Source code for libra_py.nve_md

#* Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Alexey V. Akimov
#* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
#* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#* See the file LICENSE in the root directory of this distribution
#* or <>.
.. module:: nve_md
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: This module implements a number of auxiliary functions for simpler
       implementation of classical MD simulations
.. moduleauthor:: Alexey V. Akimov


import sys
if sys.platform=="cygwin":
    from cyglibra_core import *
elif sys.platform=="linux" or sys.platform=="linux2":
    from liblibra_core import *

import util.libutil as comn
from . import units
from . import LoadPT
from . import LoadUFF


[docs]def syst2xyz(syst): """ This function generates the xyz string representing the system Args: syst ( System object ): the chemical system Returns: string: res: the coordinates of the system in an xyz format """ nat = syst.Number_of_atoms res = " %i \n\n" % (nat) for i in range(0,nat): x = syst.Atoms[i].Atom_RB.rb_cm.x y = syst.Atoms[i].Atom_RB.rb_cm.y z = syst.Atoms[i].Atom_RB.rb_cm.z res = res + "%s %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f\n" % (syst.Atoms[i].Atom_element, x, y, z) return res
[docs]def nve_md_init(syst, mol, el, ham): """ This function initializes all the necessary variables for classical MD Args: syst ( System object ): The object containing all the information about the chemical system. This object is updated mol ( Nuclear object ): The nuclear DOF. This object is updated el ( Electronic object ): The Electronic object describing which PES to use (in classical MD it is typically the ground state) ham ( Hamiltonian object ): The Hamiltonian object representing all the interactions Returns: (double, double, double): E_kin, E_pot, E_tot: * E_kin: kinetic energy [ units: Ha ] * E_pot: potential energy [ units: Ha ] * E_tot: total energy [ units: Ha ] This function also updates the variables of the input variable ```syst``` Note: Operations: 1. syst -> mol 2. compute kinetic energy 3. compute forces and potential energy 4. compute total energy 5. initialize fragment variables, if any """ # 1. syst-> mol syst.extract_atomic_q(mol.q) syst.extract_atomic_p(mol.p) syst.extract_atomic_f(mol.f) syst.extract_atomic_mass(mol.mass) # 2. compute kinetic energy E_kin = 0.0 for n in range(0,syst.Number_of_fragments): E_kin += (syst.Fragments[n].Group_RB.ekin_tr() + syst.Fragments[n].Group_RB.ekin_rot() ) # 3. Compute forces and potential energy syst.zero_forces_and_torques() E_pot = compute_forces(mol, el, ham, 1) # - FSSH forces syst.set_atomic_f(mol.f) # mol -> syst syst.update_fragment_forces_and_torques(); # 4. Compute total energy E_tot = E_pot + E_kin # 5. Initialize fragment variables syst.init_fragments() return E_kin, E_pot, E_tot
[docs]def nve_md_step(syst, mol, el, ham, params): """ This function performs a classical NVE MD step Args: syst ( System object ): The object containing all the information about the chemical system. This object is updated mol ( Nuclear object ): The nuclear DOF. This object is updated el ( Electronic object ): The Electronic object describing which PES to use (in classical MD it is typically the ground state) ham ( Hamiltonian object ): The Hamiltonian object representing all the interactions params ( dictionary ): The parameters controlling the execution of the dynamics * **params["dt"]** ( double ): integration timestep [ units: a.u., default: 20.0 ] * **params["integrator"]** ( string ): The rigid-body MD integrator [ default: "DLML" ] * **params["fixed_fragment_translation"]** ( list of ints ): the indices (starting from 0) of the fragments whose translational DOFs are frozen [ default: empty ] * **params["fixed_fragment_rotation"]** ( list of ints ): the indices (starting from 0) of the fragments whose rotational DOFs are frozen [ default: empty ] Returns: (double, double, double): E_kin, E_pot, E_tot: * E_kin: kinetic energy [ units: Ha ] * E_pot: potential energy [ units: Ha ] * E_tot: total energy [ units: Ha ] This function also updates the variables of the input variable ```syst``` Note: Operations: 1. propagate rotational and translational momenta for 0.5 of dt 2. propagate rotational and translational coordinates of all fragments for dt 3. update atomic positions 4. compute potential energy and forces on atoms 5. update fragmental forces and torques 6. propagate rotational and translational momenta for another 0.5 of dt """ #=== Setup parameters ======= critical_params = [ ] default_params = {"dt":20.0, "integrator":"DLML", "fixed_fragment_translation":[], "fixed_fragment_rotation":[] } comn.check_input(params, default_params, critical_params) dt = params["dt"] integrator = params["integrator"] fixed_tr = params["fixed_fragment_translation"] fixed_rot = params["fixed_fragment_rotation"] # 1. propagate rotational and translational DOF for 0.5 of dt ekin = 0.0 for n in range(0,syst.Number_of_fragments): # Linear momentum propagation: if n not in fixed_tr: syst.Fragments[n].Group_RB.apply_force(0.5*dt) # Angular momentum propagation: if n not in fixed_rot: syst.Fragments[n].Group_RB.apply_torque(0.5*dt) ekin += (syst.Fragments[n].Group_RB.ekin_tr() + syst.Fragments[n].Group_RB.ekin_rot() ) # 2. propagate rotational and translational coordinates of all fragments for dt ps = 0.0 for n in range(0,syst.Number_of_fragments): # Propagate translational DOFs if n not in fixed_tr: syst.Fragments[n].Group_RB.shift_position(dt * syst.Fragments[n].Group_RB.rb_p * syst.Fragments[n].Group_RB.rb_iM); # Propagate rotational DOFs if n not in fixed_rot: if integrator=="Jacobi": syst.Fragments[n].Group_RB.propagate_exact_rb(dt) elif integrator=="DLML": ps = syst.Fragments[n].Group_RB.propagate_dlml(dt) # 3. update atomic positions for n in range(0,syst.Number_of_fragments): syst.update_atoms_for_fragment(n) # 4. compute potential energy and forces on atoms syst.zero_forces_and_torques() syst.extract_atomic_q(mol.q) # syst -> mol epot = compute_forces(mol, el, ham, 1) # 1 - FSSH forces syst.set_atomic_f(mol.f) # mol -> syst # 5. update fragmental forces and torques syst.update_fragment_forces_and_torques() # 6. propagate rotational and translational momenta for another 0.5 of dt ekin = 0.0 for n in range(0,syst.Number_of_fragments): # Linear momentum propagation: if n not in fixed_tr: syst.Fragments[n].Group_RB.apply_force(0.5*dt) # Angular momentum propagation: if n not in fixed_rot: syst.Fragments[n].Group_RB.apply_torque(0.5*dt) ekin += (syst.Fragments[n].Group_RB.ekin_tr() + syst.Fragments[n].Group_RB.ekin_rot() ) etot = ekin+epot return ekin, epot, etot
#syst = System() #LoadMolecule.Load_Molecule(U, syst, os.getcwd()+"/Clusters/23waters.ent", "pdb")
[docs]def optimize_syst(syst, params): """ A function to optimize the geometry of the system Args: syst ( System object ): represents the chemical object params ( dictionary ): control parameters: * **params["anneal_schedule"]** ( list ): the annealing schedule. Each element of the list consist of 3 elements: dt, ncycles, nsteps, where: dt - the timestep for integration [ units: a.u. ] ncycles - the number of cycles of annealing with dt Each annealing cycle consists of ```nsteps``` steps of NVE MD steps followed by the cooling Cooling just resets all the momenta and angular momenta to zero Example: params["anneal_schedule"] = [ [1.0, 100, 10], [20.0, 100, 100] ] means: First do 100 cycles of annealing: 10 MD steps with dt = 1 a.u. each followed by cooling Second do 100 cycles of annealing: 100 MD steps with dt = 20 a.u. each followed by cooling * **params["elements_file"]** ( string ): The file that contains properties of the elements it is needed for construction of the Universe [ default: "elements.dat" ] * **params["cooling_out1"]** ( Boolean ): Whether to print out the energies along the simulated cooling protocol. If selected, the info is printed out to the file "_en_cooling.txt" [ default: False ] * **params["cooling_out2"]** ( Boolean ): Whether to print out the coordinates in the xyz format. If selected, the info is printed out to the "" file [ default: False] [ default: False ] SeeAlso: is ```nve_md_step``` * **params["dt"]** ( double ): integration timestep [ units: a.u., default: 20.0 ] * **params["integrator"]** ( string ): The rigid-body MD integrator [ default: "DLML" ] * **params["fixed_fragment_translation"]** ( list of ints ): the indices (starting from 0) of the fragments whose translational DOFs are frozen [ default: empty ] * **params["fixed_fragment_rotation"]** ( list of ints ): the indices (starting from 0) of the fragments whose rotational DOFs are frozen [ default: empty ] """ critical_params = [ ] default_params = {"elements_file":"elements.dat", "cooling_out1":False, "cooling_out2":False, "anneal_schedule":[[20.0, 100, 10]], "fixed_fragment_translation":[], "fixed_fragment_rotation":[] } comn.check_input(params, default_params, critical_params) elements_file = params["elements_file"] cooling_out1 = params["cooling_out1"] cooling_out2 = params["cooling_out2"] anneal_schedule = params["anneal_schedule"] # Create Universe and populate it U = Universe() verbose = 0 LoadPT.Load_PT(U, elements_file, verbose) # Create force field uff = ForceField({"bond_functional":"Harmonic", "angle_functional":"Fourier", "dihedral_functional":"General0", "oop_functional":"Fourier", "mb_functional":"LJ_Coulomb","R_vdw_on":10.0,"R_vdw_off":15.0 }) LoadUFF.Load_UFF(uff) syst.determine_functional_groups(1) # syst.init_fragments() atlst1 = list(range(1,syst.Number_of_atoms+1)) # Creating Hamiltonian verb, assign_rings = 0, 1 ham = Hamiltonian_Atomistic(1, 3*syst.Number_of_atoms) ham.set_Hamiltonian_type("MM") ham.set_interactions_for_atoms(syst, atlst1, atlst1, uff, verb, assign_rings) ham.set_system(syst) ham.compute() # Electronic DOF el = Electronic(1,0) # Nuclear DOFs mol = Nuclear(3*syst.Number_of_atoms) syst.extract_atomic_q(mol.q) # syst -> mol syst.extract_atomic_p(mol.p) # syst -> mol syst.extract_atomic_f(mol.f) # syst -> mol syst.extract_atomic_mass(mol.mass) #init_md(syst, mol, el, ham) nve_md_init(syst, mol, el, ham) syst.init_fragments() ########################## Cooling ################################# params1 = dict(params) if cooling_out1: f = open("_en_cooling.txt","w") f.close() for anneal_item in anneal_schedule: params1["dt"] = anneal_item[0] ncycles = anneal_item[1] nsteps = anneal_item[2] for i in range(0,ncycles): # the number of cycles if cooling_out2: syst.set_atomic_q(mol.q) # mol -> syst - probably not needed syst.print_xyz("",i) for j in range(0,nsteps): ekin, epot, etot = nve_md_step(syst, mol, el, ham, params1) # the number of steps if cooling_out1: f = open("_en_cooling.txt","a") f.write("i= %3i ekin= %8.5f epot= %8.5f etot= %8.5f\n" % (i, ekin, epot, etot)) f.close()