Source code for libra_py.namd

#* Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Alexey V. Akimov                                                   
#* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License                          
#* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of                                   
#* the License, or (at your option) any later version.                                                 
#* See the file LICENSE in the root directory of this distribution   
#* or <>.          
.. module:: namd
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: This module implements functions for running NA-MD
.. moduleauthor:: Alexey V. Akimov


import os
import sys
import math
import copy

if sys.platform=="cygwin":
    from cyglibra_core import *
elif sys.platform=="linux" or sys.platform=="linux2":
    from liblibra_core import *

[docs]def compute_Hvib(ham_old, ham_cur, orb, dt): """ Computes the vibronic Hamiltonian - in the MO basis - this is equivalent to the general version below with the 1-electron "Slater determinant" basis functions. This function is going to be deprecated, but let keep it here, for backward compatibility Args: ham_old ( Hamiltonian ): Hamiltonian at time t-dt [units: a.u. of energy] ham_cur ( Hamiltonian ): Hamiltonian at time t [units: a.u. of energy] orb ( list of ints ): indices of the orbitals included in the active space. The Hvib dimensions will be determined by the N_act = len(orb) and the elements of Hvib will reflect only the orbitals included in this active state. Indexing starts with 0. dt ( float ): Time step [units: a.u. of time] Returns: CMATRIX(N_act,N_act): vibronic Hamiltonian matrix in the MO basis: Hvib = Hel - i*hbar*d_ij """ N_act = len(orb) # number of orbitals in the active space es_old = ham_old.get_electronic_structure() Nocc = es_old.Nocc_alp Fao_old = CMATRIX(es_old.get_Fao_alp() ) Sao_old = CMATRIX(es_old.get_Sao() ) res_old = Fock_to_P(Fao_old, Sao_old, Nocc, 1.0, 0.001, 1e-8, 0) E_old = res_old[0] # MO energies C_old = res_old[1] # MO-LCAO e_old = CMATRIX(N_act, N_act) pop_submatrix(E_old, e_old, orb, orb) e_old.show_matrix() es_cur = ham_cur.get_electronic_structure() Nocc = es_cur.Nocc_alp Fao_cur = CMATRIX(es_cur.get_Fao_alp() ) Sao_cur = CMATRIX(es_cur.get_Sao() ) res_cur = Fock_to_P(Fao_cur, Sao_cur, Nocc, 1.0, 0.001, 1e-8, 0) E_cur = res_cur[0] # MO energies C_cur = res_cur[1] # MO-LCAO e_cur = CMATRIX(N_act, N_act) pop_submatrix(E_cur, e_cur, orb, orb) e_cur.show_matrix() # <MO(t)|MO(t-dt)> dist2 = 10000.0 D = CMATRIX(N_act,N_act) MO_overlap(D, ham_old.basis_ao, ham_cur.basis_ao, C_old, C_cur, Py2Cpp_int(orb), Py2Cpp_int(orb), dist2 ) # D = (0.5/dt)*(D - D.H()) Eadi = 0.5*(e_old + e_cur) Hvib = Eadi - 1.0j*D # direct adiabatic return Hvib
[docs]def compute_Hvib_sd(ham_old, ham_cur, orb, SD_basis, dt): """ Computes the vibronic Hamiltonian - in the MO basis Args: ham_old ( Hamiltonian ): Hamiltonian at time t-dt [units: a.u. of energy] ham_cur ( Hamiltonian ): Hamiltonian at time t [units: a.u. of energy] orb ( list of ints ): indices of the orbitals included in the active space. The Hvib dimensions will be determined by the norb = len(orb) and the elements of Hvib will reflect only the orbitals included in this active state. Indexing starts with 0. SD_basis ( list of lists of ints ): Slater determinant (SD) basis - are defined in terms of the indices withing the active space, with the numbering starting from 0. In no-SOC case, the numbers smaller than N_act = len(orb) will correspond to alpha orbitals other - to beta orbitals dt ( float ): Time step [units: a.u. of time] Returns: CMATRIX(N,N): vibronic Hamiltonian matrix in the SD basis: Hvib = Hel - i*hbar*d_ij. Here, N = len(SD_basis) Example: If we have a system with HOMO being the orbital with index 20, LUMO - with 21, then if we want to consider a minimal 2-state system, we can choose orb = [20, 21] Mapping:: 0 1 2 3 H(alp) L(alp) H(bet) L(bet) GS = |H(alp),H(beta)| S1 = |H(alp),L(beta)| and SD_basis = [ [0, 2], [0, 3] ] /\ /\ /\ /\ | | | | H alp H bet H alp L beta Example: If we have a system with HOMO being the orbital with index 20, LUMO - with 21, then if we want to consider a minimal 2-state system with spin-flip, we can choose orb = [20, 21] Mapping:: 0 1 2 3 H(alp) L(alp) H(bet) L(bet) GS = |H(alp),H(beta)| S1 =|H(alp),L(beta)| T0 = |H(alp),L(alp)| T1 = |H(bet),L(bet)| and SD_basis = [ [0, 2], [0, 3] , [0, 1] , [ 2, 3 ] ] /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ | | | | | | | | H alp H bet H alp L beta H alp L alp H bet L bet Example: If we have a radiacl in a system with 3 electrons, occuplying HOMO-1 (doubly) and HOMO (singly). Say, the HOMO is the orbital with index 20, HOMO-1 - with 19, then if we may want to consider the active space of 3 orbitals: [19, 20, 21] Mapping:: 0 1 2 3 4 5 H-1(alp) H(alp) L(alp) H-1(bet) H(bet) L(bet) GS = |H-1(alp),H-1(beta), H(alp)| and SD_basis = [ [0, 3, 1], [0, 3, 4], ... ] /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ | | | | | | H-1 alp H-1 bet H alp H-1 alp H-1 bet H bet Example: We may consider a transition between certain orbitals, say we are interested in transition between LUMO+10 (index 30) and LUMO+15 (index 35), then we can choose orb = [30, 35] Note, the definition of the SD basis used in Example #1 can be re-used. Mapping:: 0 1 2 3 L+10(alp) L+15(alp) L+10(bet) L+15(bet) GS = |L+10(alp),L+10(beta)| S1 = |L+10(alp),L+15(beta)| and SD_basis = [ [0, 2], [0, 3] ] /\ /\ /\ /\ | | | | L+10 alp L+15 bet L+10 alp L+15 beta """ N_act = len(orb) # number of orbitals in the active space es_old = ham_old.get_electronic_structure() Nocc = es_old.Nocc_alp Fao_old = CMATRIX(es_old.get_Fao_alp() ) Sao_old = CMATRIX(es_old.get_Sao() ) res_old = Fock_to_P(Fao_old, Sao_old, Nocc, 1.0, 0.001, 1e-8, 0) E_old = res_old[0] # MO energies C_old = res_old[1] # MO-LCAO e_old = CMATRIX(N_act, N_act) pop_submatrix(E_old, e_old, orb, orb) es_cur = ham_cur.get_electronic_structure() Nocc = es_cur.Nocc_alp Fao_cur = CMATRIX(es_cur.get_Fao_alp() ) Sao_cur = CMATRIX(es_cur.get_Sao() ) res_cur = Fock_to_P(Fao_cur, Sao_cur, Nocc, 1.0, 0.001, 1e-8, 0) E_cur = res_cur[0] # MO energies C_cur = res_cur[1] # MO-LCAO e_cur = CMATRIX(N_act, N_act) pop_submatrix(E_cur, e_cur, orb, orb) # <MO(t)|MO(t-dt)> dist2 = 10000.0 # construct the overlaps in the MO (spatial orbitals) space Smo = CMATRIX(N_act,N_act) MO_overlap(Smo, ham_old.basis_ao, ham_cur.basis_ao, C_old, C_cur, Py2Cpp_int(orb), Py2Cpp_int(orb) , dist2 ) # # construct the overlaps in the MO (spin-orbitals) space # # No SOC: # # the orb x orb block is for alpha orbitals and orb + N_act x orb + N_act - for beta orbitals Sso = CMATRIX(2*N_act,2*N_act) orb_alp = Py2Cpp_int(range(0, N_act)) orb_bet = Py2Cpp_int(range(N_act, 2*N_act)) push_submatrix(Sso, Smo, orb_alp, orb_alp) push_submatrix(Sso, Smo, orb_bet, orb_bet) # construct the overlaps in the SD space # convert to internal data type: sd_basis = intList2() for sd in SD_basis: sd_basis.append( Py2Cpp_int(sd) ) Ssd = overlap_sd(Sso, sd_basis); Ssd = (0.5/dt)*(Ssd - Ssd.H()) # scalar NAC # Compute energies in the SD basis: sd_bas_size = len(SD_basis) Esd = CMATRIX(sd_bas_size, sd_bas_size) for I in range(0,sd_bas_size): e = 0.0 for i in SD_basis[I]: if i<N_act: e = e + 0.5*(e_cur.get(i,i) + e_old.get(i,i)) else: j = i - N_act e = e + 0.5*(e_cur.get(j,j) + e_old.get(j,j)) Esd.set(I,I, e) # Finally, compute the Hvib Hvib = Esd - 1.0j*Ssd return Hvib