Source code for libra_py.workflows.nbra.compute_properties

# * Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Brendan Smith, Wei Li and Alexey V. Akimov
# * This file is distributed under the terms of the
# * GNU General Public License as published by the
# * Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
# * License, or (at your option) any later version.
# *

import os
import sys

# Fisrt, we add the location of the library to test to the PYTHON path
if sys.platform=="cygwin":
    from cyglibra_core import *
elif sys.platform=="linux" or sys.platform=="linux2":
    from liblibra_core import *
from libra_py import QE_utils

[docs]def compute_properties_onekpt(params, es_curr, es_next, curr_index): """ This fucntions computes the properties needed to construct the vibrionic Hamiltonian, and then computes it. \param[in] params A dictionary containing important simulation parameters \param[in] es_curr A dictionary containing the data for the g-vectors and pw coefficients for the current timestep \param[in] es_next A dictionary containing the data for the g-vectors and pw coefficients for the next timestep \param[in] curr_index This is index represents the current time step Returns: The vibrionic Hamiltonian in Ha = a.u. of energy """ nac_method = params["nac_method"] rd = QE_utils.get_value(params,"rd",os.getcwd()+"../../res","s") # of where the files will be printed out dt = QE_utils.get_value(params,"dt","41.34145","f") # time step in a.u - rescale NAC if actual dt is different if nac_method == 0 or nac_method == 1 or nac_method == 3: Ca_curr = es_curr["Coeff_dia"] Ca_next = es_next["Coeff_dia"] Ea_curr = es_curr["E_dia"] Ea_next = es_next["E_dia"] S = Ca_curr.H() * Ca_curr St = Ca_curr.H() * Ca_next nac = (0.5/dt)*(St - St.H()) edia = 0.5*(Ea_curr + Ea_next) hvib = edia - 1.0j * CMATRIX(nac.real()) # explicitly drop of all the "complex" NACs #========== Print out ================ S.real().show_matrix("%s/S_dia_ks_%d_re" % (rd, curr_index)) St.real().show_matrix("%s/St_dia_ks_%d_re" % (rd, curr_index)) St.imag().show_matrix("%s/St_dia_ks_%d_im" % (rd, curr_index)) edia.real().show_matrix("%s/E_dia_ks_%d_re" % (rd, curr_index)) hvib.real().show_matrix("%s/hvib_dia_%d_re" % (rd, curr_index)) hvib.imag().show_matrix("%s/hvib_dia_%d_im" % (rd, curr_index)) elif nac_method == 2 or nac_method == 3: Ca_curr = es_curr["Coeff_adi"] Ca_next = es_next["Coeff_adi"] Ea_curr = es_curr["E_adi"] Ea_next = es_next["E_adi"] S = Ca_curr.H() * Ca_curr St = Ca_curr.H() * Ca_next nac = (0.5/dt)*(St - St.H()) eadi = 0.5*(Ea_curr + Ea_next) hvib = eadi - 1.0j * CMATRIX(nac.real()) # explicitly drop of all the "complex" NACs #========== Print out ================ S.real().show_matrix("%s/S_adi_ks_%d_re" % (rd, curr_index)) St.real().show_matrix("%s/St_adi_ks_%d_re" % (rd, curr_index)) St.imag().show_matrix("%s/St_adi_ks_%d_im" % (rd, curr_index)) eadi.real().show_matrix("%s/E_adi_ks_%d_re" % (rd, curr_index)) hvib.real().show_matrix("%s/hvib_adi_%d_re" % (rd, curr_index)) hvib.imag().show_matrix("%s/hvib_adi_%d_im" % (rd, curr_index))