Source code for libra_py.workflows.nbra.decoherence_times

#* Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Brendan A. Smith, Wei Li, Alexey V. Akimov
#* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
#* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#* See the file LICENSE in the root directory of this distribution
#* or <>.

.. module:: decoherence_times
   :platform: Unix, Windows
       This module implements functions to compute decoherence times and relevant quantities

.. moduleauthor:: Alexey V. Akimov


import sys
import cmath
import math
import os

if sys.platform=="cygwin":
    from cyglibra_core import *
elif sys.platform=="linux" or sys.platform=="linux2":
    from liblibra_core import *

from libra_py import units
from libra_py import data_stat

__all__ = ["decoherence_times2rates",

[docs]def decoherence_times2rates(tau): """ An auxiliary function to convert the decoherence times matrix into the decoherence rates matrix Args: tau ( MATRIX(N,N) ): the matrix of decoherence times, diagonal elements are set to very large number which corresponds to no decoherence of a state with itself [ units: a.u. ] Returns: MATRIX(N,N): decoh_rates: the matrix of decoherence rates, diagonal elements are set to zero which corresponds to no decoherence of a state with itself, the off-diagonal elements are equal to inverse of the off-diagonal matrix elements of ```tau``` [ units: a.u.^-1 ] """ nstates = tau.num_of_cols decoh_rates = MATRIX(nstates, nstates) for i in range(0,nstates): for j in range(0,nstates): if i==j: decoh_rates.set(i,i, 0.0) else: tau_ij = tau.get(i,j) if tau_ij > 0.0: decoh_rates.set(i,j, 1.0/tau_ij) return decoh_rates
[docs]def energy_gaps(Hvib): """Pre-compute the energy gaps along the trajectory Args: Hvib ( list of MATRIX objects ): Vibronic Hamiltonians along the trajectory Returns: ( list of MATRIX(nstates, nstates) ): dE, where: dE[t].get(i,j) is the energy gap between states i and j at time t: E_i(t) - E_j(t) """ nsteps = len(Hvib) nstates = Hvib[0].num_of_cols dE = [] for step in range(0, nsteps): dEij = MATRIX(nstates, nstates) for i in range(0,nstates): for j in range(i+1, nstates): deij = math.fabs(Hvib[step].get(i,i).real - Hvib[step].get(j,j).real) dEij.set(i,j, deij) dEij.set(j,i, deij) dE.append(dEij) return dE
[docs]def energy_gaps_ave(Hvib, itimes, nsteps): """Pre-compute the energy gaps along the trajectory Args: Hvib ( list of lists of CMATRIX objects ): Vibronic Hamiltonians along the trajectory for different data sets (adiabatic MDs), and potential different sections of the time-range where Hvib[idata][istep] is a CMATRIX object that represents a vibronic Hamiltonian from the data set ```idata``` at the time step ```istep```. itimes ( list if ints ): initial times for averaging. The number ```itimes[idata]``` tells which datapoint (timestep) of the time-series Hvib[idata] consider the beginning of the range that will be used to compute gap fluctuations nsteps ( int ): the length of the time-steps to consider in the calculations for each data set Returns: ( list of MATRIX(nstates, nstates) ): dE, where: dE[t].get(i,j) is the absolute value of energy gap between states i and j at time t, but also averaged over several data sets: < |E_i(t) - E_j(t)| > """ ndata = len(Hvib) nitimes = len(itimes) nstates = Hvib[0][0].num_of_cols dE = [] for step in range(0, nsteps): dEij = MATRIX(nstates, nstates) for i in range(0,nstates): for j in range(i+1, nstates): deij = 0.0 for idata in range(0, ndata): for it_indx in range(0, nitimes): it = itimes[it_indx] deij = deij + math.fabs(Hvib[idata][it+step].get(i,i).real - Hvib[idata][it+step].get(j,j).real) deij = deij/float(nitimes*ndata) dEij.set(i,j, deij) dEij.set(j,i, deij) dE.append(dEij) return dE
[docs]def decoherence_times(Hvib, verbosity=0): """Compute the matrix of decoherence times from the time-series data Ref: Akimov, A. V; Prezhdo O. V. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 3857 Args: Hvib ( list of CMATRIX objects ): timeseries of the vibronic Hamiltonian verbosity ( int ): the flag controlling the amount of extra output Value of 0 [ default ] prints no additional output Returns: tuple: ( decoh_times, decoh_rates ), where * decoh_times ( MATRIX(N,N) ): the matrix of decoherence times, diagonal elements are set to very large number which corresponds to no decoherence of a state with itself [ units: a.u. ] * decoh_rates ( MATRIX(N,N) ): the matrix of decoherence rates, diagonal elements are set to zero which corresponds to no decoherence of a state with itself, the off-diagonal elements are equal to inverse of the off-diagonal matrix elements of ```decoh_times``` [ units: a.u.^-1 ] """ # Compute energy gaps dE = energy_gaps(Hvib) dE_ave, dE_std, dE_dw_bound, dE_up_bound = data_stat.mat_stat(dE) nstates = Hvib[0].num_of_cols decoh_times = MATRIX(nstates, nstates) for a in range(0,nstates): for b in range(0,nstates): if a==b: decoh_times.set(a,a, 1.0e+10) else: de = dE_std.get(a,b) if de>0.0: tau = math.sqrt(12.0/5.0) / de decoh_times.set(a,b, tau) decoh_rates = decoherence_times2rates(decoh_times) if verbosity>0: print("Decoherence times matrix (a.u. of time):") decoh_times.show_matrix() print("Decoherence times matrix (fs):") tmp = decoh_times * units.au2fs tmp.show_matrix() print("Decoherence rates matrix (a.u.^-1):") decoh_rates.show_matrix() return decoh_times, decoh_rates
def decoherence_times_ave_old(Hvib, itimes, nsteps, verbosity=0): """ Compute the matrix of decoherence times from the time-series data that consists of vereral data sets Ref: Akimov, A. V; Prezhdo O. V. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 3857 Args: Hvib ( list of lists of CMATRIX objects ): Vibronic Hamiltonians along the trajectory for different data sets (adiabatic MDs), and potential different sections of the time-range where Hvib[idata][istep] is a CMATRIX object that represents a vibronic Hamiltonian from the data set ```idata``` at the time step ```istep```. itimes ( list if ints ): initial times for averaging. The number ```itimes[idata]``` tells which datapoint (timestep) of the time-series Hvib[idata] consider the beginning of the range that will be used to compute gap fluctuations nsteps ( int ): the length of the time-steps to consider in the calculations for each data set Returns: tuple: ( decoh_times, decoh_rates ), where * decoh_times ( MATRIX(N,N) ): the matrix of decoherence times, diagonal elements are set to very large number which corresponds to no decoherence of a state with itself. This value is computed based on gaps averaged over several data sets. [ units: a.u. ] * decoh_rates ( MATRIX(N,N) ): the matrix of decoherence rates, diagonal elements are set to zero which corresponds to no decoherence of a state with itself, the off-diagonal elements are equal to inverse of the off-diagonal matrix elements of ```decoh_times```. This value is computed based on gaps averaged over several data sets. [ units: a.u.^-1 ] """ # Compute energy gaps dE = energy_gaps_ave(Hvib, itimes, nsteps) dE_ave, dE_std, dE_dw_bound, dE_up_bound = data_stat.mat_stat(dE) nstates = Hvib[0][0].num_of_cols decoh_times = MATRIX(nstates, nstates) for a in range(0,nstates): for b in range(0,nstates): if a==b: decoh_times.set(a,a, 1.0e+10) else: de = dE_std.get(a,b) if de>0.0: tau = math.sqrt(12.0/5.0) / de decoh_times.set(a,b, tau) decoh_rates = decoherence_times2rates(decoh_times) if verbosity>0: print("Decoherence times matrix (a.u. of time):") decoh_times.show_matrix() print("Decoherence times matrix (fs):") tmp = decoh_times * units.au2fs tmp.show_matrix() print("Decoherence rates matrix (a.u.^-1):") decoh_rates.show_matrix() return decoh_times, decoh_rates
[docs]def decoherence_times_ave(Hvib, itimes, nsteps, verbosity=0): """ Compute the matrix of decoherence times from the time-series data that consists of vereral data sets Ref: Akimov, A. V; Prezhdo O. V. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 3857 Args: Hvib ( list of lists of CMATRIX objects ): Vibronic Hamiltonians along the trajectory for different data sets (adiabatic MDs), and potential different sections of the time-range where Hvib[idata][istep] is a CMATRIX object that represents a vibronic Hamiltonian from the data set ```idata``` at the time step ```istep```. itimes ( list if ints ): initial times for averaging. The number ```itimes[idata]``` tells which datapoint (timestep) of the time-series Hvib[idata] consider the beginning of the range that will be used to compute gap fluctuations nsteps ( int ): the length of the time-steps to consider in the calculations for each data set Returns: tuple: ( decoh_times, decoh_rates ), where * decoh_times ( MATRIX(N,N) ): the matrix of decoherence times, diagonal elements are set to very large number which corresponds to no decoherence of a state with itself. This value is computed based on gaps averaged over several data sets. [ units: a.u. ] * decoh_rates ( MATRIX(N,N) ): the matrix of decoherence rates, diagonal elements are set to zero which corresponds to no decoherence of a state with itself, the off-diagonal elements are equal to inverse of the off-diagonal matrix elements of ```decoh_times```. This value is computed based on gaps averaged over several data sets. [ units: a.u.^-1 ] """ # Compute energy gaps ndata = len(Hvib) nitimes = len(itimes) nstates = Hvib[0][0].num_of_cols # Compute a concatenated list of gap magnitudes for all sub-trajectories dE = [] for idata in range(0,ndata): for it_indx in range(0,nitimes): it = itimes[it_indx] #========== Fluctuations for a given sub-trajectory =========== de = [] for step in range(0,nsteps): dEij = MATRIX(nstates, nstates) for i in range(0,nstates): for j in range(i+1, nstates): deij = math.fabs(Hvib[idata][it+step].get(i,i).real - Hvib[idata][it+step].get(j,j).real) dEij.set(i,j, deij) dEij.set(j,i, deij) de.append(dEij) #============== Averages for this sub-trajectory ================== # we only care about dE_ave, other outputs are not used here dE_ave, dE_std, dE_dw_bound, dE_up_bound = data_stat.mat_stat(de) #============== Subtract the sub-trajectory-specific average ============= for step in range(0,nsteps): dE.append( de[step] - dE_ave) # Compute the statistics of the obtained data set # the dE_ave should be zero, considering the transformations above # we only care about dE_std, other outputs are not used here dE_ave, dE_std, dE_dw_bound, dE_up_bound = data_stat.mat_stat(dE) decoh_times = MATRIX(nstates, nstates) for a in range(0,nstates): for b in range(0, nstates): if a==b: decoh_times.set(a,a, 1.0e+10) else: de = dE_std.get(a,b) if de>0.0: tau = math.sqrt(12.0/5.0) / de decoh_times.set(a,b, tau) decoh_rates = decoherence_times2rates(decoh_times) if verbosity>0: print("Decoherence times matrix (a.u. of time):") decoh_times.show_matrix() print("Decoherence times matrix (fs):") tmp = decoh_times * units.au2fs tmp.show_matrix() print("Decoherence rates matrix (a.u.^-1):") decoh_rates.show_matrix() return decoh_times, decoh_rates