Source code for libra_py.cube_file_methods

#* Copyright (C) 2020 Mohammad Shakiba, Brendan Smith, Alexey V. Akimov
#* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
#* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#* See the file LICENSE in the root directory of this distribution
#* or <>.
.. module:: cube_file_methods
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: This module implements functions for processing with cube files
.. moduleauthors:: 
       Mohammad Shakiba, Brendan Smith, Alexey V. Akimov 

import os
import sys
import math
import re
import numpy as np

if sys.platform=="cygwin":
    from cyglibra_core import *
elif sys.platform=="linux" or sys.platform=="linux2":
    from liblibra_core import *

import util.libutil as comn

[docs]def read_cube(filename: str): """ This function reads the wavefunction from a cube file and stores it in a 1D numpy array Args: filename (string): the name of the .cube file to read Returns: isovalues (numpy.array) : the 1D array of the wavefunctions for all the points on the grid """ f = open(filename,'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() # The absolute value is for Gaussian since it might return a negative number for number of atoms natoms = abs( int(lines[2].split()[0]) ) # We skip a few lines in the cube files, that go as follows: # 2 lines - comments # 1 line - the number of atoms, etc. # 3 lines - the grid spacing and number of grid points in each dimensions nstart = natoms+2+1+3 # the index of the first line containing wfc data # For Gaussian cube files if len( lines[nstart].split() ) < 6: nstart += 1 nlines = len(lines) # the total number of lines isovalues = [] for i in range(nstart,nlines): tmp = lines[i].split() ncols = len(tmp) for j in range(ncols): isovalues.append(float(tmp[j])) isovalues = np.array(isovalues) #data = np.loadtxt(filename,skiprows=n) return isovalues
[docs]def grid_volume(filename: str): """ This function reads the wavefunction from a cube file and calculate the grid volum using the X-, Y- and Z-axis of the volumetric region which are placed in the 4th, 5th and 6th line of the cube file structure Args: filename (string): The name of the .cube file to read. Returns: dv (float): The grid volume in Bohr^3. """ f = open(filename,'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() # We use the 3rd, 4th and 5th row in the lines to obtain # the axes of the parallelpiped into a numpy array (Voxel). axis_1 = [float(lines[3].split()[1]),float(lines[3].split()[2]),float(lines[3].split()[3])] axis_2 = [float(lines[4].split()[1]),float(lines[4].split()[2]),float(lines[4].split()[3])] axis_3 = [float(lines[5].split()[1]),float(lines[5].split()[2]),float(lines[5].split()[3])] vol_element = np.array([axis_1, axis_2, axis_3]) # Then we calculate the determinant of Voxel to obtain the volume. dv = np.absolute(np.linalg.det(vol_element)) return dv
[docs]def read_volumetric_data(filename: str): """ This function reads the volumetric data in a format used for plotting of the data. The difference between 'read_cube' function is that it will show the data in a 3D array which has the shape as the number of grid points for each of the X-, Y-, and Z-axis in the 4th to 6th line of the cube file. This function will return the grid points in each axis, the coordinates of the structure and the spacing vector which is used to plot the isosurfaces of the molecular orbitals. Args: filename (string): The name of the .cube file. Returns: coordinates (2D numpy array): The coordinates of the molecule structure in the same format shown in the .cube file. x_grid, y_grid, z_grid (3D numpy array): Containing the grid points for each of the X-, Y-, and Z- axis. wave_fun (3D numpy array): The volumetric data in a 3D numpy array format. spacing_vector (numpy 1D array): The spacing vector used for plotting the isosurfaces. """ f = open(filename,'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() # The number of atoms in the 3rd line natoms = int(lines[2].split()[0]) # The number of voxels defined for each axis obtained from # the first elements of the 4th, 5th, and 6th line of the cube files nx = int(lines[3].split()[0]) ny = int(lines[4].split()[0]) nz = int(lines[5].split()[0]) # The three vectors below are the same vectors which are present in lines 4th to 6th # which are used to create the 3D numpy array of the grid points (x, y, z) used to plot # the isosurfaces. # Here we use the same unit as is used in the .cube file structure which is Bohr # with no need for unit conversion. This makes the plotting easier. axis_1 = np.array([float(lines[3].split()[1]),float(lines[3].split()[2]),float(lines[3].split()[3])]) axis_2 = np.array([float(lines[4].split()[1]),float(lines[4].split()[2]),float(lines[4].split()[3])]) axis_3 = np.array([float(lines[5].split()[1]),float(lines[5].split()[2]),float(lines[5].split()[3])]) # The spacing vector. This will be used in the 'marching_cubes_lewiner' # function to define the vertices and faces for 'plot_trisurf' function. # This vector is obtained from the sum of the three axis in the cube file as above. spacing_vector = axis_1+axis_2+axis_3 # First we read all the isovalues into a 1D list 'isovals'. isovals = [] # Starting from the line which the volumetric data starts which is the (natoms+3+2+1+1)th line. for i in range(natoms+3+2+1,len(lines)): for j in range(0,len(lines[i].split())): isovals.append(float(lines[i].split()[j])) # Define the volumetric numpy array wave_fun = np.zeros((nx,ny,nz)) # Setting up the counters to append the isovalues in a 3D numpy array c = 0 c1 = 0 c2 = 0 for i in range(0,len(isovals)): if c2!=nx: wave_fun[c2][c1][c] = isovals[i] c = c+1 if c%nz==0: c = 0 c1 = c1+1 if c1%ny==0: c1 = 0 c2 = c2+1 # Now define the x, y, and z 3D arrays to store the grids # which is then used for plotting the isosurfaces. x_grid = np.zeros((nx,ny,nz)) y_grid = np.zeros((nx,ny,nz)) z_grid = np.zeros((nx,ny,nz)) # Defining each element of the grid points. for i in range(0,nx): for j in range(0,ny): for k in range(0,nz): x_grid[i][j][k] = axis_1[0]*i+axis_2[0]*j+axis_3[0]*k y_grid[i][j][k] = axis_1[1]*i+axis_2[1]*j+axis_3[1]*k z_grid[i][j][k] = axis_1[2]*i+axis_2[2]*j+axis_3[2]*k # For plottin the atoms in the molecule we have to read the # coordinates in xyz format which starts from the 7th line. coordinates = [] for i in range(6,natoms+6): coordinates.append(lines[i].split()) coordinates = np.array(coordinates) return coordinates, x_grid, y_grid, z_grid, wave_fun, spacing_vector
[docs]def integrate_cube(cube_A, cube_B, grid_volume): """ This function calculates the element-wise multiplication of two numpy arrays and sums their product. Then, it will multiply the sum by 'dv' element to compute the integral of two wavefunction represented as .cube files. Args: cube_A, cube_B (numpy array): The elements of the cube files in a 1D array obtained from the 'read_cube' function. grid_volume (float): The volume of the voxel obtained from grid_volume function. Returns: integral (float): The integration between two wavefunction in the .cube files. """ # Compute the element-wise multiplication of the two cube files # which were previously obtained in 1D numpy arrays and store # them into another 1D numpy array. product = np.multiply(cube_A,cube_B) # Compute the summation of the above matrix summation = product.sum() integral = summation*grid_volume return integral
[docs]def plot_cubes( params ): """ This function plots the cubes for selected energy levels using VMD. Args: params (dict): min_band (int): The minimum state number. states_to_be_plotted (list): The list containing the Kohn-Sham orbitals to be plotted by VMD. This list is defined in the submit file. path_to_tcl_file (str): The path to the tcl file which contains the input for plotting the cubes in VMD. MO_images_directory (str): The molecular orbitals images directory. isUKS (int): This parameter is set for spin restricted and unrestricted calculations. When it is set to 1 it means that unrestricted calculations were set in the input file otherwise it is restricted. curr_step (int): The current time step used to save the images of the MOs. phase_factor_visual (numpy array): The phase correction factor list for each MOs for the current step. Returns: None """ # Critical parameters critical_params = [ "min_band", "states_to_be_plotted", "path_to_tcl_file", "MO_images_directory", "curr_step", "phase_factor_visual" ] # Default parameters default_params = { "isUKS": 0} # Check input comn.check_input(params, default_params, critical_params) # Unpack the Kohn-Sham orbital indicies and the Kohn-Sham orbitals to be plotted. Also unpack the # path to the directory where the molecular orbitals will be plotted states_to_be_plotted = params["states_to_be_plotted"] # For VMD path_to_tcl_file = params["path_to_tcl_file"] # The molecular orbital images directory MO_images_directory = params["MO_images_directory"] # isUKS flag for spin-polarized and spin-unpolarized isUKS = int( params["isUKS"] ) # The current step curr_step = int(params["curr_step"]) # If the path does not exist create it. if not os.path.isdir(MO_images_directory): os.makedirs(MO_images_directory) # Extracting the phase factor from params phase_factor_visual = params["phase_factor_visual"] min_band = params["min_band"] # We plot the cubes for the previous time step cubefile_names_prev = CP2K_methods.cube_file_names_cp2k( params ) # read the lines of the tcl file tcl_file = open(path_to_tcl_file,'r') tcl_lines = tcl_file.readlines() tcl_file.close() if isUKS == 1: # The cube file names of the alpha spin is the even indices of the cubefile_names_prev alp_cubefile_names_prev = cubefile_names_prev[0::2] # The same but for the phase factor of the alpha spin phase_factor_alpha = phase_factor_visual[0::2] # The cube file names of the beta spin is the odd indices of the cubefile_names_prev bet_cubefile_names_prev = cubefile_names_prev[1::2] # The same but for the phase factor of the beta spin phase_factor_beta = phase_factor_visual[1::2] for state_to_be_plotted in states_to_be_plotted: # Subtracting the min_band to obtain the index of the cube file for the state to be plotted for alpha spin alpha_cube_name = alp_cubefile_names_prev[state_to_be_plotted-min_band] # Subtracting the min_band to obtain the index of the cube file for the state to be plotted for beta spin beta_cube_name = bet_cubefile_names_prev[state_to_be_plotted-min_band] # open a new tcl file for alpha cubes new_file_alpha = open("vmd_alpha_cube_plot_%d.tcl" % curr_step,'w') # open a new tcl file for beta cubes new_file_beta = open("vmd_beta_cube_plot_%d.tcl" % curr_step,'w') for j in range(len(tcl_lines)): if 'mol load cube' in tcl_lines[j]: # Open the cube file in VMD for alpha cubes new_file_alpha.write( 'mol load cube %s\n' % alpha_cube_name ) # Open the cube file in VMD for beta cubes new_file_beta.write( 'mol load cube %s\n' % beta_cube_name ) elif 'render TachyonInternal' in tcl_lines[j]: # Render the images to the MO_images_directory alpha cubes new_file_alpha.write( 'render TachyonInternal %s/%s.tga\n' % ( MO_images_directory, alpha_cube_name.replace('cubefiles/','').replace('.cube','') ) ) # Render the images to the MO_images_directory beta cubes new_file_beta.write( 'render TachyonInternal %s/%s.tga\n' % ( MO_images_directory, beta_cube_name.replace('cubefiles/','').replace('.cube','') ) ) elif 'isosurface' in tcl_lines[j].lower(): # Correct the isovalues by multiplying it by the phase factor fo alpha orbitals tmp_elements_alpha = tcl_lines[j].split() tmp_elements_alpha[5] = str( phase_factor_alpha[state_to_be_plotted-min_band] * float( tmp_elements_alpha[5] ) ) isosurface_line_alpha = ' '.join(tmp_elements_alpha) new_file_alpha.write( isosurface_line_alpha + '\n' ) # Correct the isovalues by multiplying it by the phase factor for beta orbitals tmp_elements_beta = tcl_lines[j].split() tmp_elements_beta[5] = str( phase_factor_beta[state_to_be_plotted-min_band] * float( tmp_elements_beta[5] ) ) isosurface_line_beta = ' '.join(tmp_elements_beta) new_file_beta.write( isosurface_line_beta + '\n' ) else: # The rest of the tcl file lines new_file_alpha.write( tcl_lines[j] ) new_file_beta.write( tcl_lines[j] ) new_file_alpha.close() new_file_beta.close() # Run the VMD by tcl file os.system('vmd < vmd_alpha_cube_plot_%d.tcl' % curr_step) os.system('vmd < vmd_beta_cube_plot_%d.tcl' % curr_step) #os.system('rm vmd_alpha_cube_plot_%d.tcl' % curr_step) #os.system('rm vmd_beta_cube_plot_%d.tcl' % curr_step) else: # The same as above but with restricted spin calculations. No beta orbitals is considered. for state_to_be_plotted in states_to_be_plotted: cube_name = cubefile_names_prev[state_to_be_plotted-min_band] new_file = open("vmd_cube_plot_%d.tcl" % curr_step,'w') for j in range(len(tcl_lines)): if 'mol load cube' in tcl_lines[j]: new_file.write( 'mol load cube %s\n' % cube_name ) elif 'render TachyonInternal' in tcl_lines[j]: new_file.write( 'render TachyonInternal %s/%s.tga\n' % ( MO_images_directory, cube_name.replace('cubefiles/','').replace('.cube','') ) ) elif 'isosurface' in tcl_lines[j].lower(): tmp_elements = tcl_lines[j].split() tmp_elements[5] = str( phase_factor_visual[state_to_be_plotted-min_band] * float( tmp_elements[5] ) ) isosurface_line = ' '.join(tmp_elements) new_file.write( isosurface_line + '\n' ) else: new_file.write( tcl_lines[j] ) new_file.close() os.system('vmd < vmd_cube_plot_%d.tcl' % curr_step)
#os.system('rm vmd_cube_plot_%d.tcl' % curr_step)