Source code for libra_py.data_outs

#* Copyright (C) 2019 Alexey V. Akimov                                                   
#* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License                          
#* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of                                   
#* the License, or (at your option) any later version.                                                 
#* See the file LICENSE in the root directory of this distribution   
#* or <>.          
.. module:: data_outs
   :platform: Unix, Windows
       This module implements various functions for printing out data

.. moduleauthor:: Alexey V. Akimov


import os
import sys
import math
import copy

if sys.platform=="cygwin":
    from cyglibra_core import *
elif sys.platform=="linux" or sys.platform=="linux2":
    from liblibra_core import *

def print_matrix(x):

    if type(x).__name__ in ["MATRIX", "IMATRIX", "CMATRIX"]:

        nrows = x.num_of_rows
        ncols = x.num_of_cols

        for row in range(nrows):
            line = ""
            for col in range(ncols):
                line = line + F"{x.get(row, col)}  "

    elif type(x).__name__ == "MATRIX3x3":
        print(F" xx = {x.xx}  xy = {x.xy}  xz = {x.xz}")
        print(F" yx = {x.yx}  yy = {x.yy}  yz = {x.yz}")
        print(F" zx = {x.zx}  zy = {x.zy}  zz = {x.zz}")

[docs]def show_matrix_pyplot(X, set_diag_to_zero=0): """ This function prints a matrix in a file in the format recognized by the matplotlib for 2D surfaces and maps Args: X ( MATRIX(N,M) ): object containing the data to be printed out set_diag_to_zero ( int ): wheather print out the diagonal elements as 0.0 * 0 - no, print out the diagonal elements as they are [ default ] * 1 - yes, print out the diagonal elements as 0.0 Returns: tuple: (x, y, z): * x ( list of doubles ): x grid * y ( list of doubles ): y grid * z ( list of doubles ): values of z = z(x,y) """ ncol, nrow = X.num_of_cols, X.num_of_rows x, y = [], [] for i in range(0,ncol): x.append(i) for i in range(0,nrow): y.append(i) z = [] for i in range(0,nrow): z_i = [] for j in range(0,ncol): val = X.get(i,j) if set_diag_to_zero==1: if i==j: val = 0.0 z_i.append(val) z.append(z_i) return x, y, z
[docs]def show_matrix_splot(X, filename, set_diag_to_zero=0): """ This function prints a matrix in a file in the format recognized by the gnuplot's splot function (for 2D surfaces and maps) Args: X ( MATRIX(N,M) ): object containing the data to be printed out filename ( string ): the name of the file to where the data will be printed out set_diag_to_zero ( int ): wheathere print out the diagonal elements as 0.0 * 0 - no, print out the diagonal elements as they are [ default ] * 1 - no, print out the diagonal elements as 0.0 Returns: string: the line containing the information also printed out to the file This string is in a format suitable for 2D plotting with gnuplot """ ncol, nrow = X.num_of_cols, X.num_of_rows line = "" for i in range(0,nrow): for j in range(0,ncol): val = X.get(i,j) if set_diag_to_zero==1: if i==j: val = 0.0 line = line + "%4i %4i %8.5f \n" % (i, j, val) line = line + "\n" f = open(filename, "w") f.write(line) f.close() return line
[docs]def printout(t, pops, Hvib, outfile): """ t - time [a.u.] pops - [MATRIX] - populations Hvib - [CMATRIX] - vibronic Hamiltonian outfile - filename where we'll print everything out """ nstates = Hvib.num_of_cols line = "%8.5f " % (t) P, E = 0.0, 0.0 for state in range(0,nstates): p, e = pops.get(state,0), Hvib.get(state, state).real P += p E += p*e line = line + " %8.5f %8.5f " % (p, e) line = line + " %8.5f %8.5f \n" % (P, E) f = open(outfile, "a") f.write(line) f.close()
def add_printout(i, pop, filename): # pop - CMATRIX(nstates, 1) f = open(filename,"a") line = "step= %4i " % i tot_pop = 0.0 for st in range(0,pop.num_of_cols): pop_o = pop.get(st,st).real tot_pop = tot_pop + pop_o line = line + " P(%4i)= %8.5f " % (st, pop_o) line = line + " Total= %8.5f \n" % (tot_pop) f.write(line) f.close()
[docs]def list2bin(x, name): """ Converts a list of doubles into binary file """ sz = len(x) X = MATRIX(sz,1) for i in range(sz): X.set(i,0, x[i]) X.bin_dump(name+"_%i" % (sz))
[docs]def bin2list(name, sz): """ Read in a binary file into a matrix and then convert it to a Python list """ X = MATRIX(sz, 1) X.bin_load(name+"_%i" % (sz)) x = [] for i in range(sz): x.append(X.get(i,0)) return x