Source code for libra_py.workflows.nbra.qsh

#* Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Wei Li and Alexey V. Akimov
#* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
#* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#* See the file LICENSE in the root directory of this distribution
#* or <>.

.. module:: qsh
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis:   Implementation of the QuasiStochastic Hamiltonian method
       Akimov, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2017, 8, 5190

.. moduleauthor:: Wei Li and Alexey V. Akimov


import cmath
import math
import os
import sys

if sys.platform=="cygwin":
    from cyglibra_core import *
elif sys.platform=="linux" or sys.platform=="linux2":
    from liblibra_core import *

#import libra_py.common_utils as comn
import util.libutil as comn

import libra_py.units as units
import libra_py.influence_spectrum as influence_spectrum
import libra_py.data_stat as data_stat

[docs]def compute_freqs(H_vib, params): """Compute a matrix of frequencies for each matrix element Args: H_vib ( list of CMATRIX objects ): the vibronic Hamiltonian for all time-points H_vib[istep].get(i,j) - i,j matrix element for the step `istep` params ( dictionary ): the parameters that control the execution of this function SeeAlso: influence_spectrum.compute_mat_elt for the description of other parameters: * filename * logname * nfreqs SeeAlso: influence_spectrum.recipe1(data, params) for the description of other parameters: * dt * wspan * dw * do_output * acf_filename * spectrum_filename * do_center * acf_type * data_type Returns: tuple: (freqs, dev), where: SeeAlso: influence_spectrum.compute_mat_elt for the description of the output `freqs` dev ( list of lists of double ): dev[i][j] is the standard deviation the QSH terms (sum over frequencies) """ # Set defaults and check critical parameters critical_params = [ ] default_params = { } comn.check_input(params, default_params, critical_params) # Local variables and dimensions nsteps = len(H_vib) nstates = H_vib[0].num_of_rows freqs, T, norm_acf, raw_acf, W, J, J2 = influence_spectrum.compute_all(H_vib, params) # T in fs, W and freqs in cm^-1 dt = params["dt"] conv = units.wavn2au * units.fs2au # Ok, now we have the function - sum of sines, so let's compute the standard deviation # This is a silly method - just do it numerically dev = [ [ 0.0 for i in range(0,nstates)] for j in range(0,nstates)] for i in range(0,nstates): for j in range(0,nstates): # Adjust the number of frequencies nfreqs = params["nfreqs"] if len(freqs[i][j]) < nfreqs: nfreqs = len(freqs[i][j]) # Compute the variation of the QSH terms fu_ave, fu2_ave = 0.0, 0.0 for r in range(0,1000000): fu = 0.0 for k in range(0,nfreqs): fu = fu + freqs[i][j][k][2] * math.sin(conv*freqs[i][j][k][0]*r*dt) fu_ave = fu_ave + fu fu2_ave = fu2_ave + fu*fu dev[i][j] = math.sqrt( (fu2_ave - fu_ave**2) / 1000000.0 ) return freqs, dev
[docs]def compute_qs_Hvib(Nfreqs, freqs, t, H_vib_re_ave, H_vib_re_std, dw_Hvib_re, up_Hvib_re, H_vib_im_ave, H_vib_im_std, dw_Hvib_im, up_Hvib_im, dev): """Compute the QSH Hamiltonians Args: Nfreqs ( int ): the number of frequencies we want to use in the QSH calculations (upper limit, the actual number could be smaller) freqs ( list of lists of doubles ): contains the spectral info for various matrix elements of the sampled Hvib SeeAlso: influence_spectrum.compute_mat_elt for the description of the output `freqs` t ( double ): time at which we want to reconstruct the QSH [ units: a.u. ] H_vib_re_ave ( MATRIX(nstates, nstates) ): average of energies for direct Hamiltonian H_vib_im_ave ( MATRIX(nstates, nstates) ): average of couplings for direct Hamiltonian H_vib_re_std ( MATRIX(nstates, nstates) ): std of energies for direct Hamiltonian H_vib_im_std ( MATRIX(nstates, nstates) ): std of couplings for direct Hamiltonian up_Hvib_re ( MATRIX(nstates, nstates) ): maximum value of energies for direct Hamiltonian up_Hvib_im ( MATRIX(nstates, nstates) ): maximum value of couplings for direct Hamiltonian dw_Hvib_re ( MATRIX(nstates, nstates) ): minimal value of energies for direct Hamiltonian dw_Hvib_im ( MATRIX(nstates, nstates) ): minimal value of couplings for direct Hamiltonian dev ( list of lists of doubles, nstates x nstates ): std for direct Hamiltonian SeeAlso: compute_freqs for the description of the output `dev` Returns: CMATRIX(nstates, nstates): contains QSH vibronic Hamiltonian at a given time """ nstates = H_vib_re_ave.num_of_cols conv = units.wavn2au Hvib_stoch_re = MATRIX(nstates,nstates) Hvib_stoch_im = MATRIX(nstates,nstates) fu = [ [ 0.0 for i in range(0,nstates)] for j in range(0,nstates)] for i in range(0,nstates): for j in range(0,nstates): # Adjust the number of frequencies nfreqs = Nfreqs if len(freqs[i][j]) < Nfreqs: nfreqs = len(freqs[i][j]) for k in range(0,nfreqs): fu[i][j] = fu[i][j] + freqs[i][j][k][2] * math.sin(conv*freqs[i][j][k][0]*t) for i in range(0,nstates): for j in range(0,nstates): if i==j: xab = H_vib_re_ave.get(i,j) + H_vib_re_std.get(i,j) * (fu[i][j]/dev[i][j] ) if xab < dw_Hvib_re.get(i,j): xab = dw_Hvib_re.get(i,j) elif xab > up_Hvib_re.get(i,j): xab = up_Hvib_re.get(i,j) Hvib_stoch_re.set(i,j, xab ) elif i<j: xab = H_vib_im_ave.get(i,j) + H_vib_im_std.get(i,j) * (fu[i][j]/dev[i][j] ) if xab < dw_Hvib_im.get(i,j): xab = dw_Hvib_im.get(i,j) elif xab > up_Hvib_im.get(i,j): xab = up_Hvib_im.get(i,j) Hvib_stoch_im.set(i,j, -xab ) Hvib_stoch_im.set(j,i, xab ) Hvib_stoch = CMATRIX(Hvib_stoch_re, Hvib_stoch_im) return Hvib_stoch
[docs]def run(H_vib, params): """ The procedure to convert the results of QE/model Hvib calculations to longer timescales using the QSH approach Args: H_vib ( list of lists of CMATRIX ): the vibronic Hamiltonian for all data sets and all time-points Such that H_vib[idata][istep].get(i,j) is the i,j matrix element for the data set ```idata``` and step in that data set ```istep``` params ( dictionary ): controls the present and all underlying level calculations * **params["dt"]** ( double ): nuclear dynamics integration time step this is also the spacing between initial data points [ units: a.u. of time, default: 41.0] * **params["nfreqs"]** ( int ): maximal number of frequencies to use to reconstruct all the matrix elements [ default: 1] * **params["nsteps"]** ( int ): how many time-steps of QSH to generate [ default: 10] * **params["do_QSH_output"]** ( Boolean ): the flag that determines whether to generate the output files containing the QSH Hamiltonians. [ default : False] * **params["output_set_paths"]** ( list of strings ): Directories where the resulting QSH Hvib files will be printed out. These directories should already exist [default: QSH_#_of_data_set, e.g. QSH_0, QSH_1, etc.] * **params["qsh_Hvib_re_prefix"]** ( string ): prefixes of the output files with real part of the QSH vibronic Hamiltonian at time t * **params["qsh_Hvib_re_suffix"]** ( string ): suffixes of the output files with real part of the QSH vibronic Hamiltonian at time t * **params["qsh_Hvib_im_prefix"]** ( string ): prefixes of the output files with imaginary part of the QSH vibronic Hamiltonian at time t * **params["qsh_Hvib_im_suffix"]** ( string ): suffixes of the output files with imaginary part of the QSH vibronic Hamiltonian at time t Returns: ( list of lists ): qsh_H_vib, such as qsh_H_vib[idata][istep] - is a CMATRIX(nstates, nstates) object representing a vibronic Hamiltonian predicted for the time step `istep` using the training dataset `idata` """ # General dimensions ndata = len(H_vib) nstates = H_vib[0][0].num_of_cols output_set_paths = [] for i in range(0,ndata): output_set_paths.append( "QSH_%s" % (i) ) # Check the input parameters and setup defaults critical_params = [ ] default_params = { "dt":41.0, "nfreqs":1, "nsteps":10, "do_QSH_output":False, "output_set_paths":output_set_paths, "qsh_Hvib_re_prefix":"qsh_Hvib_", "qsh_Hvib_im_prefix":"qsh_Hvib_", "qsh_Hvib_re_suffix":"_re", "qsh_Hvib_im_suffix":"_im" } comn.check_input(params, default_params, critical_params) # Local parameters nfreqs = params["nfreqs"] nsteps = params["nsteps"] dt = params["dt"] # Parameters for the undelying functions params1 = dict(params) params1["dt"] = params["dt"] * units.au2fs # compute_freqs takes dt in fs qsh_H_vib = [] for idata in range(0,ndata): # over all MD trajectories (data sets) #======== Split complex-valued matrices into real and imaginary sets ============ H_vib_re = [] # list of MATRIX H_vib_im = [] # list of MATRIX nsteps0 = len(H_vib[idata]) for i in range(0,nsteps0): H_vib_re.append(H_vib[idata][i].real()) H_vib_im.append(H_vib[idata][i].imag()) #======== Analyze the Hvib time-seris ============ H_vib_re_ave, H_vib_re_std, dw_Hvib_re, up_Hvib_re = data_stat.mat_stat(H_vib_re) H_vib_im_ave, H_vib_im_std, dw_Hvib_im, up_Hvib_im = data_stat.mat_stat(H_vib_im) freqs, dev = compute_freqs(H_vib[idata], params1) # freqs are in cm^-1 #============= Output the resulting QSH Hamiltonians =========================== Hvib = [] for i in range(0,nsteps): # compute QSH Hvib at time t_i = i * dt qs_Hvib = compute_qs_Hvib(nfreqs, freqs, i*dt, H_vib_re_ave, H_vib_re_std, dw_Hvib_re, up_Hvib_re, H_vib_im_ave, H_vib_im_std, dw_Hvib_im, up_Hvib_im, dev) Hvib.append(CMATRIX(qs_Hvib)) if params["do_QSH_output"]==True: #============= Output the resulting QSH Hamiltonians =========================== re_filename = prms["output_set_paths"][idata] + prms["qsh_Hvib_re_prefix"] + str(i) + prms["qsh_Hvib_re_suffix"] im_filename = prms["output_set_paths"][idata] + prms["qsh_Hvib_im_prefix"] + str(i) + prms["qsh_Hvib_im_suffix"] qs_Hvib.real().show_matrix(re_filename) qs_Hvib.imag().show_matrix(im_filename) qsh_H_vib.append(Hvib) return qsh_H_vib