# * Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Brendan A. Smith, Wei Li, and Alexey V. Akimov
# * This file is distributed under the terms of the
# * GNU General Public License as published by the
# * Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
# * License, or (at your option) any later version.
# * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt
.. module:: step2
:platform: Unix, Windows
:synopsis: This module implements functions for doing NAC calculaitons in the 1-electron
basis of KS orbitals, withe the QE package
.. moduleauthor:: Brendan A. Smith, Wei Li, and Alexey V. Akimov
import os
import sys
# Fisrt, we add the location of the library to test to the PYTHON path
if sys.platform=="cygwin":
from cyglibra_core import *
elif sys.platform=="linux" or sys.platform=="linux2":
from liblibra_core import *
from libra_py import QE_methods
from libra_py import QE_utils
from libra_py import units
#import libra_py.common_utils as comn
import util.libutil as comn
from . import compute_properties
from . import compute_hprime
[docs]def run(params):
"""This function is the main driver for the NAC calculations withing the workflows/nbra
params ( dictionary ): Simulation control parameters
* **params["start_indx"]** ( int ): index of the starting datapoint in the trajectory to compute
the NACs [default: 0]
* **params["stop_indx"]** ( int ): index of the final datapoint in the trajectory to compute
the NACs [default: 1]
* **params["dt"]** ( double ): time step between two adjacent datapoint a the trajectory [units: a.u.; default: 41.0]
* **params["wd"]** ( string ): the name of a "working directory (can be removed once the calculatons
are done)" that will be created during this function execution - this is where the temporary files
are written to
* **params["rd"]** ( string ): the name of a "results directory" - this is where all the output files
files will be written to [ default: "res" ]
* **params["nac_method"]** ( int ): selects the type of output to analyze:
- 0 : non-spin-polarized calculations [default]
- 1 : spin-polarized calculations
- 2 : non-collinear calculation (SOC) only
- 3 : spin-polarized and non-collinear calculation (SOC)
* **params["compute_Hprime"]** ( Boolean ): the flag to compute the <i|H'|j> matrices [ default: False]
* **params["verbosity"]** ( int ): the verbosity level regarding the execution of the current function [default: 0]
..seealso:: parameters of ::funct::```run_qe``` function
* **params["BATCH_SYSTEM"]**
* **params["NP"]**
* **params["EXE"]**
* **params["EXE_EXPORT"]**
* **params["prefix0"]**
* **params["prefix1"]**
..seealso:: parameters of ::funct::```read_all``` function
* **params["read_wfc"]**
* **params["read_grid"]**
* **params["verb0"]**
* **params["verb1"]**
* **params["verb2"]**
..seealso:: parameters of ::funct::```read_wfc_grid``` function
* **params["maxband"]**
* **params["minband"]**
* **params["maxband_soc"]**
* **params["minband_soc"]**
None: but generates the files with couplings, energies and transition density matrices
The matrices are of 2N x 2N dimensions, where N = maxband - minband + 1
# Now try to get parameters from the input
critical_params = [ "rd" ]
default_params = { "start_indx":0, "stop_indx":1, "dt":1.0*units.fs2au,
comn.check_input(params, default_params, critical_params)
rd = params["rd"]
start_indx = int(params["start_indx"])
stop_indx = int(params["stop_indx"])
dt = params["dt"]
wd = params["wd"]
nac_method = params["nac_method"]
compute_Hprime = params["compute_Hprime"]
verbosity = params["verbosity"]
pdos_flg = params["pdos_flg"]
if verbosity>0:
print( "Starting trajectory.run")
tim = Timer()
# Sanity/Convention check
if nac_method == 0:
if verbosity>0:
print( "non-relativistic, non-spin-polarized calculations \n")
elif nac_method == 1:
if verbosity>0:
print( "non-relativistic, spin-polarized calculations \n")
elif nac_method == 2:
if verbosity>0:
print( "fully relativistic, non-collinear calculations \n")
elif nac_method == 3:
if verbosity>0:
print( "same as 2 + 1, followed by the projections \n")
print( "Error: nac_method must be one of the values in [0,1,2,3] \n")
# Initialize variables
curr_index = start_indx - 1
t = start_indx
if verbosity>0:
print( "In trajectory.run: current working directory for python: ",os.getcwd())
print( "In trajectory.run: current working directory for sh:",os.system("echo $(pwd)"))
# Create the working directory where all output files will be written
# The results directory should already exist
os.system("mkdir %s" % wd)
while t<=stop_indx:
if verbosity>0:
print( ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> t= ", t, " <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<")
print( "stop_indx", stop_indx)
print( "start_indx", start_indx)
dirname = ""
if t==start_indx:
if verbosity>0:
print( "Starting first point in this batch")
dirname0, dirname1 = "curr0", "curr1"
if t>start_indx:
if verbosity>0:
print( "Continuing with other points in this batch")
dirname0, dirname1 = "next0", "next1"
# Run the QE calculations
QE_methods.run_qe(params, t, dirname0, dirname1)
if curr_index>=start_indx:
# Update curr_index in params - this may be useful
params["curr_index"] = curr_index
# First see wether the calculation is what we wanted
info0, all_e_dum0, info1, all_e_dum1 = QE_methods.read_info(params)
# Read present and next electronic structure (es) in a formatted way
es_curr, es_next = QE_methods.read_wfc_grid(params)
# Finally, using the current and the next wavefunctions to compute the properties of interest
# For the non-relativistic and either spin or non-spin-polarized case
if nac_method == 0 or nac_method == 1 or nac_method == 3:
if ( info0["nspin"]==1 and info0["nk"]==1 ) or ( info0["nspin"]==2 and info0["nk"] == 2) : # Non-SOC case
# Only one k-point. For the spin-polarized case, the beta orbtials are as if they were computed using 2 K-points
# (nk = 2). However, they are not. This is just the QE format for expressing alpha and beta orbitals at a single K-point
#if info0["nk"]==1 or info0["nk"] == 2:
if verbosity>0:
print( "Computing various properies of the spin-diabatic (non-relativistic) KS orbitals using a single K-point")
# Compute various properties of the spin-diabatic (non-relativistic) KS orbitals at a single K-point
compute_properties.compute_properties_onekpt(params, es_curr, es_next, curr_index)
# Compute various properies of the spin-diabatic (non-relativistic) KS orbitals using multiple K-point
if verbosity>0:
print( "Computing various properies of the spin-diabatic (non-relativistic) KS orbitals using multiple K-points")
print( "Warning: This capabilitiy is under development and not fully tested")
print ("This capability is temporarily disabled. Please use only a single K-point for now")
print ("Exiting now")
#compute_properties.compute_properties_general(params, es_curr, es_next, curr_index)
if compute_Hprime == True:
# Compute the transition dipole moment along the nuclear trajectory
if verbosity>0:
print( "Computing the transition dipole moment along the nuclear trajectory")
print( "Warning: This capabilitiy is under development and not fully tested")
# C++ implementation
compute_hprime.compute_hprime_dia(es_curr, info0, "%s/0_Hprime_%d" % (rd, curr_index) )
# Python implementation
#compute_hprime.hprime_py(es_curr, info0, "%s/0_Hprime_%d" % (rd, curr_index) )
# For the relativistic case
if nac_method == 2 or nac_method == 3:
# Only one k-point
if info1["nk"]==1:
if verbosity>0:
print( "Computing various properies of the spin-adiabatic (relativistic) KS orbitals using a single K-point")
# Compute various properties of the spin-adiabatic (relativistic) KS orbitals at a single K-point
compute_properties.compute_properties_onekpt(params, es_curr, es_next, curr_index)
#compute_properties.compute_properties_adi_gamma(params, es_curr, es_next, curr_index)
print( "Multiple k-points scheme with SOC is not yet implemented")
# Checking if spin-adiabtic and spin-diabatic cases were using the same sized P\plane wave basis
if nac_method == 3:
print( "nac_method == 3: Entering check for whether the adiabatic and diabatic basis have the same number of plane waves")
# Check whether the adiabatic and diabatic basis have the same number of plane waves
# the reason why I used the read_qe_wfc_info is because I will need the ngw
# to check the consistency
# But the read_qe_index does not read it, so in order to avoid the changes in the Libra code,
# I use the read_qe_wfc_info.
info_wfc0 = QE_methods.read_qe_wfc_info("%s/curr0/x0.export/wfc.1" % wd,0)
info_wfc1 = QE_methods.read_qe_wfc_info("%s/curr1/x1.export/wfc.1" % wd,0)
if info_wfc0["ngw"] != info_wfc1["ngw"]:
print( "Error: The number of plane waves of diabatic and adiabatic functions should be equal")
print( "Pass: The number of plane waves of diabatic and adiabatic functions are equal")
params1 = {"do_orth": 0, "root_directory": rd, "curr_index": curr_index, "print_overlaps": 1, "dt": dt}
compute_ovlps(coeff_curr0, coeff_next0, coeff_curr1, coeff_next1, e_curr0, e_next0, e_curr1, e_next1, params1)
# Remove current run, make next run to be the current one
if nac_method == 0 or nac_method == 1 or nac_method==3:
os.system("rm -rf %s/curr0" % wd )
os.system("mv %s/next0 %s/curr0" % (wd, wd) )
if nac_method==2 or nac_method==3:
os.system("rm -rf %s/curr1" % wd )
os.system("mv %s/next1 %s/curr1" % (wd, wd) )
if verbosity>0:
print( "old files deleted, new have become old")
# Move the index files to the results directory, just don't copy the very last one - it is a repetition
#if t<stop_indx:
if nac_method == 0 or nac_method == 1 or nac_method==3:
# The input file template defined in params["prefix0"] should have prefix = 'x0' !
os.system("cp %s/curr0/x0.export/index.xml %s/x0_index_%i.xml" % (wd, rd, t))
os.system("cp %s/curr0/x0.save/data-file-schema.xml %s/x0_data-file-schema_%i.xml" % (wd, rd, t))
os.system("cp %s/curr0/%s.%d.out %s/%s.%d.out" % (wd, params["prefix0"], t, rd, params["prefix0"], t))
if pdos_flg == 1:
print ("Entering pdos_flag == 1: Outputting files necessary for computing pDOS calculations with projwfc.x")
print ("Warning: Crashes at this point may result from QE versioning. This flag is currently compatable with QE v6.2.1")
print ("Warning: This flag is tested only for non-relativisitic cases")
os.system("cp %s/curr0/x0.save/charge-density.dat %s/x0_charge-density_%i.dat" % (wd, rd, t))
os.system("cp %s/curr0/x0.save/wfcdw1.dat %s/x0_wfcdw1_%i.dat" % (wd, rd, t))
os.system("cp %s/curr0/x0.save/wfcup1.dat %s/x0_wfcup1_%i.dat" % (wd, rd, t))
if nac_method == 2 or nac_method == 3:
# The input file template defined in params["prefix1"] should have prefix = 'x1' !
os.system("cp %s/curr1/x1.export/index.xml %s/x1_index_%i.xml" % (wd, rd, t))
os.system("cp %s/curr1/x1.save/data-file-schema.xml %s/x1_data-file-schema_%i.xml" % (wd, rd, t))
os.system("cp %s/curr1/%s.%d.out %s/%s.%d.out" % (wd, params["prefix1"], t, rd, params["prefix1"], t))
# ACHTUNG!!! Restoring wfc makes some complications, so we might need to destroy wfc objects
# after each round of operations and create new objects from the beginning - thia may be safer!
curr_index = curr_index + 1
if verbosity>1:
print( "End of step t=", t)
t = t + 1