Source code for libra_py.influence_spectrum

#* Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Wei Li and Alexey V. Akimov
#* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
#* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#* See the file LICENSE in the root directory of this distribution
#* or <>.

.. module:: influence_spectrum
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: This module implements functions to compute the autocorrelation functions 
       and their Fourier spectra (influence spectra) of the time-series of matrices (e.g.
       of the "vibronic" Hamiltonian data sampled along the MD trajectories)

.. moduleauthor:: Wei Li and Alexey V. Akimov


import cmath
import math
import os
import sys
import unittest

if sys.platform=="cygwin":
    from cyglibra_core import *
elif sys.platform=="linux" or sys.platform=="linux2":
    from liblibra_core import *

#import common_utils as comn
import util.libutil as comn
from . import units
from . import data_stat
from . import acf
from . import ft

[docs]def recipe1(data, params): """A recipe to compute ACF and its FT for data series Args: data ( list of MATRIX(ndof, 1) objects ): sequence of real-valued ndof-dimensional vectors params ( Python dictionary ): controlling the parameters * **params["dt"]** ( double ): time distance between the adjacent data points [units: fs, default: 1.0] * **params["wspan"]** ( double ): window of frequencies for the Fourier transform [ units: cm^-1, default: 3000.0 ] * **params["dw"]** ( double ): grid points spacing in the frequency domain [ units: cm^-1, default: 1.0 ] * **params["do_output"]** ( Boolean ): whether we print out the data the results into files [ default: False ] * **params["acf_filename"]** ( string ): the name of the file where to print the ACF [ default: "acf.txt"] * **params["spectrum_filename"]** ( string ): the name of the file where to print the spectrum [ default: "spectrum.txt" ] * **params["do_center"]** ( Boolean ): a flag controlling whether to center data (=1) or not (=0) Centering means we subtract the average value (over all the data points) from all the data points - this way, we convert values into their fluctuations [default: True ] * **params["acf_type"]** ( int ): selector of the convention to to compute ACF * 0 : the chemist convention, (1/(N-h)) Sum_{t=1,N-h} (Y[t]*Y[t+h]) [ default ] * 1 : the statistician convention, (1/N) Sum_{t=1,N-h} (Y[t]*Y[t+h]) * **params["data_type"]** ( int ): what is the format of the data? * 0 : list of MATRIX(ndof, 1) [ default ] * 1 : list of VECTOR Returns: tuple: (T, norm_acf, raw_acf, W, J, J2), where: * T ( list of double ): time axis [ units: fs ] * norm_acf ( list of double ): normalized ACF * raw_acf ( list of double ): un-normalized ACF * W ( list of double ): frequencies axis [ units: cm^-1 ] * J ( list of double ): amplitudes of FT * J2 ( list of double ): (1/2pi)*|J|^2 """ critical_params = [ ] default_params = { "dt":1.0, "wspan":3000.0, "dw":1.0, "do_output":False, "acf_filename":"acf.txt", "spectrum_filename":"spectrum.txt", "do_center":True, "acf_type":0, "data_type":0 } comn.check_input(params, default_params, critical_params) dt = params["dt"] * units.fs2au # convert to atomic units of time wspan = params["wspan"] * units.inv_cm2Ha # convert to Ha (atomic units) dw = params["dw"] * units.inv_cm2Ha # convert to Ha (atomic units) do_output = params["do_output"] acf_filename = params["acf_filename"] spectrum_filename = params["spectrum_filename"] do_center = params["do_center"] acf_type = params["acf_type"] data_type = params["data_type"] #======== data_new = data if do_center: if data_type==0: data_new = data_stat.mat_center_data(data) elif data_type==1: data_new = data_stat.vec_center_data(data) #=========== ACFs ============== T, norm_acf, raw_acf = None, None, None if data_type==0: T, norm_acf, raw_acf = acf.acf_mat( data_new , dt, acf_type) elif data_type==1: T, norm_acf, raw_acf = acf.acf_vec( data_new , dt, acf_type) else: print("Error: data_type = ", data_type, " is not known\n") sys.exit(0) sz = len(T) for it in range(0,sz): T[it] = T[it]/units.fs2au # convert to fs if do_output: f = open(acf_filename,"w") for it in range(0,sz): f.write("%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f \n" % (T[it] , norm_acf[it], raw_acf[it])) f.close() #=========== FT ============= W, J = ft.ft(norm_acf, wspan, dw, dt) sz = len(W) J2 = [] for iw in range(0,sz): W[iw] = W[iw]/units.inv_cm2Ha J2.append( (1.0/(2.0*math.pi))*J[iw]*J[iw] ) if do_output: f = open(spectrum_filename,"w") for iw in range(0,sz): f.write("%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f\n" % (W[iw], J[iw], J2[iw] ) ) f.close() return T, norm_acf, raw_acf, W, J, J2
[docs]def compute_mat_elt(X, a, b, params): """Computes the frequencies with which a given matrix element evolves in time Args: X ( list of MATRIX ): time-series data a ( int ): is the row index of the matrix element to analyze b ( int ): is the column index of the matrix element to analyze params ( dictionalry ): parameters of the simulation. Contain the following keys: * **params["filename"]** ( string ): the prefix of the filenames generated. Doesn't matter if `do_output == False` [default: "influence_spectra_"] * **params["logname"]** ( string ): the name of the log-file. Doesn't matter if `do_output == False` [default: "out.log"] * **params["nfreqs"]** ( int ): the maximal number of frequencies we want to extract [default: 1] SeeAlso: recipe1(data, params) for the description of other parameters: * dr * wspan * dw * do_output * acf_filename * spectrum_filename * do_center * acf_type * data_type Returns: tuple: ( T, norm_acf, raw_acf, W, J, J2, freqs ), where freqs ( list of lists ), where * freqs[fr][0] - frequency of the mode fr [in 2*pi*a.u.^-1] * freqs[fr][1] - amplitude of the mode fr in the influence spectrum [arb. units] * freqs[fr][2] - normalized amplitued of the mode fr [arb.units] SeeAlso: The first 6 outputs are described in the `recipe1` * T * norm_acf * raw_acf * W * J * J2 """ # Set defaults and check critical parameters critical_params = [ ] default_params = { "nfreqs":1, "logname":"out.log", "filename":"influence_spectra_", "do_output":0 } comn.check_input(params, default_params, critical_params) # Local variables and dimensions nfreqs = params["nfreqs"] do_output = params["do_output"] filename = params["filename"] logname = params["logname"] #========= Collect info in a different format ======= nsteps = len(X) sz = X[0].num_of_rows data_ab = [] for n in range(0,nsteps): xi = MATRIX(1,1) xi.set(0,0, X[n].get(a,b)) data_ab.append(xi) # ===== Compute the ACFs and their FTs params1 = dict(params) params1["acf_filename"] = filename+"_acf_"+str(a)+"_"+str(b)+".txt" params1["spectrum_filename"] = filename+"_acf_"+str(a)+"_"+str(b)+".txt" params1["verbose"] = 0 T, norm_acf, raw_acf, W, J, J2 = recipe1(data_ab, params1) # T is in fs, W is in cm^-1 #===== Determine all frequencies (peaks) and sort them (in accending manner) ==== out = data_stat.find_maxima(J2, params1) if do_output: lgfile = open(logname, "a") lgfile.write("Maximal peaks in the file "+params1["spectrum_filename"]+"\n") # Reduce the number of frequencies to the maximal number available if nfreqs > len(out): nfreqs = len(out) szo = len(out) - 1 #==== Compute the intensities and normalized intensities, do the output ========= freqs = [] norm = 0.0 for i in range(0,nfreqs): indx = out[szo-i][0] norm = norm + abs(J[indx]) for i in range(0,nfreqs): indx = out[szo-i][0] freqs.append( [W[indx], J[indx], J[indx]/norm ] ) if do_output: lgfile.write("index= %3i frequency= %8.5f amplitude= %8.5f normalized_amplitude= %8.5f \n" % (i, W[indx], J[indx], J[indx]/norm) ) if do_output: lgfile.close() lgfile = open(logname, "a") for a in freqs: lgfile.write(" ========= Mode = %5i =========== \n" % (freqs.index(a)) ) lgfile.write(" omega = E/hbar = %8.5f [cm^-1] \n" % (a[0]) ) lgfile.write(" Amplitude = %8.5f \n" % (a[1]) ) lgfile.write(" Normalized amplitude = %8.5f \n" % (a[2])) lgfile.close() return freqs, T, norm_acf, raw_acf, W, J, J2
[docs]def compute_all(X, params): """Computes the frequencies with which all matrix elements evolve in time In particular, we are interested only in the frequencies of the real part of diagonal elements and in frequencies of imaginary part of non-diagonal elements. This is a typical situation for the "vibronic" Hamiltonian data in the NA-MD Args: X ( list of CMATRIX ): time-series data of complex matrices, e.g. "vibronic" Hamiltonian params ( dictionary ): parameters controlling the execution of :funct:`compute_mat_elt` function ..seealso::`compute_mat_elt` for the full description of the required and allowed parameters and the default values Returns: list[nstates][nstates][nfreqs][3]: freqs, such that * freqs[a][b][fr][0] ( double ): frequency of the mode fr for the matrix element X_ab [in 2*pi*a.u.^-1] * freqs[a][b][fr][1] ( double ): amplitude of the mode fr in the influence spectrum for the matrix element X_ab [arb. units] * freqs[a][b][fr][2] ( double ): normalized amplitued of the mode fr for the matrix element X_ab [arb.units] """ critical_params = [ ] default_params = { "filename":"influence_spectra_" } comn.check_input(params, default_params, critical_params) params_re = dict(params) params_re.update({"filename":params["filename"]+"_re_"}) params_im = dict(params) params_im.update({"filename":params["filename"]+"_im_"}) # Split the X array into two arrays - real and imaginary parts X_re, X_im = [], [] nsteps = len(X) for step in range(0,nsteps): X_re.append(X[step].real()) X_im.append(X[step].imag()) # Do the calculations for each matrix element nstates = X[0].num_of_cols freqs = [ [ [] for i in range(0,nstates)] for j in range(0,nstates)] T = [ [ [] for i in range(0,nstates)] for j in range(0,nstates)] norm_acf = [ [ [] for i in range(0,nstates)] for j in range(0,nstates)] raw_acf = [ [ [] for i in range(0,nstates)] for j in range(0,nstates)] W = [ [ [] for i in range(0,nstates)] for j in range(0,nstates)] J = [ [ [] for i in range(0,nstates)] for j in range(0,nstates)] J2 = [ [ [] for i in range(0,nstates)] for j in range(0,nstates)] for i in range(0,nstates): for j in range(0,nstates): if i == j: freqs[i][j], T[i][j], norm_acf[i][j], raw_acf[i][j], W[i][j], J[i][j], J2[i][j] = compute_mat_elt(X_re, i, j, params_re) else: freqs[i][j], T[i][j], norm_acf[i][j], raw_acf[i][j], W[i][j], J[i][j], J2[i][j] = compute_mat_elt(X_im, i, j, params_im) return freqs, T, norm_acf, raw_acf, W, J, J2
[docs]class TestDatautils(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_1(self): """Tests find_maxima(s, verbose=0, filename="run.log") """ s = MATRIX(6,1) slst = [4.0, 20.0, -50.0, 42.0, -2.0] for i in range(0,len(slst)): s.set(i, slst[i]) out = find_maxima(s) self.assertEqual(out, [[1, 20.0], [3, 42.0]])
[docs] def test_2(self): """Tests scalar_stat(X) """ X = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] ave, std = scalar_stat(X) self.assertEqual(ave, 2.0) self.assertEqual(std, math.sqrt(2.0/3.0)) X = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] ave, std = scalar_stat(X) self.assertEqual(ave, 1.0) self.assertEqual(std, 0.0)
[docs] def test_3(self): """Tests matrix_stat(X) """ x00 = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0] x11 = [1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0] x01 = [1.0, -1.0, 2.0, -2.0] x10 = [0.0, 1.0, -3.0, 3.0] X = [] for i in range(0,4): m = MATRIX(2,2) m.set(0,0, x00[i]); m.set(0,1, x01[i]); m.set(1,0, x10[i]); m.set(1,1, x11[i]); X.append(m) ave, std, dw, up = matrix_stat(X) self.assertEqual(ave.get(0,0), 2.5) self.assertEqual(ave.get(1,1), 0.0) self.assertEqual(ave.get(0,1), 0.0) self.assertEqual(ave.get(1,0), 0.25) self.assertEqual(std.get(0,0), math.sqrt(1.5**2 + 0.5**2 + 0.5**2 + 1.5**2)/2.0) self.assertEqual(std.get(1,1), 1.0) self.assertEqual(std.get(0,1), math.sqrt(2.5) ) self.assertEqual(std.get(1,0), math.sqrt(0.25**2 + 0.75**2 + 3.25**2 + 2.75**2)/2.0) self.assertEqual(dw.get(0,0), 1.0) self.assertEqual(dw.get(1,1), -1.0) self.assertEqual(dw.get(0,1), -2.0) self.assertEqual(dw.get(1,0), -3.0) self.assertEqual(up.get(0,0), 4.0) self.assertEqual(up.get(1,1), 1.0) self.assertEqual(up.get(0,1), 2.0) self.assertEqual(up.get(1,0), 3.0)
[docs] def test_4(self): """Tests matrix_freqs(X, a, b, dt, prefix, Nfreqs, verbose = [1,1,1], dw = 1.0, wspan = 3000.0, logfile=None) """ pass
if __name__ == '__main__': # Test case: 3 frequences data = [] dt = 1.0 * units.fs2au dw = 1.0 * units.inv_cm2Ha w1 = 500.0 * units.inv_cm2Ha w2 = 1400.0 * units.inv_cm2Ha w3 = 850.0 * units.inv_cm2Ha wspan = 2000.0 * units.inv_cm2Ha for it in range(0,1000): t = it * dt d = MATRIX(3,1) d.set(0, 0, math.sin(w1*t) ) d.set(1, 0, math.cos(w2*t) ) d.set(2, 0, math.sin(w3*t) ) data.append( d ) recipe1(data, 1.0, 2000.0, 1.0) # Test case: 3 frequences data = [] for it in range(0,1000): t = it * dt data.append( VECTOR(math.sin(w1*t), math.cos(w2*t), math.sin(w3*t)) ) recipe2(data, 1.0, 2000.0, 1.0) unittest.main()