = cubefiles_curr[0::2] # The beta cubes are the odd indices of the read cube files bet_cubes_curr = cubefiles_curr[1::2] # Initializing the overlap matrices for alpha and beta spin with zero matrices zero_mat_alp = np.zeros( ( len( alp_cubes_prev ), len( alp_cubes_curr ) ) ) zero_mat_bet = np.zeros( ( len( bet_cubes_prev ), len( bet_cubes_curr ) ) ) ### Using concurrency to compute the integration and overlap matrices with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=nprocs) as executor: # <psi_alp(t-1)|psi_alp(t)> int_1 = executor.submit(integrate_cube_set, alp_cubes_prev, alp_cubes_curr, dv ) # <psi_bet(t-1)|psi_bet(t)> int_2 = executor.submit(integrate_cube_set, bet_cubes_prev, bet_cubes_curr, dv ) # <psi_alp(t-1)|psi_alp(t-1)> int_3 = executor.submit(integrate_cube_set, alp_cubes_prev, alp_cubes_prev, dv ) # <psi_bet(t-1)|psi_bet(t-1)> int_4 = executor.submit(integrate_cube_set, bet_cubes_prev, bet_cubes_prev, dv ) # <psi_alp(t)|psi_alp(t)> int_5 = executor.submit(integrate_cube_set, alp_cubes_curr, alp_cubes_curr, dv ) # <psi_bet(t)|psi_bet(t)> int_6 = executor.submit(integrate_cube_set, bet_cubes_curr, bet_cubes_curr, dv ) # Extracting the results for each of the submitted jobs St_alp_alp = int_1.result() St_bet_bet = int_2.result() # The overlap between cube files at times t-1 and t S_alp_alp_prev = int_3.result() S_bet_bet_prev = int_4.result() S_alp_alp_curr = int_5.result() S_bet_bet_curr = int_6.result() else: ### Using the concurrency with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=nprocs) as executor: # <psi(t-1)|psi(t-1)> int_1 = executor.submit(integrate_cube_set, cubefiles_prev, cubefiles_prev, dv ) # <psi(t)|psi(t)> int_2 = executor.submit(integrate_cube_set, cubefiles_curr, cubefiles_curr, dv ) # <psi(t-1)|psi(t)> int_3 = executor.submit(integrate_cube_set, cubefiles_prev, cubefiles_curr, dv ) # Extracting the results S_prev = int_1.result() S_curr = int_2.result() St = int_3.result() # These are used to form the block matrices for two-spinor format zero_mat_alp = np.zeros( ( len( S_prev ), len( S_curr ) ) ) zero_mat_bet = np.zeros( ( len( S_prev ), len( S_curr ) ) ) # The alpha and beta spin have the same overlap matrix in spin restricted case S_alp_alp_prev, S_bet_bet_prev = S_prev, S_prev S_alp_alp_curr, S_bet_bet_curr = S_curr, S_curr St_alp_alp, St_bet_bet = St, St # Storing the overlap matices in two-spinor format by forming the block matrices S_ks_prev = data_conv.form_block_matrix( S_alp_alp_prev, zero_mat_alp, zero_mat_bet, S_bet_bet_prev ) S_ks_curr = data_conv.form_block_matrix( S_alp_alp_curr, zero_mat_alp, zero_mat_bet, S_bet_bet_curr ) St_ks = data_conv.form_block_matrix( St_alp_alp, zero_mat_alp, zero_mat_bet, St_bet_bet ) return cubefiles_curr, S_ks_prev, S_ks_curr, St_ks
[docs]def reindex_cp2k_sd_states( ks_orbital_homo_index, ks_orbital_indicies, sd_basis_states, sd_format=2 ): """ ks_orbital_homo_index: Index of the homo ks orbital, from 1 ks_orbital_indicies: Range of the considered ks orbtials. Ex) [8,9,10,11], where 9 is homo orbtial index (from 1) sd_basis_states( list of lists of lists ): A list of Slater determinants, where each slater determinant is a excitation in the Kohn-Sham basis. This function assumes that all Kohn-Sham excitations are for alpha electrons. To differentiate between alpha and beta excitations, elements of sd_basis_states contain spin information. Ex) sd_basis_states[0] = [ [9,10], "alp" ] sd_basis_states[1] = [ [9,10], "bet" ] Returns: Reindexed Slater determinant basis states in terms of the ks_orbital_homo_index. The SD states returned can be either in one of two ways 1. All alpha orbitals before beta orbtials. This format is still a fixed slot format. It is used when used both alpha and beta spin channels Ex.) ks_orbital_homo_index = 68, ks_orbital_indicies = [67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72] The ground state will be: [1, 2, -7, -8] [ [68,69], "alp" ] --> [1, 3, -7, -8] [ [68,69], "bet" ] --> [1, 2, -7, -9] 2. Fixed slot format. this format used only the alpha spin channel Ex.) ks_orbital_homo_index = 68, ks_orbital_indicies = [67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72] The ground state will be: [1, -1, 2, -2] [ [68,69], "alp" ] --> [1, -1, 3, -2] [ [68,69], "bet" ] --> [1, -1, 2, -3] """ print("\nEntered reindex_cp2k_sd_states function") print("ks_orbital_homo_index", ks_orbital_homo_index) print("ks_orbital_indicies", ks_orbital_indicies) print("sd_basis_states", sd_basis_states) # We need to update the indexing of the sd_basis - in terms of the rows and cols of St_KS # reindex ks orbs according to the matrix size n_alp_ks_orbs = len(ks_orbital_indicies) alp_homo_matrix_index = 0 for i in range( n_alp_ks_orbs ): if ks_orbital_indicies[i] == ks_orbital_homo_index: alp_homo_matrix_index = i print("alp_homo_matrix_index",alp_homo_matrix_index) ks_orbs_new_index = [] for i in range( n_alp_ks_orbs ): ks_orbs_new_index.append( i+1 ) # Form excited state SDs excitations = [] # For each Slater determinant basis state, which could have spin_component "alp" or "bet" for j in range( len( sd_basis_states ) ): print(int( sd_basis_states[j][0][0] )) print(int( sd_basis_states[j][0][1] )) if sd_format == 1: if sd_basis_states[j][1] == "alp": initial_ks_orb = int( sd_basis_states[j][0][0] ) - ks_orbital_homo_index + alp_homo_matrix_index + 1 final_ks_orb = int( sd_basis_states[j][0][1] ) - ks_orbital_homo_index + alp_homo_matrix_index + 1 elif sd_basis_states[j][1] == "bet": initial_ks_orb = int( sd_basis_states[j][0][0] ) - ks_orbital_homo_index + alp_homo_matrix_index + n_alp_ks_orbs + 1 final_ks_orb = int( sd_basis_states[j][0][1] ) - ks_orbital_homo_index + alp_homo_matrix_index + n_alp_ks_orbs + 1 elif sd_format == 2: initial_ks_orb = int( sd_basis_states[j][0][0] ) - ks_orbital_homo_index + alp_homo_matrix_index + 1 final_ks_orb = int( sd_basis_states[j][0][1] ) - ks_orbital_homo_index + alp_homo_matrix_index + 1 if sd_basis_states[j][1] == "alp": excitations.append( [initial_ks_orb, final_ks_orb] ) elif sd_basis_states[j][1] == "bet": excitations.append( [-initial_ks_orb, -final_ks_orb] ) print( "excitations = ", excitations ) #sys.exit(0) # Form ground-state SD first sd_basis = [ [] ] if sd_format == 1: for i in range( 1, 2*len( ks_orbital_indicies ) ): if i < alp_homo_matrix_index + 2: sd_basis[0].append( i ) if i > n_alp_ks_orbs and i < n_alp_ks_orbs + alp_homo_matrix_index + 2: sd_basis[0].append( -i ) elif sd_format == 2: for i in range( 1, len( ks_orbital_indicies ) ): if i < alp_homo_matrix_index + 2: sd_basis[0].append( i ) sd_basis[0].append( -i ) print ( "ground state = ", sd_basis ) # Now that we have done the ground state slater for j in range( len( excitations ) ): sd_excitation = [] for sd_state in sd_basis[0]: if sd_state==excitations[j][0]: sd_excitation.append(excitations[j][1]) else: sd_excitation.append(sd_state) sd_basis.append( sd_excitation ) print ( sd_basis ) return sd_basis
[docs]def form_Hvib_real( params ): """ This function forms the real part of the vibronic Hamiltonian by inserting the energies on the diagonal of a zero matrix. The Hvib is in two-spinor format containing the alpha and beta states energies. Args: params (distionary): logfile_directory (str): The directory of the output files by CP2K. time (int): The time step of the molecular dynamics. For single point calculations it should be set to 0. min_band (int): The minimum state number. max_band (int): The maximum state number. isUKS (int): This flag is used whenever the UKS calculations were called in CP2K input. if it is set to 1 then UKS calculations were called and if not it will consider only alpha energies. Returns: Hvib_ks_re (2D numpy array): The diagonal matrix containing the energies of alpha and beta spins if UKS is set to True and the energies of alpha spin in a block form matrix. """ critical_params = [ "min_band", "max_band", "curr_step" ] # Default parameters default_params = { "isUKS": 0, "es_software": "cp2k", "logfile_directory": "logfiles"} # Check input comn.check_input(params, default_params, critical_params) # Extracting the data isUKS = int( params["isUKS"] ) # ks_orbital_indicies = params["ks_orbital_indicies"] es_software = params["es_software"] # minimum state min_band = params["min_band"] # ks_orbital_indicies[0] # maximum state max_band = params["max_band"] # ks_orbital_indicies[-1] # log file directory logfile_directory = params["logfile_directory"] # current time step curr_step = params["curr_step"] # generate the log file name logfile_name = F"{logfile_directory}/step_{curr_step}.log" # update the logfile_name parameter in params params.update({"logfile_name":logfile_name}) # If the UKS calculations were set to True in CP2K input if isUKS == 1: # Read energies with alpha spin if es_software == "cp2k": params["spin"] = 1 E_alpha, total_energy = CP2K_methods.read_energies_from_cp2k_log_file( params ) # Read energies with beta spin params["spin"] = 2 E_beta, total_energy = CP2K_methods.read_energies_from_cp2k_log_file( params ) if es_software == "gaussian": params["spin"] = 1 E_alpha, total_energy = Gaussian_methods.read_energies_from_gaussian_log_file( params ) # Read energies with beta spin params["spin"] = 2 E_beta, total_energy = Gaussian_methods.read_energies_from_gaussian_log_file( params ) # Now forming the diagonal matrix containing the Kohn-Sham energies of the alpha and beta spins Hvib_ks_re = np.diag( np.concatenate( ( E_alpha, E_beta ) ) ) # If there is no UKS calculations set else: if es_software == "cp2k": params["spin"] = 1 # spin = 1 E_alpha, total_energy = CP2K_methods.read_energies_from_cp2k_log_file( params ) elif es_software == "gaussian": params["spin"] = 1 E_alpha, total_energy = Gaussian_methods.read_energies_from_gaussian_log_file( params ) elif es_software == "dftb+": # generate the log file name logfile_name = F"{logfile_directory}/step_{curr_step}_ks.log" # update the logfile_name parameter in params params.update({"logfile_name":logfile_name}) params["spin"] = 1 E_alpha, total_energy = DFTB_methods.get_dftb_ks_energies( params ) Hvib_ks_re = np.diag( np.concatenate( ( E_alpha, E_alpha ) ) ) return Hvib_ks_re, total_energy
[docs]def run_step2_many_body( params ): """ This function is the main function which runs the following calculations: * Executes calls to perform CP2K, DFTB+, or Gaussian electronic structure calculations * Computing the overlap, time-overlap, and energy eigenvalue matrices for the KS basis * Molecular orbital visualization using VMD Args: params (dictionary): min_band (integer): The minimum state number. max_band (integer): The maximum state number. ks_orbital_homo_index (integer): The index of the Kohn-Sham HOMO orbital (State numbers start from 1). nsteps_this_job (integer): The number of steps in this job. es_software (string): The electronic structure calculation software. * Note: The current code works with CP2K but it can be generalized to other electronic structure calculation software packages which are capable of producing cube files and performing TD-DFT calculations such as Gaussian. So this parameter is for future implementations. es_software_exe (string): The CP2K executable file or path. es_software_input_template (str): The full path to CP2K input template. project_name (string): The project name for CP2K input. isUKS (integer): This is the flag for unrestricted spin calculations. When it is set to 1 it will perform the nrestricted calculations otherwise it will consider the restricted case. trajectory_xyz_filename (string): The full path to trajectory xyz file. njob (integer): The current job number. nprocs (integer): The number of processors to be used. res_dir (string): The full path to res directory where the output data are stored. logfile_directory (string): The path to where the log files are stored. Returns: None """ # Current working directory pwd = os.getcwd() # Critical variables critical_params = [] # Default parameters default_params = { "min_band":1, "max_band":1, "ks_orbital_homo_index":0, "nsteps_this_job":1, 'trajectory_xyz_filename':"", "isUKS": 0, "es_software": "cp2k", "es_software_exe": "cp2k.popt", "es_software_input_template": "cp2k_input_template.inp", "project_name": "Libra_CP2K", "njob": 1, "nprocs": 2, "logfile_directory": "logfiles", "istep": 0, "do_cube_visualization": 0, "states_to_be_plotted": [], "waveplot_exe":"/util/academic/dftbplus/20.2.1-arpack/bin/waveplot" } # Check input comn.check_input(params, default_params, critical_params) # Extracting the min_band and max_band, we have to use int(...) since # the numbers which are read from the bash are strings. min_band = int( params["min_band"] ) max_band = int( params["max_band"] ) # Update params with min_band and max_band params.update({"min_band":min_band}) params.update({"max_band":max_band}) # Define ks_orbital_indicies based on the min_band and max_band ks_orbital_indicies = list( range( min_band, max_band+1 ) ) # Update params with ks_orbital_indicies params.update({"ks_orbital_indicies":ks_orbital_indicies}) # The HOMO orbital index ks_orbital_homo_index = int(params["ks_orbital_homo_index"]) # Number of steps for this job nsteps_this_job = int(params["nsteps_this_job"]) es_software = params["es_software"].lower() params.update( {"es_software": es_software} ) # The electronic structure software, for example cp2k if es_software == "cp2k": # The path to executable CP2K cp2k_exe = params["es_software_exe"] cp2k_input_template = params["es_software_input_template"] elif es_software == "gaussian": gaussian_exe = params["es_software_exe"] gaussian_input_template = params["es_software_input_template"] elif es_software == "dftb+": dftbp_exe = params["es_software_exe"] dftb_input_template = params["es_software_input_template"] waveplot_exe = params["waveplot_exe"] # The project name, this is important since the cube files are produced based on the project_name project_name = params["project_name"] # The path to the pre-computed trajectory trajectory_xyz_filename = params["trajectory_xyz_filename"] # The job number njob = int(params["njob"]) # The number of processors nprocs = int(params["nprocs"]) # Update params with nprocs params.update({"nprocs":nprocs}) # The path to res directory where the overlap matrices, energies, and NACs are stored res_dir = params["res_dir"] # The path to log files produced by CP2K logfile_directory = params["logfile_directory"] # The current time step which here is set to istep curr_step = int(params["istep"]) # Update the curr_step in params params.update({ "curr_step": curr_step }) # Cube file visualization flag do_cube_visualization = int(params["do_cube_visualization"]) # Make a directory for this job folder for storing the logfiles, cubefiles, and pdosfiles os.mkdir("logfiles") os.mkdir("cubefiles") os.mkdir("pdosfiles") if not os.path.exists("../../all_logfiles"): os.mkdir("../../all_logfiles") if not os.path.exists("../../all_pdosfiles"): os.mkdir("../../all_pdosfiles") ##################################################################################################### ######################## Initializing lists for storing the data for each job ####################### ##################################################################################################### # For empty lists for the KS, SD, and CI bases. These are to be used for collecting data at each step # Overlap of the wavefunctions at the same time step in this job S_ks_job = [] # Overlap of the wavefunctions for two consecutive time steps in this job St_ks_job = [] # Energy levels of the molecular orbitals for each time step in this job E_ks_job = [] # The total energies for each time step in this job total_energies_job = [] # The overlap matrices for Slater determinant basis for each time step in this job S_sd_job = [] St_sd_job = [] ####### Setting up the calculations for the initial step timer1 = time.time() # Set up an initial parameter to compute the norm of the vector if es_software == "cp2k": # Set up the cp2k input template with the atomic positions for the first timestep of this job batch CP2K_methods.CP2K_input_static( cp2k_input_template, project_name, trajectory_xyz_filename, curr_step ) # Running the CP2K calculations os.system("mpirun -np %d %s -i %s-%i.inp -o logfiles/step_%d.log "%( nprocs, cp2k_exe, project_name, curr_step, curr_step ) ) # After finishing the CP2K calculations move all the pdos and cube files to specified folders os.system("mv *.pdos pdosfiles") elif es_software == "gaussian": Gaussian_methods.gaussian_input( project_name, curr_step, gaussian_input_template, trajectory_xyz_filename ) os.system("%s < %s-%i.gjf > logfiles/step_%d.log "%( gaussian_exe, project_name, curr_step, curr_step ) ) Gaussian_methods.cube_generator_gaussian(project_name,curr_step,ks_orbital_indicies[0],ks_orbital_indicies[-1],nprocs,'../../sample_cube_file.cube',int(params["isUKS"])) elif es_software == "dftb+": print( 'params["curr_step"]', params["curr_step"]) # Set up the dftb+ input template. DFTB_methods.make_dftb_input( dftb_input_template, 0, params["curr_step"] ) # Convert the xyz file for currstep to the .gen file format os.system("xyz2gen coord-"+str(params["curr_step"])+".xyz") # Run the dftb+ program os.system("srun %s"%( dftbp_exe ) ) os.system("mv band.out step_"+str(curr_step)+"_ks.log") os.system("mv step_"+str(curr_step)+"_ks.log logfiles/.") os.system("mv EXC.DAT EXC_"+str(curr_step)+".DAT") os.system("mv EXC_"+str(curr_step)+".DAT logfiles/.") os.system("mv TRA.DAT TRA_"+str(curr_step)+".DAT") os.system("mv TRA_"+str(curr_step)+".DAT logfiles/.") DFTB_methods.cube_generator_dftbplus( project_name, curr_step, ks_orbital_indicies[0], ks_orbital_indicies[-1], waveplot_exe, int(params["isUKS"]) ) os.system("mv *.cube cubefiles") # Print the elapsed time for CP2K calculations for this step. print(params["es_software"]," calculation time for step ", params["curr_step"]," was ", time.time() - timer1) # We have compted the first SCF calculation for this job, now to read the output data and cubes print("Reading the initial step using pool") print("nprocs", nprocs) # Creating a pool with nprocs pool = mp.Pool( processes = nprocs ) # The cube file names produced by CP2K, Here we set it as prev since we # don't want to read the cubes twice. cubefile_names_prev = CP2K_methods.cube_file_names_cp2k( params ) print("Initial step for this job, the cube file names are:\n", cubefile_names_prev) # We may have to "crunch" the cubes - this may be especially needed for periodic systems. #for cubefile in cubefile_names_prev: # os.system( "/gpfs/scratch/brendan/cp2k/tools/cubecruncher/cubecruncher.x -center geo -i %s -o %s-1.cube " % ( cubefile, cubefile.replace( ".cube", "" ) ) ) # os.system( "rm %s" % cubefile) # os.system( "mv %s-1.cube %s" % ( cubefile.replace(".cube",""), cubefile ) ) cubefiles_prev = cube_file_methods.read_cube, cubefile_names_prev ) # Call the pool to read the cube files # Close the pool pool.close() # If we are to visualize the cubefiles, then we should compute the grid-mesh before hand to save time later if do_cube_visualization == 1: # This phase_factor_visual contains the phase factor correction for each state # and is used to plot the cubes phase corrected phase_factor_visual = np.ones( ( max_band - min_band + 1 ) * 2 ) # Update the params with phase_factor_visual params.update({"phase_factor_visual":phase_factor_visual}) # The states which were set to be plotted states_to_be_plotted = [] for state in list( params["states_to_be_plotted"].split(",") ): states_to_be_plotted.append( int( state ) ) # Update the params for states_to_be_plotted params.update({"states_to_be_plotted":states_to_be_plotted}) # Plot the cubes using VMD cube_file_methods.plot_cubes( params ) # After reading the cubefiles for curr_step, we should delete them to be memory efficient print("Removing cubefiles") os.system("rm cubefiles/*") # Froming the hvib_ks_re with energies for the first step in the job. # This will extract the Kohn-Sham energies and total energy from the CP2K log files and forms the Hvib_real hvib_ks_re, total_energy = form_Hvib_real( params ) # Appending the Kohn-Sham and total energies of this step in the E_ks_job and total_energies_job E_ks_job.append( hvib_ks_re ) total_energies_job.append( total_energy ) curr_step += 1 ######################################### # All other steps after initial step for this job for step in range( nsteps_this_job-1 ): # Update the params with curr_step params.update({ "curr_step":curr_step }) # Setting up the timer timer1 = time.time() if es_software == "cp2k": # Creating the CP2K input CP2K_methods.CP2K_input_static( cp2k_input_template, project_name, trajectory_xyz_filename, curr_step ) # Run CP2K os.system("mpirun -np %d %s -i %s-%i.inp -o logfiles/step_%d.log "%( nprocs, cp2k_exe, project_name, curr_step, curr_step ) ) # Move all the pdos and cube files to one folder os.system("mv *.pdos pdosfiles") elif es_software == "gaussian": Gaussian_methods.gaussian_input( project_name, curr_step, gaussian_input_template, trajectory_xyz_filename ) os.system("%s < %s-%i.gjf > logfiles/step_%d.log "%( gaussian_exe, project_name, curr_step, curr_step ) ) Gaussian_methods.cube_generator_gaussian(project_name,curr_step,ks_orbital_indicies[0],ks_orbital_indicies[-1],nprocs,'../../sample_cube_file.cube',int(params["isUKS"])) elif es_software == "dftb+": print( 'params["curr_step"]', params["curr_step"]) # Set up the dftb+ input template. DFTB_methods.make_dftb_input( dftb_input_template, 0, params["curr_step"] ) # Convert the xyz file for currstep to the .gen file format os.system("xyz2gen coord-"+str(params["curr_step"])+".xyz") # Run the dftb+ program os.system("srun %s"%( dftbp_exe ) ) os.system("mv band.out step_"+str(curr_step)+"_ks.log") os.system("mv step_"+str(curr_step)+"_ks.log logfiles/.") os.system("mv EXC.DAT EXC_"+str(curr_step)+".DAT") os.system("mv EXC_"+str(curr_step)+".DAT logfiles/.") os.system("mv TRA.DAT TRA_"+str(curr_step)+".DAT") os.system("mv TRA_"+str(curr_step)+".DAT logfiles/.") DFTB_methods.cube_generator_dftbplus( project_name, curr_step, ks_orbital_indicies[0], ks_orbital_indicies[-1], waveplot_exe, int(params["isUKS"]) ) os.system("mv *.cube cubefiles") # Print the Timing print("Elapsed time for step ", params["curr_step"]," was ", time.time() - timer1) # Forming the hvib_ks_re the same as above hvib_ks_re, total_energy = form_Hvib_real( params ) E_ks_job.append( hvib_ks_re ) total_energies_job.append( total_energy ) #============================== Computation of the overlap matrices============================= # Now, read in the cube files for steps step-1 and step # and form the S_ks and St_ks overlap matricies cubefiles_curr, S_ks_prev, S_ks_curr, St_ks = compute_cube_ks_overlaps( cubefiles_prev, params ) # replace the cubefiles_prev with the cubefiles_curr # with this we do not need to read the cubes twice cubefiles_prev = cubefiles_curr #=============================================================================================== # Plot the cube files using VMD if do_cube_visualization == 1: for row_index in range(len(St_ks)): # Multiplying the phase factor for each states which needs to be plotted if St_ks[row_index][row_index]<0: phase_factor_visual[row_index] = phase_factor_visual[row_index] * (-1) # Update the params with phase_factor_visual params.update({"phase_factor_visual":phase_factor_visual}) # Plot the cubes cube_file_methods.plot_cubes( params ) # Now remove all the cube files to be memory efficient os.system("rm cubefiles/*") # Appending the normalized overlap matrices in the _job variables S_ks_job.append(S_ks_prev) St_ks_job.append(St_ks) if step == nsteps_this_job-2: S_ks_job.append(S_ks_curr) #np.savetxt(filename, np.array, fmt='%.16e', delimiter=" ") np.savetxt("%s/S_ks_%d_re" % (res_dir, int(params["istep"])+step), S_ks_job[step], fmt='%.16e', delimiter=" ") np.savetxt("%s/E_ks_%d_re" % (res_dir, int(params["istep"])+step), E_ks_job[step], fmt='%.16e', delimiter=" ") np.savetxt("%s/St_ks_%d_re" % (res_dir, int(params["istep"])+step), St_ks_job[step], fmt='%.16e', delimiter=" ") curr_step += 1 # Print out the KS Overlap and Energy matricies for the last step in this job batch np.savetxt("%s/S_ks_%d_re" % (res_dir, int(params["istep"])+step+1), S_ks_job[step+1], fmt='%.16e', delimiter=" ") np.savetxt("%s/E_ks_%d_re" % (res_dir, int(params["istep"])+step+1), E_ks_job[step+1], fmt='%.16e', delimiter=" ") print("All steps were done successfully for this job!") os.system("mv logfiles/* ../../all_logfiles/.") os.system("mv pdosfiles/* ../../all_pdosfiles/.") os.system("rm "+trajectory_xyz_filename) os.system("rm *wfn")