#* Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Brendan A. Smith, Alexey V. Akimov
#* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
#* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#* See the file LICENSE in the root directory of this distribution
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.. module:: models_Martens
:platform: Unix, Windows
:synopsis: This module implements Eckart barrier potentials as used by Martens
.. moduleauthor:: Brendan A. Smith, Alexey V. Akimov
import os
import sys
import math
import copy
if sys.platform=="cygwin":
from cyglibra_core import *
elif sys.platform=="linux" or sys.platform=="linux2":
from liblibra_core import *
import util.libutil as comn
import libra_py.units as units
class tmp:
[docs]def model1(q, params, full_id=None):
The first of the two model potential described by L. Wang, C.C. Martens,
and Y. Zheng, "Entangled trajectory molecular dynamics in
multidimensional systems: Two-dimensional quantum tunneling through
the Eckart barrier" J. Chem. Phys. 137, 34113 (2012)
This potential has seperable dof
q ( MATRIX(2,1) ): coordinates of the particle, ndof = 2
params ( dictionary ): model parameters
* **params["Va"]** ( double ): barrier height [ default: 0.00625, units: Ha]
* **params["Vb"]** ( double ): harmonic potential term [ default: 0.0106, units: Ha/Bohr^2]
PyObject: obj, with the members:
* obj.ham_dia ( CMATRIX(1,1) ): diabatic Hamiltonian
* obj.ovlp_dia ( CMATRIX(1,1) ): overlap of the basis (diabatic) states [ identity ]
* obj.d1ham_dia ( list of 2 CMATRIX(1,1) objects ):
derivatives of the diabatic Hamiltonian w.r.t. the nuclear coordinate
* obj.dc1_dia ( list of 2 CMATRIX(1,1) objects ): derivative coupling in the diabatic basis [ zero ]
# Define potential specific constants
critical_params = [ ]
default_params = {"Va":0.00625, "Vb":0.0106 }
comn.check_input(params, default_params, critical_params)
Va = params["Va"]
Vb = params["Vb"]
# Hdia and Sdia are ndia x ndia in dimension
Hdia = CMATRIX(1,1)
Sdia = CMATRIX(1,1)
# d1ham and dc1_dia are ndia x ndia in dimension, but we have nnucl of them
d1ham_dia = CMATRIXList();
dc1_dia = CMATRIXList();
for i in range(0,2):
d1ham_dia.append( CMATRIX(1,1) )
dc1_dia.append( CMATRIX(1,1) )
indx = 0
if full_id !=None:
Id = Cpp2Py(full_id)
indx = Id[-1]
x = q.col(indx).get(0)
y = q.col(indx).get(1)
x2 = x*x
y2 = y*y
# z = sech(2x)
# z2 = sech^2(2x)
z = (2.0 * math.cosh(2.0*x))/(1.0 + math.cosh(4.0*x))
z2 = z*z
Hdia.set(0,0,( Va*z2 + 0.5*Vb*y*y )*(1.0+0.0j))
# d Hdia / dR_0
d1ham_dia[0].set(0,0, ( ( -4.0*Va*math.tanh(2.0*x)*z2 ) )*(1.0+0.0j))
d1ham_dia[1].set(0,0, ( Vb*y )*(1.0+0.0j))
# <dia| d/dR_0| dia >
dc1_dia[0].set(0,0, 0.0+0.0j)
dc1_dia[1].set(0,0, 0.0+0.0j)
obj = tmp()
obj.ham_dia = Hdia
obj.ovlp_dia = Sdia
obj.d1ham_dia = d1ham_dia
obj.dc1_dia = dc1_dia
return obj
[docs]def model2(q, params, full_id=None):
The second of the two model potential described by L. Wang, C.C. Martens,
and Y. Zheng, "Entangled trajectory molecular dynamics in
multidimensional systems: Two-dimensional quantum tunneling through
the Eckart barrier" J. Chem. Phys. 137, 34113 (2012)
Specifically, this potential is Model II
Hdia = Va*sech^2*(2q1) + 0.5*Vb*[q2 - Vc(q1^2 - 1)]^2
q ( MATRIX(2,1) ): coordinates of the particle, ndof = 2
params ( dictionary ): model parameters
* **params["Va"]** ( double ): barrier height [ default: 0.00625, units: Ha]
* **params["Vb"]** ( double ): harmonic potential term [ default: 0.0106, units: Ha/Bohr^2]
* **params["Vc"]** ( double ): coupling term [ default: 0.4, units: Bohr^2]
PyObject: obj, with the members:
* obj.ham_dia ( CMATRIX(1,1) ): diabatic Hamiltonian
* obj.ovlp_dia ( CMATRIX(1,1) ): overlap of the basis (diabatic) states [ identity ]
* obj.d1ham_dia ( list of 2 CMATRIX(1,1) objects ):
derivatives of the diabatic Hamiltonian w.r.t. the nuclear coordinate
* obj.dc1_dia ( list of 2 CMATRIX(1,1) objects ): derivative coupling in the diabatic basis [ zero ]
# Define potential specific constants
critical_params = [ ]
default_params = {"Va":0.00625, "Vb":0.0106, "Vc":0.4 }
comn.check_input(params, default_params, critical_params)
Va = params["Va"]
Vb = params["Vb"]
Vc = params["Vc"]
# Hdia and Sdia are ndia x ndia in dimension
Hdia = CMATRIX(1,1)
Sdia = CMATRIX(1,1)
# d1ham and dc1_dia are ndia x ndia in dimension, but we have nnucl of them
d1ham_dia = CMATRIXList();
dc1_dia = CMATRIXList();
for i in range(0,2):
d1ham_dia.append( CMATRIX(1,1) )
dc1_dia.append( CMATRIX(1,1) )
indx = 0
if full_id !=None:
Id = Cpp2Py(full_id)
indx = Id[-1]
x = q.col(indx).get(0)
y = q.col(indx).get(1)
x2 = x*x
y2 = y*y
# z = sech(2x)
# z2 = sech^2(2x)
z = (2.0 * math.cosh(2.0*x))/(1.0 + math.cosh(4.0*x))
z2 = z*z
Hdia.set(0,0,( Va*z2 + 0.5*Vb*(y+Vc*(x*x-1.0))**2 )*(1.0+0.0j))
# d Hdia / dR_0
d1ham_dia[0].set(0,0, ( ( -4.0*Va*math.tanh(2.0*x)*z2 ) + ( 2.0*Vb*Vc*x*(y + Vc*x*x - Vc) ) )*(1.0+0.0j))
d1ham_dia[1].set(0,0, ( Vb * ( y + Vc*(x*x-1.0) ) ) * (1.0+0.0j))
# <dia| d/dR_0| dia >
dc1_dia[0].set(0,0, 0.0+0.0j)
dc1_dia[1].set(0,0, 0.0+0.0j)
obj = tmp()
obj.ham_dia = Hdia
obj.ovlp_dia = Sdia
obj.d1ham_dia = d1ham_dia
obj.dc1_dia = dc1_dia
return obj