#* Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Alexey V. Akimov
#* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
#* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#* See the file LICENSE in the root directory of this distribution
#* or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
.. module:: pdos
:platform: Unix, Windows
This module implements functions for computing Projected (Partial)
Densities of States (pDOS) from various outputs
.. moduleauthor:: Alexey V. Akimov
import math
import os
import sys
import time
if sys.platform=="cygwin":
from cyglibra_core import *
elif sys.platform=="linux" or sys.platform=="linux2":
from liblibra_core import *
from . import units
import util.libutil as comn
import numpy as np
[docs]def convolve(X0, Y0, dx0, dx, var):
This function convolves the original data with the Gaussian
of a given width: exp(- (x - x0)^2 / (2*var^2) )
This also means the energy grid spacing may change (usually to a denser one)
The difference in grid densities is defined by the multiplicative factor dx0/dx
X0 ( MATRIX(N0, 1) ): original X grid, N0 - the number of energy grid points
Y0 ( MATRIX(N0, Nproj) ): original Y grids, Nproj - the number of projections
to consider
dx0 ( double ): original X grid spacing [in units of energy]
dx ( double ): new X grid spacing [in units of energy]
var ( double ): width of the Gaussians that broaden the original data [in units of energy]
tuple: ( X, Y ), where:
* X ( MATRIX(N, 1) ): new X grid, N - the new number of energy grid points (N*dx = N0*dx0)
* Y ( MATRIX(N, Nproj) ): new Y grids, Nproj has the same meaning as in Y0
mult = int(dx0/dx) # making grid mult times bigger
print("multiplication factor is = ", mult)
print("original grid spacing = ", dx0)
print("new grid spacing = ", dx)
print("gaussian variance = ", var)
# Prepare arrays
N0 = Y0.num_of_rows # how many original grid points
nproj = Y0.num_of_cols # how many components
N = N0*mult # how many new grid points
X = MATRIX(N, 1) # new X axis
Y = MATRIX(N, nproj) # new Y axes
for i in range(0,N):
X.set(i,0, X0.get(0,0) + i*dx)
area = var*math.sqrt(2.0*math.pi) # area under Gaussian of type exp( -(x - x0)^2 / 2*var^2 )
alp = 0.5/(var**2)
for j in range(0,nproj):
for i0 in range(0,N0): # all initial grid points
x0 = X0.get(i0, 0)
y0 = Y0.get(i0, j)
area0 = dx0*y0 # initial area
w = area0/area
for i in range(0,N):
x = X.get(i, 0)
Y.add(i,j, w*math.exp(-alp*(x0-x)**2))
return X, Y
[docs]def QE_pdos(prefix, emin, emax, de, projections, Ef, outfile_prefix, do_convolve, de_new, var, nspin=1):
"""Computes various types of pDOS from the atomic state projections generated by the QE
prefix ( string ): a common prefix of the filenames for files containing the projection information
emin ( double ): the minimal energy of the pDOS window [eV]
emax ( double ): maximal energy of the pDOS window [eV]
de ( double ): the original grid spacing of the pDOS [eV] (not necessarily the one used in pdos.in)
projections ( list of lists of - see below): groups of atoms and types of projections.
Each element of this list contains 3 sub-lists, whose intersection defines which files to use:
e.g. projection = [["s","p"], [1,2,3], ["Cs", "Br"]] - means s and p orbitals of atoms 1, 2, and 3
as long as any of these atoms are Cs or Br
Ef ( double ): which energy use as the origin of energy scale (zero) in the output. Usually
the Fermi or LUMO energy
outfile_prefix ( string ): the prefix of the output file that will contain the final projections
do_convolve ( Bool ): the flag telling whether we want to convolve the original data with the
Gaussian envelope. The convolution is done with :func:`convolve`
de_new ( double ): the new energy grid spacing [eV], in effect only if do_convolve == True
var ( double ): standard deviation of the Gaussian [eV] with which we do a convolution,
in effect only if do_convolve == True
nspin ( int): specifies which nspin was used in the electronic structure calculation.
nspin = 1
nspin = 2
nspin = 4
tuple: ( E, pDOSa ), where:
* E ( MATRIX(N, 1) ): new energy grid, N - the new number of energy grid points
* pDOSa ( MATRIX(N, Nproj) ): new Y grids, Nproj - len(projections) the number of projections we are interested in
* if spin = 2, returns pDOSb for beta spin-orbtials as well
* if spin = 4, returns just the pDOSa (pDOSb = None), but the orbitals now mixed spin states
if nspin not in [1,2,4]:
print ("Error: The value of nspin must be either 1, 2, or 4")
print ("nspin = 1: Spin-unpolarized")
print ("nspin = 2: Spin-polarized")
print ("nspin = 4: Spin-non-colinear")
print ("Exiting Now ...")
#============= Dimensions =================
nproj = len(projections) # number of projections
N = int(math.floor((emax - emin)/de))+1 # number of the gridpoints
en = MATRIX(N, 1) # energy of the grid points
dosa = MATRIX(N, nproj) # Matrix for alpha spin-orbitals dos.get(i,proj) - dos for level i projected on projection proj
dosb = MATRIX(N, nproj) # Matrix for beta spin-orbitals
for i in range(0,N):
en.set(i, 0, emin + i*de - Ef)
#============= Data gathering =================
for proj in projections: # loop over all projection
ang_mom = proj[0]
atoms = proj[1]
elements = proj[2]
proj_indx = projections.index(proj)
for a in atoms: # open files for atoms with given indices (indexing from 1)
for symb in ang_mom: # for given angular momentum labels
for wfc in range(0,5): # Specify max wfc type index - usually no more than 3, 5 - should be more than enough
for Elt in elements: # for given atom names
if nspin == 4:
for k in [0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0]: # total angular momentum label
filename = prefix+str(a)+"("+Elt+")_wfc#"+str(wfc)+"("+symb+"_j"+str(k)+")"
if os.path.exists(filename):
fa = open(filename,"r")
B = fa.readlines()
check = B[0].split()
for lin in B[1:]: # read all lines, except for the header
tmp = lin.split()
e = float(tmp[0])
if e<emin or e>emax:
state_indx = int(math.floor((e - emin)/de))
dosa.add(state_indx, proj_indx, float(tmp[1]))
filename = prefix+str(a)+"("+Elt+")_wfc#"+str(wfc)+"("+symb+")" # file
if os.path.exists(filename):
fa = open(filename,"r")
B = fa.readlines()
check = B[0].split()
for lin in B[1:]: # read all lines, except for the header
tmp = lin.split()
e = float(tmp[0])
if e<emin or e>emax:
state_indx = int(math.floor((e - emin)/de))
dosa.add(state_indx, proj_indx, float(tmp[1]))
if nspin == 2 and check[4] == "ldosdw(E)":
dosb.add(state_indx, proj_indx, float(tmp[2]))
#============= Optional convolution =================
E, pDOSa, pDOSb = en, dosa, dosb
if do_convolve==True:
E, pDOSa = convolve(en, dosa, de, de_new, var)
E, pDOSb = convolve(en, dosb, de, de_new, var)
#============= Print out ==================
f2a = open(outfile_prefix+"_alp.txt","w"); f2a.close()
f2b = open(outfile_prefix+"_bet.txt","w"); f2b.close()
N = E.num_of_rows
for i in range(0,N): # loop over grid points
line = str(E.get(i,0))+" "
tot = 0.0
for j in range(0,nproj):
tot = tot + pDOSa.get(i,j)
line = line + str(pDOSa.get(i,j))+" "
line = line + str(tot)+"\n"
f2a = open(outfile_prefix+"_alp.txt","a")
for i in range(0,N): # loop over grid points
line = str(E.get(i,0))+" "
tot = 0.0
for j in range(0,nproj):
tot = tot + pDOSb.get(i,j)
line = line + str(pDOSb.get(i,j))+" "
line = line + str(tot)+"\n"
f2b = open(outfile_prefix+"_bet.txt","a")
if nspin == 2:
return E, pDOSa, pDOSb
return E, pDOSa, pDOSb
[docs]def libra_pdos(_emin, _emax, _de, projections, prefix, outfile, Nel, do_convolve, _de_new, _var):
* _emin ( double ): minimal energy of the spectrum [eV]
* _emax ( double ): maximal energy of the spectrum [eV]
* _de ( double ): original energy grid spacing [eV]
* projections ( list ): groups of atoms and types of projections
e.g. projections = [["s",[1,2,3]], ["p",[1,2,3]], ...
Possible projections (examples)
proj = [["s",range(0,360)],["p",range(0,360)],["d",range(0,360)]]
proj = [["s",range(0,1)],["p",range(0,1)],["d",range(0,1)]]
proj = [["tot",range(0,112)]]
* prefix ( string ): the common prefix of the files containing the projection information
* outfile ( string ): the name of the file that will contain the computed pDOSs
* Nel ( int ): the number of electrons, to compute the Fermi energy
* _de_new ( double ): new energy grid (for convolved) spacing [eV]
* _var ( double ): the width of the Gaussian used to broaden each energy grid point [eV]
# Example: of call - for Si QD
# Si
#main(-35.0, 35.0, 0.1,[["tot",range(0,103)]],"_alpha_wfc_atom","dos_proj.txt",238)
# Internally, we work in a.u. (Ha)
emin = _emin * units.ev2Ha
emax = _emax * units.ev2Ha
de = _de * units.ev2Ha
de_new = _de_new * units.ev2Ha
var = _var * units.ev2Ha
# Determine dimensionality and prepare arrays
nproj = len(projections) # number of projections
N = int(math.floor((emax - emin)/de))+1 # number of the gridpoints
en0 = []
dosa = MATRIX(N, nproj) # Matrix for alpha spin-orbitals dos.get(i,proj) - dos for level i projected on projection proj
dosb = MATRIX(N, nproj) # Matrix for beta spin-orbitals
for proj in projections: # loop over all projection
ang_mom = proj[0]
atoms = proj[1]
proj_indx = projections.index(proj)
for a in atoms: # open files for all atoms in given group
fa = open(prefix+str(a),"r")
B = fa.readlines()
for lin in B[1:-4]: # read all lines
tmp = lin.split()
e = float(tmp[0]) # energy in Ha
if a==0:
x = 0.0
if ang_mom=="s":
x = float(tmp[2])
elif ang_mom=="p":
x = float(tmp[3])
elif ang_mom=="d":
x = float(tmp[4])
elif ang_mom=="tot":
x = float(tmp[1])
x = 0.0
if e<emin or e>emax:
grid_indx = int(math.floor((e - emin)/de)) # grid point
dosa.add(grid_indx, proj_indx, x)
dosb.add(grid_indx, proj_indx, x)
etol = 1e-10
kT = 0.1 * units.ev2Ha # some reasonable parameters
Ef = fermi_energy(en0, Nel,2.0, kT, etol) # Fermi energy in Ha
en = MATRIX(N,1)
for i in range(0,N):
en.set(i, 0, emin + i*de - Ef)
E = None
if do_convolve==True:
E, pDOSa = convolve(en, dosa, de, de_new, var)
#E, pDOSb = convolve(en0, dosb, de, de_new, var)
E = MATRIX(dosa)
# Convert the energy axis back to eV
E *= (1.0/units.ev2Ha)
f2 = open(outfile,"w")
f2.write("Ef = %5.3f eV\n" % (Ef / units.ev2Ha) )
res = np.zeros( (N, nproj+2), dtype=float)
# Now compute projections
for i in range(0,N): # loop energy grid
res[i, 0] = E.get(i,0)
line = str(E.get(i,0))+" "
tot = 0.0
for j in range(0,nproj):
res[i, j+1] = pDOSa.get(i,j)
tot = tot + pDOSa.get(i,j)
line = line + str(pDOSa.get(i,j))+" "
res[i, nproj+1] = tot
line = line + str(tot)+"\n"
f2 = open(outfile,"a")
return res
[docs]def convolve_cp2k_pdos(params: dict):
This function reads the pdos file produced by CP2K and extract the pdos at each time step and
then convolve them with Gaussian functions.
params (dictionary):
cp2k_pdos_file (str): The CP2K .pdos file.
time_step (int): The time step of molecular dynamics.
sigma (float): The standard deviation in Gaussian function.
coef (float): The coefficient multiplied in Gaussian function.
npoints (int): The number of points used in convolution.
energy_conversion (float): The energy conversion unit from Hartree. For example 27.211386 is
for unit conversion from Hartree to eV. This value comes from libra_py.units. For example
for Hartree to eV one needs to call libra_py.units.au2ev in the input. The default value is
Hartree to eV.
angular_momentum_cols (list): The angular momentum columns in the *.pdos files produced by CP2K.
energy_grid (numpy array): The energy grid points vector.
convolved_pdos (numpy array): The convolved pDOS vector.
homo_energy (float): The average HOMO energy.
# Critical parameters
critical_params = [ "cp2k_pdos_file", "angular_momentum_cols"]
# Default parameters
default_params = { "time_step": 0, "sigma": 0.02, "coef": 1.0, "npoints": 4000, "energy_conversion": units.au2ev }
# Check input
comn.check_input(params, default_params, critical_params)
# The CP2K log file name
cp2k_pdos_file = params["cp2k_pdos_file"]
# The time step in the .pdos file (This is for molecular dynamics, for single-point calculations it is set to 0).
time_step = params["time_step"]
# The standard deviation value
sigma = params["sigma"]
# The pre factor that is multiplied to the Gaussian function
coef = params["coef"]
# Number of points for the grid
npoints = params["npoints"]
# The energy conversion value from atomic unit, It is better to use the default values in the `libra_py.units`
energy_conversion = params["energy_conversion"]
# The angular momentum columns in the .pdos files
angular_momentum_cols = params["angular_momentum_cols"]
# Opening the file
file = open(cp2k_pdos_file,'r')
lines = file.readlines()
# Lines with 'DOS'
lines_with_dos = []
# Finding the lines with 'DOS'
for i in range(0,len(lines)):
if 'DOS'.lower() in lines[i].lower().split():
# Finding the first and last index of PDOS for each time step
if len(lines_with_dos)==1:
# First index
first_index = 2
# Last index
last_index = int(lines[len(lines)-1].split()[0])
elif len(lines_with_dos)>1:
# First index
first_index = 2
# Last index
last_index = int(lines_with_dos[1]-1)
# Find the number of columns in the PDOS file showing the number
# of orbital components, energy, and occupation column.
num_cols = len(lines[first_index].split())
# Number of energy levels considered for PDOS
num_levels = last_index - first_index + 1
# Finding the homo and lumo energy level by appending the
# pdos numerical values of unoccupied states only
pdos_unocc = []
# Energy levels
energy_levels = []
for i in range(first_index, last_index + 1):
if float(lines[i].split()[2])==0:
# HOMO energy level
homo_level = int(lines[min(pdos_unocc)].split()[0])
# HOMO energy
homo_energy = float(lines[homo_level].split()[1])*energy_conversion
# Minimum energy level
min_energy = float(lines[first_index].split()[1])*energy_conversion
# Maximum energy level
max_energy = float(lines[last_index].split()[1])*energy_conversion
# Now we make an equispaced energy vector from min_energy ad max_energy with npoints.
energy_grid = np.linspace( min_energy-2, max_energy+2, npoints )
energy_grid = np.array(energy_grid)
# Appending the energy lines with their component densities of states
energy_lines = []
# The initial line in the .pdos file of step 'time_step'
init_line = time_step * ( num_levels + 2 ) + 2
# The final line in the .pdos file of step 'time_step'
final_line = ( time_step + 1 ) * ( num_levels + 2 )
for i in range( init_line, final_line ):
# Appending the energy lines into enrgy_lines
energy_lines.append( lines[i].split() )
for i in range(0, len(energy_lines)):
for j in range(0,len(energy_lines[0])):
energy_lines[i][j] = float(energy_lines[i][j])
energy_lines = np.array(energy_lines)
# Now we sum the PDOSs defined in angular_momentum_cols by user
pdos_sum = []
for k in range(0, len(energy_lines)):
# A temporary vector for summation of the PDOS
tmp_vec = []
for i in range(0,len(angular_momentum_cols)):
# Initializing a new sum variable
# print("angular_momentum_cols[i]",angular_momentum_cols[i])
tmp_sum = 0
for j in angular_momentum_cols[i]:
# If j is less than the number of columns
# then sum the PDOS
if j<=num_cols:
tmp_sum += energy_lines[k][j]
# Appending tmp_sum into tmp_vec
# Now append tmp_vec into pdos_sum, we will
# then use this pdos_sum for convolution
convolved_pdos = []
t1 = time.time()
# The pre-factor for Gaussian functions
pre_factor = (coef/(sigma*np.sqrt(2.0*np.pi)))
for j in range(1,len(angular_momentum_cols)+1):
# Initialize a vector of zeros summing the weighted PDOS
tmp_weighted_pdos = np.zeros(energy_grid.shape)
for i in range(0,num_levels):
# The Guassian function
gaussian_fun = pre_factor*(np.exp(-0.5*np.power(((energy_grid-float(pdos_sum[i][0])*energy_conversion)/sigma),2)))
tmp_weighted_pdos = tmp_weighted_pdos + gaussian_fun * float( pdos_sum[i][j] )
print('Elapsed time for convolving ',cp2k_pdos_file,': ',time.time()-t1,' seconds')
convolved_pdos = np.array(convolved_pdos)
return energy_grid, convolved_pdos, homo_energy