#* Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Alexey V. Akimov
#* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
#* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#* See the file LICENSE in the root directory of this distribution
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.. module:: normal_modes
:platform: Unix, Windows
:synopsis: ========= Theory ==============
Convention on the normal modes transformations:
U^T * H * U = W^2 (1)
x = U * q (2a)
so q = U^T * x (2b)
x = M^(1/2) * (R-R_ave) (3)
H - mass-scaled Hessian (dynamical matrix): H_ij = (d^2E/dx_i * dx_j )/sqrt(m_i * m_j)
U, q - normal modes (q are columns of U)
x - mass-scaled and shifted coordinates
R - Cartesian coordinates
Note: to relate to the definitions here (as of 11/7/2018), use: U = D^T
Also useful:
.. moduleauthor:: Alexey V. Akimov
import os
import math
import sys
if sys.platform=="cygwin":
from cyglibra_core import *
elif sys.platform=="linux" or sys.platform=="linux2":
from liblibra_core import *
from . import units
[docs]def covariance_matrix(X, M, flag):
"""Computes the covariance matrix
Computes the covariance matrix $$K^x = <sqrt(m_i * m_j) * x_i * x_j }>$$
X ( MATRIX(ndof, nsteps) ): data collected along a trajectory: can be R, V, or A
M ( MATRIX(ndof, 1) ): masses of all DOFs
flag ( int ): controls how to compute variance
* 0 - using the data as they are (no centering)
* 1 - using the fluctuations of the data around the mean (do centering)
MATRIX(ndof, ndof): the matrix of covariance of all DOFs averaged over the trajectory
ndof = X.num_of_rows
nsteps = X.num_of_cols
# To speed-up the calculations, minimize the number of sqrt calls
sM = MATRIX(ndof, 1)
for i in range(0,ndof):
sM.set(i, math.sqrt(M.get(i)) )
K = None
if flag==0:
K = covariance(X)
elif flag==1:
dX = deviation(X)
K = covariance(dX)
# Compute the covariance matrix
for i in range(0,ndof):
for j in range(0,ndof):
mij = sM.get(i) * sM.get(j)
K.scale(i,j, 0.5*mij)
return K
[docs]def visualize_modes(E, R, U, M, w, params):
This function "visualizes" a particular collective modes for a particular set of data.
The visualization means we generate an "xyz" file, showing the trajectory with defined number
of repetitions of the mode.
E ( list of ndof/3 ): atom names (elements) of all atoms
R ( MATRIX(ndof x nsteps-1) ): coordinates of all DOFs for all mid-timesteps
U ( MATRIX(ndof, ndof) ): eigenvectors defining the collective modes in terms of the original DOFs, see the theory
M ( MATRIX(ndof x 1) ): masses of all DOFs
w ( list of ndof doubles ): frequencies of all modes
params ( dictionary ): parameters controlling how to do the visualization. Contains keyword-value pairs:
* **params["scale"]** ( double ): mode amplification factor (for better visualization)
* **params["print_modes"]** ( list of integers ): indices of the modes to handle.
Indexing starts with 0 and should be consistent
with other data arrays provided - e.g. "w"
* **params["prefix"]** ( string ): the name of the prefix of the files, to where the modes are printed out
* **params["nperiods"]** ( integer ): the number of periods of motion to repeat
* **params["nsteps"]** ( integer ): how many steps should be in the "visualization" trajectory.
Controls the resolution of the modes
None: Simply prints out a number of files with the trajectories (using Angstrom units) showing the
periodic motion along the modes of interest
All quantities are in atomic units
ndof = R.num_of_rows
nat = ndof/3
scl = params["scale"]
for mode in params["print_modes"]:
filename = params["prefix"]+"_mode%i.xyz" % (mode)
dt = 0.0
if w.get(mode)>0.0:
dt = 2.0*math.pi * params["nperiods"] / ( w.get(mode) * params["nsteps"])
f = open(filename, "w")
for t in range(0,params["nsteps"]):
f.write("%i\n" % (nat))
f.write("step %i = \n" % (t) )
for at in range(0,nat):
x = (R.get(3*at+0, 0) + (U.get(3*at+0, mode)/math.sqrt(M.get(3*at+0))) * math.sin(w.get(mode) * t*dt) * scl)/units.Angst
y = (R.get(3*at+1, 0) + (U.get(3*at+1, mode)/math.sqrt(M.get(3*at+1))) * math.sin(w.get(mode) * t*dt) * scl)/units.Angst
z = (R.get(3*at+2, 0) + (U.get(3*at+2, mode)/math.sqrt(M.get(3*at+2))) * math.sin(w.get(mode) * t*dt) * scl)/units.Angst
f.write("%s %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f \n" % (E[at], x, y, z) )
[docs]def compute_cov(R, V, A, M, E, params):
Computes and visualizes (as the trajectories) normal modes following the
methods described in:
(1) Strachan, A. Normal Modes and Frequencies from Covariances in Molecular Dynamics
or Monte Carlo Simulation. J. Chem. Phys. 2003, 120, 1-4.
R ( MATRIX(ndof x nsteps-1) ): coordinates of all DOFs for all mid-timesteps
V ( MATRIX(ndof x nsteps-1) ): velocities of all DOFs for all mid-timesteps
A ( MATRIX(ndof x nsteps-1) ): accelerations of all DOFs for all mid-timesteps
M ( MATRIX(ndof x 1) ): masses of all DOFs
E ( list of ndof/3 strings ): atom names (elements) of all atoms
params ( dictionary ): parameters controlling the computations, including the
visualization (see the visualize_modes(E, R, U, w, params) description).
Contains keyword-value pairs:
* **params["verbosity"]** (int): level to control verbosity
* **params["visualize"]** (int): flag to control whether we want to produce additional files (with normal modes)
- 0 - not to
- 1 - do it
tuple: (w, w_inv_cm, U_v, w2, w2_inv_cm, U_a), where:
* w ( MATRIX(ndof,1) ): frequencies from the velocity covariance matrix
* w_inv_cm ( MATRIX(ndof,1) ): frequencies from the velocity covariance matrix, in cm^-1 units
* U_v ( MATRIX(ndof,ndof) ): eigenvectors of the velocity covariance matrix
* w2 ( MATRIX(ndof,1) ): frequencies from the acceleration covariance matrix
* w2_inv_cm ( MATRIX(ndof,1) ): frequencies from the acceleration covariance matrix, in cm^-1 units
* U_a ( MATRIX(ndof,ndof) ): eigenvectors of the acceleration covariance matrix
All quantities are in atomic units
verbosity = params["verbosity"]
if verbosity>0:
print("========= Normal modes calculations according to: =============================")
print("Strachan, A. Normal Modes and Frequencies from Covariances in Molecular Dynamics\
or Monte Carlo Simulation. J. Chem. Phys. 2003, 120, 1-4.\n")
ndof = R.num_of_rows
nat = ndof/3
cov_flag = params["cov_flag"]
if verbosity>0:
print("Computing covariance matrix of positions\n")
K_r = CMATRIX(covariance_matrix(R, M, cov_flag))
if verbosity>0:
print("Computing covariance matrix of velocities\n")
K_v = CMATRIX(covariance_matrix(V, M, cov_flag))
if verbosity>0:
print("Computing covariance matrix of accelerations\n")
K_a = CMATRIX(covariance_matrix(A, M, cov_flag))
w_r = CMATRIX(ndof, ndof); U_r = CMATRIX(ndof, ndof)
w_v = CMATRIX(ndof, ndof); U_v = CMATRIX(ndof, ndof)
w_a = CMATRIX(ndof, ndof); U_a = CMATRIX(ndof, ndof)
if verbosity>0:
print("Eigenvalue solver for covariance matrix of positions\n")
solve_eigen_nosort(K_r, w_r, U_r, 0)
if verbosity>0:
print("Eigenvalue solver for covariance matrix of velocities\n")
solve_eigen_nosort(K_v, w_v, U_v, 0)
if verbosity>0:
print("Eigenvalue solver for covariance matrix of accelerations\n")
solve_eigen_nosort(K_a, w_a, U_a, 0)
if verbosity>1:
print("K_r:"); K_r.show_matrix()
print("K_r eigenvalues:"); w_r.show_matrix()
print("K_r eigenvectors:"); U_r.show_matrix()
print("K_v:"); K_v.show_matrix()
print("K_v eigenvalues:"); w_v.show_matrix()
print("K_v eigenvectors:"); U_v.show_matrix()
print("K_a:"); K_a.show_matrix()
print("K_a eigenvalues:"); w_a.show_matrix()
print("K_a eigenvectors:"); U_a.show_matrix()
w = MATRIX(ndof, 1)
for dof in range(0,ndof):
if w_r.get(dof, dof).real>0.0:
w.set(dof, 0, math.sqrt( math.fabs( w_v.get(dof, dof).real/w_r.get(dof, dof).real) ) )
w.set(dof, 0, 0.0)
w_inv_cm = w / units.inv_cm2Ha
if verbosity>0:
print("Angular frequencies (derived from w_v/w_r)")
w2 = MATRIX(ndof, 1)
for dof in range(0,ndof):
if w_r.get(dof, dof).real>0.0:
w2.set(dof, 0, math.pow( math.fabs( w_a.get(dof, dof).real/w_r.get(dof, dof).real ) , 0.25) )
w2.set(dof, 0, 0.0)
w2_inv_cm = w2 / units.inv_cm2Ha
if verbosity>0:
print("Angular frequencies (derived from w_a/w_r)")
if params["visualize"]==1:
if verbosity>0:
print("Visualizing modes based on velocities covariance\n")
prefix = params["prefix"]
params.update({"prefix": prefix+"_velocity"})
visualize_modes(E, R, U_v.real(), M, w, params);
if verbosity>0:
print("Visualizing modes based on accelerations covariance\n")
params.update({"prefix": prefix+"_acceleration"})
visualize_modes(E, R, U_a.real(), M, w2, params);
if verbosity>0:
print("========= Done with the Normal modes calculations =============================")
return w, w_inv_cm, U_v.real(), w2, w2_inv_cm, U_a.real()
[docs]def compute_cov1(R, V, M, E, params):
"""Same as compute_cov, except that we don't use the acceleration data
Computes and visualizes (as the trajectories) normal modes following the
methods described in:
(1) Strachan, A. Normal Modes and Frequencies from Covariances in Molecular Dynamics
or Monte Carlo Simulation. J. Chem. Phys. 2003, 120, 1-4.
R ( MATRIX(ndof x nsteps-1) ): coordinates of all DOFs for all mid-timesteps [Bohr]
V ( MATRIX(ndof x nsteps-1) ): velocities of all DOFs for all mid-timesteps [a.u. of velocity]
M ( MATRIX(ndof x 1) ): masses of all DOFs [a.u. of mass]
E ( list of ndof/3 strings ): atom names (elements) of all atoms
params ( dictionary ): parameters controlling the computations, including the
visualization (see the visualize_modes(E, R, U, w, params) description).
Contains keyword-value pairs:
* **params["verbosity"]** (int): level to control verbosity
* **params["visualize"]** (int): flag to control whether we want to produce additional files (with normal modes)
- 0 - not to
- 1 - do it
tuple: (w, w_inv_cm, U_v), where:
* w ( MATRIX(ndof,1) ): frequencies from the velocity covariance matrix
* w_inv_cm ( MATRIX(ndof,1) ): frequencies from the velocity covariance matrix, in cm^-1 units
* U_v ( MATRIX(ndof,ndof) ): eigenvectors of the velocity covariance matrix
All quantities are in atomic units
verbosity = params["verbosity"]
if verbosity>0:
print("========= Normal modes calculations according to: =============================")
print("Strachan, A. Normal Modes and Frequencies from Covariances in Molecular Dynamics\
or Monte Carlo Simulation. J. Chem. Phys. 2003, 120, 1-4.\n")
ndof = R.num_of_rows
nat = ndof/3
cov_flag = params["cov_flag"]
if verbosity>0:
print("Computing covariance matrix of positions\n")
K_r = CMATRIX(covariance_matrix(R, M, cov_flag))
if verbosity>0:
print("Computing covariance matrix of velocities\n")
K_v = CMATRIX(covariance_matrix(V, M, cov_flag))
w_r = CMATRIX(ndof, ndof); U_r = CMATRIX(ndof, ndof)
w_v = CMATRIX(ndof, ndof); U_v = CMATRIX(ndof, ndof)
if verbosity>0:
print("Eigenvalue solver for covariance matrix of positions\n")
solve_eigen_nosort(K_r, w_r, U_r, 0)
if verbosity>0:
print("Eigenvalue solver for covariance matrix of velocities\n")
solve_eigen_nosort(K_v, w_v, U_v, 0)
if verbosity>1:
print("K_r:"); K_r.show_matrix()
print("K_r eigenvalues:"); w_r.show_matrix()
print("K_r eigenvectors:"); U_r.show_matrix()
print("K_v:"); K_v.show_matrix()
print("K_v eigenvalues:"); w_v.show_matrix()
print("K_v eigenvectors:"); U_v.show_matrix()
w = MATRIX(ndof, 1)
for dof in range(0,ndof):
if w_r.get(dof, dof).real>0.0:
w.set(dof, 0, math.sqrt( math.fabs( w_v.get(dof, dof).real/w_r.get(dof, dof).real) ) )
w.set(dof, 0, 0.0)
w_inv_cm = w / units.inv_cm2Ha
if verbosity>0:
print("Angular frequencies (derived from w_v/w_r)")
if params["visualize"]==1:
if verbosity>0:
print("Visualizing modes based on velocities covariance\n")
prefix = params["prefix"]
params.update({"prefix": prefix+"_velocity"})
visualize_modes(E, R, U_v.real(), M, w, params);
if verbosity>0:
print("========= Done with the Normal modes calculations =============================")
return w, w_inv_cm, U_v.real()
[docs]def compute_cov2(R, A, M, E, T, params):
Computes and visualizes (as the trajectories) normal modes following the
methods described in:
(1) Pereverzev, A.; Sewell, T. D. Obtaining the Hessian from the Force Covariance Matrix:
Application to Crystalline Explosives PETN and RDX. J. Chem. Phys. 2015, 142, 134110.
R ( MATRIX(ndof x nsteps-1) ): coordinates of all DOFs for all mid-timesteps
A ( MATRIX(ndof x nsteps-1) ): accelerations of all DOFs for all mid-timesteps
M ( MATRIX(ndof x 1) ): masses of all DOFs
E ( list of ndof/3 strings ): atom names (elements) of all atoms
T ( double ): temperature of simulation (in K)
params ( dictionary ): parameters controlling the computations, including the
visualization (see the visualize_modes(E, R, U, w, params) description).
Contains keyword-value pairs:
* **params["verbosity"]** ( int ): level to control verbosity
* **params["visualize"]** ( int ): flag to control whether we want to produce additional files (with normal modes)
- 0 - not to
- 1 - do it
tuple: (w_a, w_inv_cm, U_a), where:
* w_a ( MATRIX(ndof,1) ): frequencies - Hessian eigenvalues
* w_inv_cm ( MATRIX(ndof,1) ): frequencies from - Hessian eigenvalues, in cm^-1 units
* U_a ( MATRIX(ndof,ndof) ): Hessian eigenvectors
All quantities are in atomic units
verbosity = params["verbosity"]
if verbosity>0:
print("========= Normal modes calculations according to: =============================")
print("Pereverzev, A.; Sewell, T. D. Obtaining the Hessian from the Force Covariance Matrix:\
Application to Crystalline Explosives PETN and RDX. J. Chem. Phys. 2015, 142, 134110.\n")
ndof = R.num_of_rows
nat = ndof/3
cov_flag = params["cov_flag"]
if verbosity>0:
print("Computing covariance matrix of accelerations\n")
K_a = None
if cov_flag==0:
K_a = CMATRIX(covariance(A))
elif cov_flag==1:
dA = deviation(A)
K_a = CMATRIX(covariance(dA))
k = units.boltzmann / units.hartree
K_a *= (1.0/(k*T))
if verbosity>0:
print("Eigenvalue solver for covariance matrix of accelerations\n")
w_a = CMATRIX(ndof, ndof); U_a = CMATRIX(ndof, ndof)
solve_eigen_nosort(K_a, w_a, U_a, 0)
if verbosity>1:
print("K_a:"); K_a.show_matrix()
print("K_a eigenvalues:"); w_a.show_matrix()
print("K_a eigenvectors:"); U_a.show_matrix()
w = MATRIX(ndof, 1)
for dof in range(0,ndof):
if w_a.get(dof, dof).real>0.0:
w.set(dof, 0, math.sqrt(w_a.get(dof, dof).real) )
w_inv_cm = w / units.inv_cm2Ha
if verbosity>0:
print("Frequencies (cm^-1)"); w_inv_cm.show_matrix()
if params["visualize"]>0:
if verbosity>0:
print("Visualizing modes based on accelerations covariance matrix\n")
visualize_modes(E, R, U_a.real(), M, w, params);
if verbosity>0:
print("========= Done with the Normal modes calculations =============================")
return w_a, w_inv_cm, U_a.real()
[docs]def compute_dynmat(R, D, M, E, params):
Computes and visualizes (as the trajectories) normal modes
using the dynamic matrix: D_ij = [1/sqrt(m_i * m_j)] d^2E/dR_i dR_j
Here, H_ij = d^2E/dR_i dR_j is the Hessian
R ( MATRIX(ndof x nsteps-1) ): coordinates of all DOFs for all mid-timesteps
D ( MATRIX(ndof x nsteps-1) ): the dynamic matrix
M ( MATRIX(ndof x 1) ): masses of all DOFs
E ( list of ndof/3 strings): atom names (elements) of all atoms
params ( dictionary ): parameters controlling the computations, including the
visualization (see the visualize_modes(E, R, U, w, params) description).
Contains keyword-value pairs:
* **params["verbosity"]** ( int ): level to control verbosity
* **params["visualize"]** ( int ): flag to control whether we want to produce additional files (with normal modes)
- 0 - not to
- 1 - do it
tuple: (w_a, w_inv_cm, U_a), where:
* w_a ( MATRIX(ndof,1) ): frequencies - Hessian eigenvalues
* w_inv_cm ( MATRIX(ndof,1) ): frequencies from - Hessian eigenvalues, in cm^-1 units
* U_a ( MATRIX(ndof,ndof) ): Hessian eigenvectors
All quantities are in atomic units
verbosity = params["verbosity"]
if verbosity>0:
print("========= Normal modes calculations using the provided dynamical matrix =============================")
ndof = M.num_of_rows
nat = ndof/3
w_a = MATRIX(ndof, ndof); U_a = MATRIX(ndof, ndof)
solve_eigen_nosort(D, w_a, U_a, 0)
if verbosity>1:
print("Dynamic matrix:"); D.show_matrix()
print("Its eigenvalues:"); w_a.show_matrix()
print("Its eigenvectors:"); U_a.show_matrix()
w = MATRIX(ndof, 1)
for dof in range(0,ndof):
if w_a.get(dof, dof)>0.0:
w.set(dof, 0, math.sqrt(w_a.get(dof, dof)) )
w_inv_cm = w / units.inv_cm2Ha
if verbosity>0:
print("Frequencies (cm^-1)"); w_inv_cm.show_matrix()
if params["visualize"]>0:
if verbosity>0:
print("Visualizing modes based on dynamic matrix\n")
visualize_modes(E, R, U_a, M, w, params);
if verbosity>0:
print("========= Done with the Normal modes calculations =============================")
return w, w_inv_cm, U_a
[docs]def get_xyz(E, R, M, U, mode):
This function returns a string in the xyz format with X, Y, Z and UX, UY, UZ
where X,Y,Z are the coordinates, UX, UY, UZ - vectors coming from those coordinates - e.g. normal modes
E ( list of ndof/3 strings ): atom names (elements) of all atoms
R ( MATRIX(ndof x nsteps-1) ): coordinates of all DOFs for all mid-timesteps
M ( MATRIX(ndof x 1) ): masses of all DOFs
U ( MATRIX(ndof x ndof) ): a matrix containing normal mode vectors
mode ( int ): index of the normal mode that we want to visualize
string: A string representing an xyz file
natoms = len(E)
res = "%3i\nComment\n" % (natoms)
for i in range(0,natoms):
x,y,z = R.get(3*i,0), R.get(3*i+1,0), R.get(3*i+2,0)
ux = U.get(3*i+0, mode)/math.sqrt(M.get(3*i+0))
uy = U.get(3*i+1, mode)/math.sqrt(M.get(3*i+1))
uz = U.get(3*i+2, mode)/math.sqrt(M.get(3*i+2))
res = res + "%s %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f\n" % (E[i], x,y,z, ux,uy,uz)
return res
[docs]def get_xyz2(E, R, U, mode):
This function returns a string in the xyz format with X, Y, Z and UX, UY, UZ
where X,Y,Z are the coordinates, UX, UY, UZ - vectors coming from those coordinates - e.g. normal modes
E ( list of ndof/3 string ): atom names (elements) of all atoms
R ( MATRIX(ndof x nsteps-1) ): coordinates of all DOFs for all mid-timesteps
U ( MATRIX(ndof x ndof) ): a matrix containing normal mode vectors
mode ( int ): index of the normal mode that we want to visualize
string: A string representing an xyz file
natoms = len(E)
res = "%3i\nComment\n" % (natoms)
for i in range(0,natoms):
x,y,z = R.get(3*i,0), R.get(3*i+1,0), R.get(3*i+2,0)
ux, uy, uz = U.get(3*i+0, mode), U.get(3*i+1, mode), U.get(3*i+2, mode)
res = res + "%s %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f\n" % (E[i], x,y,z, ux,uy,uz)
return res