#* Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Alexey V. Akimov
#* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
#* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#* See the file LICENSE in the root directory of this distribution
#* or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
.. module:: units
:platform: Unix, Windows
:synopsis: This module defines the units conversion factors and implements the
functions for unit conversion
.. moduleauthor:: Alexey V. Akimov
# Unit conversions Parameters
# Length units
Angst = 1.889725989 # in Bohr
# Energy units
inv_cm2ev = 1.239841870000000847635400992705E-4 # (1.0/8065.54468111324)
ev2Ha = 0.0367498438131637940538752710301 # (1.0/27.211) # 27.2 ev is 1 Ha
ev2au = 0.0367498438131637940538752710301 # (1.0/27.211) # 27.2 ev is 1 Ha
au2ev = 27.211 # 1 Ha = 27.211 eV
inv_cm2Ha = 4.5563995075520960186520193771085E-6 # inv_cm2ev * ev2Ha
hartree = 627.5094709 # 1 Ha = 627.5.. kcal/mol
# Time units
fs2au = 41.339396444811905746176105828855 # (1.0/0.02419) # 41.34 a.u. is 1 fs
au2fs = 0.02419 # 41.34 a.u. is 1 fs
ps2au = 41.339396444811905746176105828855E+3 #
au2ps = 0.02419E-3 #
au2wavn = 219471.53631777237364 # 27.211 * 8065.54468111324
wavn2au = 4.5563995075520960186520193771085E-6 # 1/au2wavn
# Mass units
amu = 1836.0 # chemical mass unit in masses of electron
# Fundamental constants
boltzmann = 1.9872065E-3 # in kcal/mol*K
kB = 3.166815151251607985889922605788E-6 # Ha/mol*K
[docs]def length_converter(inp_units, out_units):
"""Length units conversion factor
inp_units ( int ): defines the input units
out_units ( int ): defines the output units
Both inp_units and out_units are encoded as follows:
* 0 - atomic units (Bohrs)
* 1 - Angstroms
double: the length units conversion factor
scl = 1.0
if inp_units==0: # input in Bohrs
if out_units==0: # output in Bohrs
scl = 1.0
elif out_units==1: # output in Angstroms
scl = 1.0/Angst
elif inp_units==1: # input in Angstroms
if out_units==0: # output in Bohrs
scl = Angst
elif out_units==1: # output in Angstroms
scl = 1.0
return scl