Source code for libra_py.fix_motion

#* Copyright (C) 2019 Alexey V. Akimov                                                   
#* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License                          
#* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of                                   
#* the License, or (at your option) any later version.                                                 
#* See the file LICENSE in the root directory of this distribution   
#* or <>.          
.. module:: fix_motion
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: This module implements functions for removing translation of CM and
       rotation around it

.. moduleauthor:: Alexey V. Akimov


import os
import sys
import math
import copy

if sys.platform=="cygwin":
    from cyglibra_core import *
elif sys.platform=="linux" or sys.platform=="linux2":
    from liblibra_core import *

from . import units
from . import build
from . import QE_methods
from . import normal_modes
from . import LoadPT
from . import LoadMolecule
from . import nve_md

[docs]def permutation1(case): """ This function returns one of the 6 permutation matrices that describe possible orderings/directions of the 3 coordinate axes. Args: case ( int ): selector of the permutation Returns: MATRIX3x3: the matrix that encodes the permutation """ U = MATRIX3x3() if case==0: # U[0] * diag(I1,I2,I3) * U[0] = diag(I1,I2,I3) # det = 1 # identity U.xx = 1.0; U.xy = 0.0; U.xz = 0.0; U.yx = 0.0; U.yy = 1.0; U.yz = 0.0; U.zx = 0.0; U.zy = 0.0; U.zz = 1.0; elif case==1: # U[1] * diag(I1,I2,I3) * U[1] = diag(I2,I1,I3) # det = 1 # x -> y', y -> x', z -> -z' U.xx = 0.0; U.xy = 1.0; U.xz = 0.0; U.yx = 1.0; U.yy = 0.0; U.yz = 0.0; U.zx = 0.0; U.zy = 0.0; U.zz =-1.0; elif case==2: # U[2] * diag(I1,I2,I3) * U[2] = diag(I1,I3,I2) # det = 1 # x -> -x', y -> z', z -> y' U.xx =-1.0; U.xy = 0.0; U.xz = 0.0; U.yx = 0.0; U.yy = 0.0; U.yz = 1.0; U.zx = 0.0; U.zy = 1.0; U.zz = 0.0; elif case==3: # U[3] * diag(I1,I2,I3) * U[4] = diag(I3,I1,I2) # det = 1 # x -> z', y -> x', z -> y' U.xx = 0.0; U.xy = 0.0; U.xz = 1.0; U.yx = 1.0; U.yy = 0.0; U.yz = 0.0; U.zx = 0.0; U.zy = 1.0; U.zz = 0.0; elif case==4: # U[4] * diag(I1,I2,I3) * U[3] = diag(I2,I3,I1) # det = 1 # x -> y', y -> z', z -> x' U.xx = 0.0; U.xy = 1.0; U.xz = 0.0; U.yx = 0.0; U.yy = 0.0; U.yz = 1.0; U.zx = 1.0; U.zy = 0.0; U.zz = 0.0; elif case==5: # U[5] * diag(I1,I2,I3) * U[5] = diag(I3,I2,I1) # det = 1 # x -> z', y -> -y', z -> x' U.xx = 0.0; U.xy = 0.0; U.xz = 1.0; U.yx = 0.0; U.yy =-1.0; U.yz = 0.0; U.zx = 1.0; U.zy = 0.0; U.zz = 0.0; return U
[docs]def permutation(case): """ This function returns one of the 6 permutation matrices that describe possible orderings/directions of the 3 coordinate axes. Args: case ( int ): selector of the permutation Returns: MATRIX3x3: the matrix that encodes the permutation """ U = MATRIX3x3() if case==0: # x -> x y -> y z -> z U.xx = 1.0; U.xy = 0.0; U.xz = 0.0; U.yx = 0.0; U.yy = 1.0; U.yz = 0.0; U.zx = 0.0; U.zy = 0.0; U.zz = 1.0; elif case==1: # x <-> y z -> z U.xx = 0.0; U.xy = 1.0; U.xz = 0.0; U.yx = 1.0; U.yy = 0.0; U.yz = 0.0; U.zx = 0.0; U.zy = 0.0; U.zz = 1.0; elif case==2: # x <-> z y -> y U.xx = 0.0; U.xy = 0.0; U.xz = 1.0; U.yx = 0.0; U.yy = 1.0; U.yz = 0.0; U.zx = 1.0; U.zy = 0.0; U.zz = 0.0; elif case==3: # y <-> z x -> x U.xx = 1.0; U.xy = 0.0; U.xz = 0.0; U.yx = 0.0; U.yy = 0.0; U.yz = 1.0; U.zx = 0.0; U.zy = 1.0; U.zz = 0.0; return U
[docs]def permutation2(case): """ This function returns one of the 6 permutation matrices that describe possible orderings/directions of the 3 coordinate axes. Args: case ( int ): selector of the permutation Returns: MATRIX3x3: the matrix that encodes the permutation """ U = MATRIX3x3() if case==0: # x -> x y -> y z -> z U.xx = 1.0; U.xy = 0.0; U.xz = 0.0; U.yx = 0.0; U.yy = 1.0; U.yz = 0.0; U.zx = 0.0; U.zy = 0.0; U.zz = 1.0; elif case==1: # x <-> y z -> -z U.xx = 0.0; U.xy = 1.0; U.xz = 0.0; U.yx = 1.0; U.yy = 0.0; U.yz = 0.0; U.zx = 0.0; U.zy = 0.0; U.zz =-1.0; elif case==2: # x <-> z y -> -y U.xx = 0.0; U.xy = 0.0; U.xz = 1.0; U.yx = 0.0; U.yy =-1.0; U.yz = 0.0; U.zx = 1.0; U.zy = 0.0; U.zz = 0.0; elif case==3: # y <-> z x -> -x U.xx =-1.0; U.xy = 0.0; U.xz = 0.0; U.yx = 0.0; U.yy = 0.0; U.yz = 1.0; U.zx = 0.0; U.zy = 1.0; U.zz = 0.0; elif case==4: # x->y, y->z, z->x U.xx = 0.0; U.xy = 0.0; U.xz = 1.0; U.yx = 1.0; U.yy = 0.0; U.yz = 0.0; U.zx = 0.0; U.zy = 1.0; U.zz = 0.0; elif case==5: # x->z, z->y, y->x U.xx = 0.0; U.xy = 1.0; U.xz = 0.0; U.yx = 0.0; U.yy = 0.0; U.yz = 1.0; U.zx = 1.0; U.zy = 0.0; U.zz = 0.0; return U
def reflection(case): U = MATRIX3x3() if case==0: # x - > x, y -> y, z -> z U.xx = 1.0; U.xy = 0.0; U.xz = 0.0; U.yx = 0.0; U.yy = 1.0; U.yz = 0.0; U.zx = 0.0; U.zy = 0.0; U.zz = 1.0; elif case==1: # x - > -x, y -> y, z -> z U.xx =-1.0; U.xy = 0.0; U.xz = 0.0; U.yx = 0.0; U.yy = 1.0; U.yz = 0.0; U.zx = 0.0; U.zy = 0.0; U.zz = 1.0; elif case==2: # x - > x, y -> -y, z -> z U.xx = 1.0; U.xy = 0.0; U.xz = 0.0; U.yx = 0.0; U.yy =-1.0; U.yz = 0.0; U.zx = 0.0; U.zy = 0.0; U.zz = 1.0; elif case==3: # x - > x, y -> y, z -> -z U.xx = 1.0; U.xy = 0.0; U.xz = 0.0; U.yx = 0.0; U.yy = 1.0; U.yz = 0.0; U.zx = 0.0; U.zy = 0.0; U.zz =-1.0; elif case==4: # x - > -x, y -> -y, z -> z U.xx =-1.0; U.xy = 0.0; U.xz = 0.0; U.yx = 0.0; U.yy =-1.0; U.yz = 0.0; U.zx = 0.0; U.zy = 0.0; U.zz = 1.0; elif case==5: # x - > -x, y -> y, z -> -z U.xx =-1.0; U.xy = 0.0; U.xz = 0.0; U.yx = 0.0; U.yy = 1.0; U.yz = 0.0; U.zx = 0.0; U.zy = 0.0; U.zz =-1.0; elif case==6: # x - > x, y -> -y, z -> -z U.xx = 1.0; U.xy = 0.0; U.xz = 0.0; U.yx = 0.0; U.yy =-1.0; U.yz = 0.0; U.zx = 0.0; U.zy = 0.0; U.zz =-1.0; elif case==7: # x - > -x, y -> -y, z -> -z U.xx =-1.0; U.xy = 0.0; U.xz = 0.0; U.yx = 0.0; U.yy =-1.0; U.yz = 0.0; U.zx = 0.0; U.zy = 0.0; U.zz =-1.0; return U
[docs]def measure(S0, S1): """ Compute the measure of the two systems' dis-orientation It is zero if the two systems are ideally parallel to each other Args: S0 ( System ): first system S1 ( System ): second system Returns: ( double ): measure of two systems' dis-orientation """ nat = S0.Number_of_atoms res, dot = 0.0, 0.0 for n in range(0,nat): dr0 = S0.Atoms[n].Atom_RB.rb_cm - S0.Fragments[0].Group_RB.rb_cm dr1 = S1.Atoms[n].Atom_RB.rb_cm - S1.Fragments[0].Group_RB.rb_cm dr0.normalize() dr1.normalize() l = cross(1.0, dr0, dr1) res = res + l.length2() dot = dot + dr0 * dr1 res = res / float(nat) dot = dot / float(nat) return res, dot
[docs]def measure2(S0, S1): """ Compute the measure of the two systems' dis-orientation It is zero if the two systems are ideally parallel to each other Args: S0 ( System ): first system S1 ( System ): second system Returns: ( double ): measure of two systems' dis-orientation """ nat = S0.Number_of_atoms res, dot = 0.0, 0.0 for n in range(0,nat): dr = S0.Atoms[n].Atom_RB.rb_cm - S1.Atoms[n].Atom_RB.rb_cm dot = dot + dr.length2() dr0 = S0.Atoms[n].Atom_RB.rb_cm - S0.Fragments[0].Group_RB.rb_cm dr1 = S1.Atoms[n].Atom_RB.rb_cm - S1.Fragments[0].Group_RB.rb_cm dr0.normalize() dr1.normalize() res = res + dr0 * dr1 res = res / float(nat) dot = dot / float(nat) return dot, res
[docs]def remove_translation(S0, S1): """ Translates the system ```S1``` such that it's center of mass coincides with that of the system ```S0``` Args: S0 ( System ): first system S1 ( System ): second system Returns: None: but the system ```S1``` is changed """ R0 = S0.Fragments[0].Group_RB.rb_cm R1 = S1.Fragments[0].Group_RB.rb_cm dR = R0 - R1 dr = dR.length() #print dR.x, dR.y, dR.z S1.TRANSLATE_FRAGMENT(dr, dR, 1)
[docs]def remove_rotation(S0, S1, verbose=0): """ Rotates the system ```S1``` such that it is oriented as similar to the system ```S0``` as possible Args: S0 ( System ): first system S1 ( System ): second system verbose ( int ): the level of debug info printout [ default: 0 - no printout ] Returns: None: but the system ```S1``` is changed """ I = MATRIX3x3(); I.identity() Q0 = QUATERNION() Q1 = QUATERNION() Q2 = QUATERNION() U = MATRIX3x3() MATRIX_TO_QUATERNION(S0.Fragments[0].Group_RB.rb_A_I_to_e, Q0); MATRIX_TO_QUATERNION(S1.Fragments[0].Group_RB.rb_A_I_to_e, Q1); if verbose > 0: print("Q0 = ", Q0.Lt, Q0.Lx, Q0.Ly, Q0.Lz) print("Q1 = ", Q1.Lt, Q1.Lx, Q1.Ly, Q1.Lz) # If one of the bodies is totally-symmetric, don't do anything # bacause we can't e sure about the directions if Q0.vect().length2() * Q1.vect().length2() > 1e-15: if verbose > 0: print("Measure before rotation = ", measure2(S0, S1) ) # Lets consider all possible axes permutations and compute the # alignment measure for each one mes = [] indices = [] for i in range(0,8): # reflections for j in range(0,6): # permutations # for i in [0]: # reflections # for j in [0]: # permutations #Q2 = Q0 * Q1.inverse() #QUATERNION_TO_MATRIX(Q2, U); P = reflection(i) * permutation2(j) # reflection(i) * #P = permutation2(j) * reflection(i) A1 = S1.Fragments[0].Group_RB.rb_A_I_to_e * P U = S0.Fragments[0].Group_RB.rb_A_I_to_e * A1.T() #A1.inverse() """ dU = A1 print "%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (dU.xx, dU.xy, dU.xz) print "%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (dU.yx, dU.yy, dU.yz) print "%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (dU.zx, dU.zy, dU.zz) dU = S0.Fragments[0].Group_RB.rb_A_I_to_e print "%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (dU.xx, dU.xy, dU.xz) print "%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (dU.yx, dU.yy, dU.yz) print "%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (dU.zx, dU.zy, dU.zz) dU = S0.Fragments[0].Group_RB.rb_A_I_to_e * S0.Fragments[0].Group_RB.rb_A_I_to_e_T print "%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (dU.xx, dU.xy, dU.xz) print "%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (dU.yx, dU.yy, dU.yz) print "%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (dU.zx, dU.zy, dU.zz) dU = A1 * A1.T() print "%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (dU.xx, dU.xy, dU.xz) print "%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (dU.yx, dU.yy, dU.yz) print "%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (dU.zx, dU.zy, dU.zz) dU = (U*U.T() - I) print "%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (dU.xx, dU.xy, dU.xz) print "%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (dU.yx, dU.yy, dU.yz) print "%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (dU.zx, dU.zy, dU.zz) print "%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (U.xx, U.xy, U.xz) print "%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (U.yx, U.yy, U.yz) print "%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (U.zx, U.zy, U.zz) """ if math.fabs(U.Determinant()) < 1e-10: print("WARNING: 1) Problems with inversion: ", U.Determinant() ) sys.exit(0) dU = (U*U.T() - I) if (dU * dU.T()).tr() > 1e-10: print("WARNING: 2) Problems with inversion: ", (dU * dU.T()).tr()) print("%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (dU.xx, dU.xy, dU.xz)) print("%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (dU.yx, dU.yy, dU.yz)) print("%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (dU.zx, dU.zy, dU.zz)) sys.exit(0) s = System(S1) s.ROTATE_FRAGMENT(U, 1) if verbose > 1: print("%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (U.xx, U.xy, U.xz) ) print("%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (U.yx, U.yy, U.yz) ) print("%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f " % (U.zx, U.zy, U.zz) ) mes.append( measure2(S0, s) ) indices.append( [i, j] ) if verbose > 0: print( "Measure after reflection %i and permutaiton %i = " % (i, j), mes[6*i+j] ) # Rotate the system S1 back to its original configuration # before applying the next ordering #S1.ROTATE_FRAGMENT(U.inverse(), 1) # Determine the permutation for which the alignment of the # two configurations is the best mes_indx, min_dist, max_dot = 0, mes[0][0], mes[0][1] sz = len(mes) for i in range(1,sz): if mes[i][0] < min_dist and mes[i][1] > max_dot: min_dist = mes[i][0] max_dot = mes[i][1] mes_indx = i if verbose > 0: print("Selected transformation = ", mes_indx, indices[mes_indx] ) #QUATERNION_TO_MATRIX(Q2, U); # Apply the rotation with the correct permutation P = reflection(indices[mes_indx][0]) * permutation2(indices[mes_indx][1]) #P = permutation2(indices[mes_indx][1]) * reflection(indices[mes_indx][0]) A1 = S1.Fragments[0].Group_RB.rb_A_I_to_e * P U = S0.Fragments[0].Group_RB.rb_A_I_to_e * A1.T() #A1.inverse() S1.ROTATE_FRAGMENT(U, 1) if verbose > 0: print("Measure after rotation = ", measure2(S0, S1) ) MATRIX_TO_QUATERNION(S1.Fragments[0].Group_RB.rb_A_I_to_e, Q1); print("Q1(updated) = ", Q1.Lt, Q1.Lx, Q1.Ly, Q1.Lz)
[docs]def process_xyz(filename, PT, itime, ftime, verbose=0): """ This function will read xyz file to create the coordinates for a range of configurations and it will remove the translation of COM and rotation of the configuration. Args: filename ( string ): the name of the xyz file to read PT ( dictionary ): periodic table, which sets up the atomic masses [ in Daltons ] for all elements that one meets in the xyz file itime ( int ): the initial timeframe to process ftime ( int ): the final timefram to process Returns: None """ # Read in the xyz file R, E = QE_methods.read_md_data_xyz2(filename, PT) # R in a.u. # Determine dimensions ndof = R.num_of_rows nat = int(ndof/3) nsteps = R.num_of_cols if verbose>0: print("nsteps = ", nsteps) print("ndos = ", ndof) # Setup masses M = MATRIX(ndof, 1) for at in range(0,nat): M.set(3*at+0, 0, PT[E[at]]) M.set(3*at+1, 0, PT[E[at]]) M.set(3*at+2, 0, PT[E[at]]) # Setup the universe U = Universe() LoadPT.Load_PT(U, "elements.dat", 0) # Build chemical systems corresponding to each geometry # also find the reference system - the one for which the directions are # not of zero length indx, found = 0, False Systems = [] for frame in range(itime, ftime+1): # Build systems s = build.make_system(R, E, frame, U) Systems.append(s) # Check if it is a good reference if found == False: Q = QUATERNION() MATRIX_TO_QUATERNION(s.Fragments[0].Group_RB.rb_A_I_to_e, Q) if Q.vect().length2() > 1e-15: indx = frame - itime found = True # Optionally, print out some info if verbose>2: s.Fragments[0].Group_RB.show_info() # Now, we are ready to process all the systems and convert them to xyz xyz0 = "" xyz = "" nframes = len(Systems) for frame in range(0,nframes): # To xyz - before xyz1 = nve_md.syst2xyz(Systems[frame]) xyz0 = xyz0 + xyz1 if frame!=indx: remove_translation(Systems[indx], Systems[frame]) remove_rotation(Systems[indx], Systems[frame], verbose) # To xyz - after xyz1 = nve_md.syst2xyz(Systems[frame]) xyz = xyz + xyz1 # Convert the Systems into R R = MATRIX(ndof, nframes) for frame in range(0,nframes): # To MATRIX for at in range(0,nat): R.set(3*at+0, frame, Systems[frame].Atoms[at].Atom_RB.rb_cm.x) R.set(3*at+1, frame, Systems[frame].Atoms[at].Atom_RB.rb_cm.y) R.set(3*at+2, frame, Systems[frame].Atoms[at].Atom_RB.rb_cm.z) return R, xyz0, xyz