Source code for libra_py.workflows.nbra.lz

#* Copyright (C) 2018 Alexey V. Akimov
#* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
#* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#* See the file LICENSE in the root directory of this distribution
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  Implementation of the Landau-Zener transition probability.


import cmath
import math
import os
import sys

if sys.platform=="cygwin":
    from cyglibra_core import *
elif sys.platform=="linux" or sys.platform=="linux2":
    from liblibra_core import *

#import libra_py.common_utils as comn
import util.libutil as comn

import libra_py.units as units
import libra_py.probabilities as prob
import libra_py.tsh as tsh
from . import decoherence_times
from . import step4

[docs]def Belyaev_Lebedev(Hvib, params): """ Computes the Landau-Zener hopping probabilities based on the energy levels according to: (1) Belyaev, A. K.; Lebedev, O. V. Phys. Rev. A, 2011, 84, 014701 See also: (2) Xie, W.; Domcke, W. J. Chem. Phys. 2017, 147, 184114 (3) Crespo-Otero, R.; Barbatti, M. Chem. Rev. 2018, 188, 7026 - section: 3.2.3 Specifics: 1) The estimation of d^2E_ij / dt^2 is based on the 3-point Lagrange interpolation 2) This is done within the NBRA Args: Hvib (list of CMATRIX(nstates,nstates) ): vibronic Hamiltonians along the trajectory params ( dictionary ): control parameters * **params["dt"]** ( double ): time distance between the adjacent data points [ units: a.u., defaut: 41.0 ] * **params["T"]** ( double ): temperature of the nuclear sub-system [ units: K, default: 300.0 ] * **params["Boltz_opt_BL"]** ( int ): option to select a probability of hopping acceptance [default: 1] Options: - 0 - all proposed hops are accepted - no rejection based on energies - 1 - proposed hops are accepted with exp(-E/kT) probability - the old (hence the default approach) - 2 - proposed hops are accepted with the probability derived from Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution - more rigorous - 3 - generalization of "1", but actually it should be changed in case there are many degenerate levels * **params["gap_min_exception"]** ( int ): option to handle the situation when extrapolated gap minimum is negative Options: - 0 - set to zero [ default ] - 1 - use the mid-point gap * **params["target_space"]** ( int ): how to select the space of target states for each source state Options: - 0 - only adjacent states - 1 - all states available [ default ] """ # Control parameters critical_params = [ ] default_params = { "T":300.0, "Boltz_opt_BL":1, "dt":41.0, "gap_min_exception":0, "target_space":1 } comn.check_input(params, default_params, critical_params) boltz_opt = params["Boltz_opt_BL"] T = params["T"] dt = params["dt"] gap_min_exception = params["gap_min_exception"] target_space = params["target_space"] # Data dimensions nsteps = len(Hvib) nstates= Hvib[0].num_of_cols # Pre-compute the energy gaps along the trajectory dE = decoherence_times.energy_gaps(Hvib) """ Compute the probabilities based on the LZ formula P(i,j) - the convention is: the probability to go from j to i This will make the Markov state propagation more convenient """ P = [] P.append( MATRIX(nstates, nstates) ) for i in range(0,nstates): P[0].set(i,i, 1.0) for n in range(1, nsteps-1): P.append(MATRIX(nstates, nstates)) # Belyaev-Lebedev probabilities # Find the minima of the |E_i - E_j| for all pair of i and j for j in range(0, nstates): # source # By doing this, we'll consider the transitions to only adjacent states targets = [] if target_space == 0: # Target states are only the states adjacent to the source state if j == 0: targets = [1] elif j == nstates - 1: targets = [nstates - 2] else: targets = [j-1, j+1] elif target_space == 1: # All states can be the potential targets targets = range(0, nstates) # with how many other states, does the current (source) state has minima? # apparently, this can not be more than 2 normalization = 0.0 #for i in targets: # targets for i in targets: # Interpolation is based on the 3-points Lagrange interpolant # if (dE[n-1].get(i,j)>dE[n].get(i,j) and dE[n].get(i,j)<dE[n+1].get(i,j)): denom = dE[n-1].get(i,j) - 2.0*dE[n].get(i,j) + dE[n+1].get(i,j) if denom > 0.0: t_min = 0.5*(dE[n-1].get(i,j) - dE[n+1].get(i,j))*dt/denom if t_min<-dt or t_min > dt: print("Error determining t_min in the interpolation!\n") print("Exiting...\n") sys.exit(0) gap_min = 0.5*(t_min*(t_min - dt)*dE[n-1].get(i,j) - 2.0*(t_min + dt)*(t_min - dt)*dE[n].get(i,j) + t_min*(t_min + dt)*dE[n+1].get(i,j) )/(dt*dt) if gap_min<0.0: if gap_min_exception==0: gap_min = 0.0 elif gap_min_exception==1: gap_min = dE[n].get(i,j) if gap_min > dE[n-1].get(i,j) or gap_min > dE[n+1].get(i,j): print("Error: the extrapolated gap is larger than the bounding values!\n") print("Exiting...\n") sys.exit(0) second_deriv = denom/(dt*dt) argg = (gap_min**3) / second_deriv p = math.exp(-0.5*math.pi*math.sqrt(argg) ) # Optionally, can correct transition probabilitieis to # account for Boltzmann factor if i!=j: E_new = Hvib[n].get(i,i).real # target E_old = Hvib[n].get(j,j).real # source bf = 1.0 if E_new > E_old: # Notice how we use gap_min rather than E_new - E_old in this case bf = tsh.boltz_factor(gap_min, 0.0, T, boltz_opt) if bf>1.0: print("Error: Boltzmann scaling factor can not be larger 1.0 = ",bf) sys.exit(0) P[n].set(i,j, p*bf) # Probability to go j->i normalization = normalization + p*bf if normalization<1.0: P[n].set(j,j, 1.0 - normalization) else: P[n].add(j,j, 0.0) scl = 1.0/normalization P[n].scale(-1, j, scl) P.append( MATRIX(nstates, nstates) ) for i in range(0,nstates): P[nsteps-1].set(i,i, 1.0) return P
[docs]def adjust_SD_probabilities(P, params): """ Adjusts the surface hopping probabilties computed according to Belyaev-Lebedev's work by setting the probability to hop between Slater determinants that differ by more than 1 electron to zero. Args: P ( list of lists of MATRIX ): each element of P contains the probability matrix according to the NBRA BLSH method params ( dictionary ): control parameters * **params["excitations"]** ( list of lists of lists ) : SDs themselves (QE or dftb+ non-tddftb) or the SD transitions (tddftb). If the excitations are non-changing, then the length of excitations is 1. If excitations do change, then there must be an excitation list for each step. In this case, the length of excitation = nsteps = len(P) params["excitation"][i][j][k] = kth SD step for the jth step of the ith nuclear trajectory i: index of nuclear trajectory j: index of timestep of nuclear trajectory i k: index of SD for the jth timestep on nuclear trajectory i Examples: Assume we have constructed SDs from a basis of 4 alpha and 4 beta Kohn-Sham spin-orbitals The ground state is defined as: [1, 2, -5, -6]. Consider only alpha-excitations We currently do non-tddftb computations by forming our own SDs in libra_py.workflows.nbra.step3 - QE or dftb+ non-tddftb - [ [ [1, 3, -5, -6], [1, 4, -5, -6], [3, 2, -5, -6], [4, 2, -5, -6] ] ] As tddftb is used exclusively with the BLSH-NBRA method, we usually just read the energies, and know information only regarding the index of the orbtial transitions, such as: [2 -> 3]. So, we package this in the following form - tddftb - [ [ [2,3], [2,4], [1,3], [1,4] ] ] """ ndata = len(P) nsteps = len(P[0]) excitations = params["excitations"] nsteps_excitations = len(excitations[0]) num_of_excitations = len(excitations[0][0]) print ("ndata = ", ndata) print ("nsteps = ", nsteps) print ("nsteps_excitations = ", nsteps_excitations) for idata in range(ndata): if nsteps_excitations == nsteps: for nstep in range(nsteps): for j in range(num_of_excitations): s1 = set(excitations[idata][nstep][j]) for i in range(num_of_excitations): s2 = set(excitations[idata][nstep][i]) diff_electrons = [k for k in s2 if k not in s1] if len(diff_electrons) > 1: source_state_regain = P[idata][nstep].get(i,j) #if source_state_regain > 0: #print ("\nIndex of states with more than 1 electron different", i, j) #print ("Prob to trasnfer to state i:", source_state_regain) #print ("Prob to remain on state j:", P[idata][nstep].get(j,j)) #print ("Adjusting probs gives:") P[idata][nstep].scale(i,j,0.0) P[idata][nstep].add(j,j,source_state_regain) #if source_state_regain > 0: #print ("Prob to trasnfer to state i:", P[idata][nstep].get(i,j)) #print ("Prob to remain on state j:", P[idata][nstep].get(j,j)) else: for nstep in range(nsteps): for j in range(num_of_excitations): s1 = set(excitations[idata][0][j]) for i in range(num_of_excitations): s2 = set(excitations[idata][0][i]) diff_electrons = [k for k in s2 if k not in s1] if len(diff_electrons) > 1: source_state_regain = P[idata][nstep].get(i,j) #if source_state_regain > 0: #print ("\nIndex of states with more than 1 electron different", i, j) #print ("Prob to trasnfer to state i:", source_state_regain) #print ("Prob to remain on state j:", P[idata][nstep].get(j,j)) #print ("Adjusting probs gives:") P[idata][nstep].scale(i,j,0.0) P[idata][nstep].add(j,j,source_state_regain) #if source_state_regain > 0: #print ("Prob to trasnfer to state i:", P[idata][nstep].get(i,j)) #print ("Prob to remain on state j:", P[idata][nstep].get(j,j)) return P
[docs]def run(H_vib, params): """ Main function to run the SH calculations based on the Landau-Zener hopping probabilities, all within the NBRA. The probabilities are implemented according to the Belyaev-Lebedev work. Args: params ( dictionary ): control parameters * **params["dt"]** ( double ) : time distance between the adjacent data points [ units: a.u.; default: 41.0 a.u.] * **params["ntraj"]** ( int ) : how many stochastic trajectories to use in the ensemble [ defult: 1] * **params["nsteps"]** ( int ) : how nuclear steps in the trajectory to be computed [ defult: 1] * **params["istate"]** ( int ) : index of the starting state (within those used in the active_space) [ default: 0] * **params["Boltz_opt"]** ( int ) : option to control the acceptance of the proposed hops Options: - 0 - all proposed hops are accepted - no rejection based on energies - 1 - proposed hops are accepted with exp(-E/kT) probability - the old (hence the default approach) [ default ] - 2 - proposed hops are accepted with the probability derived from Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution - more rigorous - 3 - generalization of "1", but actually it should be changed in case there are many degenerate levels * **params["Boltz_opt_BL"]** ( int ) : what type of hop acceptance scheme to incorporate into the BL probabilities Options: - 0 - all proposed hops are accepted - no rejection based on energies [ default ] - 1 - proposed hops are accepted with exp(-E/kT) probability - the old (hence the default approach) - 2 - proposed hops are accepted with the probability derived from Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution - more rigorous - 3 - generalization of "1", but actually it should be changed in case there are many degenerate levels * **params["T"]** ( double ) : temperature of the nuclei - affects the acceptance probabilities [ units: K, default: 300.0 K] * **params["do_output"]** ( Boolean ) : whether to print out the results into a file [ default: True ] * **params["outfile"]** ( string ) : the name of the file, where all the results will be printed out [ default: "_out.txt" ] * **params["do_return"]** ( Boolean ) : whether to construct the big matrix with all the result [ default: True ] * **params["evolve_Markov"]** ( Boolean ) : whether to propagate the "SE" populations via Markov chain [ default: True ] * **params["evolve_TSH"]** ( Boolean ) : whether to propagate the "SH" populations via TSH with many trajectories [ default: True ] * **params["extend_md"]** ( Boolean ) : whether or not to extend md time by resampling the NBRA hopping probabilities * **params["extend_md_time"]** ( int ) : length of the new dynamics trajectory, in units dt * **params["detect_SD_difference"]** ( Boolean ) : see if SD states differ by more than 1 electron, if so probability to zero [ default: False ] """ critical_params = [ ] default_params = { "dt":41.0, "ntraj":1, "nsteps":1, "istate":0, "Boltz_opt":1, "Boltz_opt_BL":1, "T":300.0, "do_output":True, "outfile":"_out.txt", "do_return":True, "evolve_Markov":True, "evolve_TSH":True, "extend_md":False, "extend_md_time":1, "detect_SD_differences":False, "return_probabilities":False } comn.check_input(params, default_params, critical_params) rnd = Random() ndata = len(H_vib) nsteps = params["nsteps"] nstates= H_vib[0][0].num_of_cols dt = params["dt"] do_output = params["do_output"] do_return = params["do_return"] ntraj = params["ntraj"] boltz_opt = params["Boltz_opt"] T = params["T"] evolve_Markov = params["evolve_Markov"] evolve_TSH = params["evolve_TSH"] detect_SD_difference = params["detect_SD_differences"] return_probabilities = params["return_probabilities"] extend_md = params["extend_md"] extend_md_time = params["extend_md_time"] res = MATRIX(nsteps, 3*nstates+5) #===== Precompute hopping probabilities === P = [] itimes = params["init_times"] nitimes = len(itimes) for idata in range(0,ndata): p = Belyaev_Lebedev(H_vib[idata], params) P.append(p) if detect_SD_difference == True: P = adjust_SD_probabilities(P, params) # Check if to extend md time # Check if to extend md time if extend_md == True: rnd = Random() P_ext = [] H_vib_ext = [] # For the first step, diagonal elements are 1 for idata in range(0,ndata): P_ext.append( [ MATRIX(nstates, nstates) ] ) H_vib_ext.append( [ CMATRIX(nstates, nstates) ] ) for i in range(0,nstates): P_ext[idata][0].set(i,i, 1.0) rnd_step = rnd.uniform(0,nsteps) H_vib_ext[idata][0] = CMATRIX( H_vib[idata][int(rnd_step)] ) for n in range(1, extend_md_time): rnd_step = rnd.uniform(0,nsteps) P_ext[idata].append( MATRIX(nstates, nstates) ) P_ext[idata][n] = MATRIX( P[idata][int(rnd_step)] ) H_vib_ext[idata].append( CMATRIX(nstates, nstates) ) H_vib_ext[idata][n] = CMATRIX( H_vib[idata][int(rnd_step)] ) P = P_ext H_vib = H_vib_ext nsteps = extend_md_time res = MATRIX(nsteps, 3*nstates+5) #========== Initialize the DYNAMICAL VARIABLES =============== # State populations and active state indices Pop, istate = [], [] Ntraj = ndata * nitimes * ntraj for tr in range(0,Ntraj): istate.append(params["istate"]) Pop.append(CMATRIX(nstates, 1)); Pop[tr].set(params["istate"], 1.0, 0.0) #=============== Entering the DYNAMICS ======================== for i in range(0,nsteps): # over all evolution times #============== Analysis of the Dynamics ================= # Compute the averages #res_i = step4.traj_statistics(i, Coeff, istate, H_vib, itimes) #res_i = step4.traj_statistics2(i, Pop, istate, H_vib, itimes) res_i = step4.traj_statistics2_fast(i, Pop, istate, H_vib, itimes) # Print out into a file if do_output==True: step4.printout(i*dt, res_i, params["outfile"]) # Update the overal results matrix res.set(i,0, i*dt) if do_return==True: push_submatrix(res, res_i, Py2Cpp_int(list([i])), Py2Cpp_int(list(range(1,3*nstates+5))) ) #=============== Propagation ============================== for idata in range(0,ndata): # over all data sets (MD trajectories) for it_indx in range(0,nitimes): # over all initial times within each MD trajectory it = itimes[it_indx] for tr in range(0,ntraj): # over all stochastic trajectories Tr = idata*(nitimes*ntraj) + it_indx*(ntraj) + tr #============== Propagation: TD-SE and surface hopping ========== # Evolve the Markov process. # The convention is: # P(i,j) - the probability to go from j to i if evolve_Markov==True: Pop[Tr] = CMATRIX(P[idata][it+i]) * Pop[Tr] if evolve_TSH==True: # Surface hopping ksi = rnd.uniform(0.0, 1.0) # Proposed hop: st_new = tsh.hop_py(istate[Tr], P[idata][it+i].T(), ksi) # Accept the proposed hop with the Boltzmann probability E_new = H_vib[idata][it+i].get(st_new,st_new).real E_old = H_vib[idata][it+i].get(istate[Tr], istate[Tr]).real de = E_new - E_old if de>0.0: bf = tsh.boltz_factor(E_new, E_old, T, boltz_opt) ksi = rnd.uniform(0.0, 1.0) if ksi < bf: istate[Tr] = st_new else: istate[Tr] = st_new if return_probabilities == True: return res, P else: return res, None