Source code for libra_py.vesta2qe

#* Copyright (C) 2018 Alexey V. Akimov
#* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
#* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#* See the file LICENSE in the root directory of this distribution
#* or <>.
## \file 
# This module performs a conversion of a VESTA format files to the QE format. It makes sure 
# the fractional occupation atoms and other possibly overlapping atoms are removed (a unique one is left).

import re
import os
import sys
import math

if sys.platform=="cygwin":
    from cyglibra_core import *
elif sys.platform=="linux" or sys.platform=="linux2":
    from liblibra_core import *

def exclude(lab, R, min_dist, a,b,c,alp,bet,gam, out_file):

    c_alp = math.cos(math.radians(alp))
    s_alp = math.sin(math.radians(alp))

    c_bet = math.cos(math.radians(bet))
    s_bet = math.sin(math.radians(bet))

    c_gam = math.cos(math.radians(gam))
    s_gam = math.sin(math.radians(gam))

    M = MATRIX(3,3)
    M.set(0,0, a*s_bet);   M.set(0,1, b*s_alp*c_gam);  M.set(0,2, 0.0);
    M.set(1,0, 0.0);       M.set(1,1, b*s_alp*s_gam);  M.set(1,2, 0.0);
    M.set(2,0, a*c_bet);   M.set(2,1, b*c_alp);        M.set(2,2, c);


    M2 = M.T() * M

    sz = len(R)
    exclude_list = []

    for i in range(0,sz):

        if i not in exclude_list:
            for j in range(i+1, sz):

                for t1 in [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0]:
                    for t2 in [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0]:
                        for t3 in [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0]:

                            rij = R[i] - R[j]
                            rij.add(0, 0, t1)
                            rij.add(1, 0, t2)
                            rij.add(2, 0, t3)
                            d2 = (rij.T() * M2 * rij).get(0)
                            d = math.sqrt(d2)

                            if d < min_dist:

#    print exclude_list

    types = []
    for i in range(0,sz):
        if i not in exclude_list:
            if lab[i] not in types:


    #=========== Print the QE file =============
    f = open(out_file, "w")

    t1 = VECTOR(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    t2 = VECTOR(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
    t3 = VECTOR(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

    f.write("nat= %5i\n" % (len(R)-len(exclude_list)) )
    f.write("ntyp= %5i\n" % (len(types)))
    f.write("ibrav= 0\n" )
    f.write("/\n\n" )

    T1 = M * t1; T2 = M * t2; T3 = M * t3
    f.write("CELL_PARAMETERS Angstrom\n")
    f.write("%18.10f%16.10f%16.10f\n" % (T1.x, T1.y, T1.z))
    f.write("%18.10f%16.10f%16.10f\n" % (T2.x, T2.y, T2.z))
    f.write("%18.10f%16.10f%16.10f\n" % (T3.x, T3.y, T3.z))
    f.write("\nATOMIC_POSITIONS Angstrom\n")

    for i in range(0,sz):
        if i not in exclude_list:
            r = M * R[i]
            f.write("%2s%16.10f%16.10f%16.10f\n" % (lab[i], r.get(0), r.get(1), r.get(2)))


[docs]def parse_vesta(in_file, out_file, min_dist): """ -------- Load molecular system ------------- Specify format manually (this gives flexibility) of format recognizable by program \param[in] out_file The name of the file containing the QChem output """ ######### Assume coordinates are given in Angstroms ############# Angst_to_Bohr = 1.889725989 #------- Here are some basic patterns ------------- INT = '([1-9]([0-9]*))' NINT = '([0-9]+)' SP = '\s+' DOUBLE = '([-+]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?)' WORD = '([a-zA-Z]+)' ID = '(([a-zA-Z]+)([a-zA-Z]+|\d+)*)' ID2 = '(([a-zA-Z]+|\d+)([a-zA-Z]+)*)' PHRASE = '"((\w|\W)+)"' compINT = re.compile(INT) #------- Here we define a format of file ---------- # p - means 'Pattern' f = open(in_file,'r') A = f.readlines() f.close() sz = len(A) #============== Read in the cell parameters ======================== pCell_keyword = '(?P<CELL_P>'+'CELLP'+')'+SP pcell_a = '(?P<cell_a>'+DOUBLE+')'+SP pcell_b = '(?P<cell_b>'+DOUBLE+')'+SP pcell_c = '(?P<cell_c>'+DOUBLE+')'+SP pcell_alp = '(?P<cell_alp>'+DOUBLE+')'+SP pcell_bet = '(?P<cell_bet>'+DOUBLE+')'+SP pcell_gam = '(?P<cell_gam>'+DOUBLE+')'+SP pCell_rec = pcell_a + pcell_b + pcell_c + pcell_alp + pcell_bet + pcell_gam a,b,c, alp, bet, gam = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 for i in range(0,sz): m1 =,A[i]) if m1!=None: m2 =,A[i+1]) if m2!=None: a = float(A[i+1][m2.start('cell_a'):m2.end('cell_a')]) b = float(A[i+1][m2.start('cell_b'):m2.end('cell_b')]) c = float(A[i+1][m2.start('cell_c'):m2.end('cell_c')]) alp = float(A[i+1][m2.start('cell_alp'):m2.end('cell_alp')]) bet = float(A[i+1][m2.start('cell_bet'):m2.end('cell_bet')]) gam = float(A[i+1][m2.start('cell_gam'):m2.end('cell_gam')]) # print "Cell parameters" # print a, b, c, alp, bet, gam #============== Read in the coordinates ======================== pSTRUC_keyword = '(?P<STRUC>'+'STRUC'+')'+SP pAtom_id = '(?P<Atom_id>'+WORD+')'+SP pAtom_occ = '(?P<Atom_occ>'+DOUBLE+')'+SP pAtom_x = '(?P<Atom_x>'+DOUBLE+')'+SP pAtom_y = '(?P<Atom_y>'+DOUBLE+')'+SP pAtom_z = '(?P<Atom_z>'+DOUBLE+')'+SP # pAtom_rec = INT + pAtom_id + WORD + pAtom_occ + pAtom_x + pAtom_y + pAtom_z + ID2 + INT pAtom_rec = pAtom_id+ pAtom_occ + pAtom_x + pAtom_y + pAtom_z at_label, at_occ, at_coord = [], [], [] for i in range(0,sz): m1 =,A[i]) if m1!=None: nat, keep_going = 0, 1 while keep_going: m2 =,A[i+1+2*nat]) if m2!=None: at_label.append( A[i+1+2*nat][m2.start('Atom_id'):m2.end('Atom_id')] ) at_occ.append( float(A[i+1+2*nat][m2.start('Atom_occ'):m2.end('Atom_occ')]) ) x = float(A[i+1+2*nat][m2.start('Atom_x'):m2.end('Atom_x')]) y = float(A[i+1+2*nat][m2.start('Atom_y'):m2.end('Atom_y')]) z = float(A[i+1+2*nat][m2.start('Atom_z'):m2.end('Atom_z')]) r = MATRIX(3,1) r.set(0, x); r.set(1, y); r.set(2, z) at_coord.append( r ) nat = nat + 1 else: keep_going = 0 # print "Atoms" # for i in xrange(len(at_label)): # print i, at_label[i], at_occ[i], at_coord[i].show_matrix() exclude(at_label, at_coord, min_dist, a,b,c,alp,bet,gam, out_file)
# Example of usage if __name__=='__main__': parse_vesta("1.vesta", "", 0.7)