Source code for libra_py.autoconnect

#* Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Brendan Smith, Ekadashi Pradhan, Alexey V. Akimov
#* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
#* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#* See the file LICENSE in the root directory of this distribution
#* or <>.
.. module:: autoconnect
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: This module implements functions to determine the connectivity 
       matrix in molecular systems.

.. moduleauthor:: Brendan Smith, Ekadashi Pradhan, Alexey V. Akimov


import os
import sys
import math
import copy
import unittest

if sys.platform=="cygwin":
    from cyglibra_core import *
elif sys.platform=="linux" or sys.platform=="linux2":
    from liblibra_core import *

#import common_utils as comn
import util.libutil as comn

[docs]def autoconnect(R, MaxCoord, params): """ Args: R ( list of VECTOR objects ): The atomic coordinates of the system [ units: arbitrary ] MaxCoord ( list of ints ): Maximal coorination numbers of each atom params ( dictionary ): Parameters controlling the execution of this function * **params["Rcut"]** ( double ): The maximal radius of connectivity [ units: same as R, default: 0.0 ] * **params["tv1"]** ( VECTOR ): unit cell translation vector a [ units: same as R ] * **params["tv2"]** ( VECTOR ): unit cell translation vector b [ units: same as R ] * **params["tv3"]** ( VECTOR ): unit cell translation vector c [ units: same as R ] * **params["pbc_opt"]** ( string ): what type of periodicity to assume. Options: "a", "b", "c", "ab", "ac", "bc", "abc", "none" [ default: None ] * **params["opt"]** ( int ): Option to obey maximal coordination number: - 0: the connected atoms in a pair have to obey both the coordination numbers Some of the atoms may stay undercoordinated. This is the consistent scheme in the sense that if A is connected to B, then B is necessarily connected to A [default] - 1: treat the MaxCoord as the minimal coordination number each atom should attain. Some atoms may be overcoordinated. * **params["verbosity"]** ( int ): Flag to control the amount of the printout [ default: 0 ] Returns: tuple: ( res, line, unsorted_pairs_out ), where: * res ( list of lists [ res[i][0], res[0][1] ] ), where * res[i][0] ( int ): index of the atom * res[i][1] ( list of ints ): indices of the atoms that are connected to res[i][0] * line ( string ): the connectivity information in the .ent format * unsorted_pairs_out ( same type as ```res```): same as ```res```, but not sorted """ critical_params = [ ] default_params = { "Rcut":0.0, "pbc_opt":"none", "opt":0, "tv1":VECTOR(1.0e+10, 0.0, 0.0), "tv2":VECTOR(0.0, 1.0e+10, 0.0), "tv3":VECTOR(0.0, 0.0, 1.0e+10), "verbosity":0 } comn.check_input(params, default_params, critical_params) Rcut = params["Rcut"] pbc_opt = params["pbc_opt"] verbosity = params["verbosity"] opt = params["opt"] tv1 = params["tv1"] tv2 = params["tv2"] tv3 = params["tv3"] # Preprocessing - sanity check N = len(R) if len(MaxCoord) != N: print("Error: The length of the MaxCoord list should be the same as the lenght of the R list!") print("Exiting now...") sys.exit(0) unsorted_pairs = [] mapping = [] periodicity = [] if pbc_opt not in ["a", "b", "c", "ab", "ac", "bc", "abc","none"]: print("Error: pbc_opt ", pbc_opt, " is not recognized") sys.exit(0) transl_a = [0.0] transl_b = [0.0] transl_c = [0.0] if pbc_opt in ["a", "ab", "ac", "abc"]: transl_a = [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0] if pbc_opt in ["b", "ab", "bc", "abc"]: transl_b = [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0] if pbc_opt in ["c", "ac", "bc", "abc"]: transl_c = [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0] # Distances between all the pairs count = 0 for i in range(0,N): for j in range(i+1,N): for n1 in transl_a: for n2 in transl_b: for n3 in transl_c: T = n1 * tv1 + n2 * tv2 + n3 * tv3 r = (R[i]-R[j]-T).length() if r<Rcut: unsorted_pairs.append([count, r]) mapping.append([i,j]) periodicity.append([n1,n2,n3]) count += 1 # Sort all the pairs according to the interparticle distance sorted_pairs = merge_sort(unsorted_pairs) unsorted_pairs_out = [] for it in unsorted_pairs: unsorted_pairs_out.append( [ mapping[it[0]][0], mapping[it[0]][1], VECTOR(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), VECTOR( periodicity[it[0]][0] * tv1 + periodicity[it[0]][1] * tv2 + periodicity[it[0]][2] * tv3 ) ] ) if verbosity==1: print("Pairs of atoms separated no more than by Rcut") print(unsorted_pairs) print("Formatted printout:") for it in unsorted_pairs: print(F"Atoms {mapping[it[0]][0]} and {mapping[it[0]][1]} are separated by\ {it[1]:8.5f}. Periodic translation applied = {periodicity[it[0]][0]:8.5f},\ {periodicity[it[0]][1]:8.5f}, {periodicity[it[0]][2]:8.5f} )" ) print("Pairs of atoms separated no more than by Rcut, sorted by the distance") print(sorted_pairs) print("Formatted printout:") for it in sorted_pairs: print(F"Atoms {mapping[it[0]][0]} and {mapping[it[0]][1]} are separated by\ {it[1]:8.5f}. Periodic translation applied = {periodicity[it[0]][0]:8.5f},\ {periodicity[it[0]][1]:8.5f}, {periodicity[it[0]][2]:8.5f} )" ) # Initialize the results variables act_coord = [0]*N # actual coordination numbers num_sat = 0 # the number of valence-saturated atoms res = [] for i in range(0,N): res.append([i,[]]) # Now lets pick the pairs with the minimal distance, depending on the option... for it in sorted_pairs: if num_sat < N: i,j = mapping[it[0]][0], mapping[it[0]][1] if opt==0: #... no overcoordinated atoms if act_coord[i]<MaxCoord[i] and act_coord[j]<MaxCoord[j]: res[i][1].append(j) res[j][1].append(i) act_coord[i] += 1 act_coord[j] += 1 if act_coord[i]==MaxCoord[i]: num_sat += 1 if act_coord[j]==MaxCoord[j]: num_sat += 1 elif opt==1: # ... no undercoordinated atoms if act_coord[i]<MaxCoord[i]: res[i][1].append(j) act_coord[i] += 1 if act_coord[j]<MaxCoord[j]: res[j][1].append(i) act_coord[j] += 1 # Order the indices of the atoms to which each atom is connected (for testing and convenience) for i in range(0,N): res[i][1] = sorted(res[i][1]) line = "" for it in res: line = line + "CONECT %5i " % (it[0]+1) for it2 in it[1]: line = line + " %5i " % (it2+1) line = line + "\n" if verbosity==1: print("res = ", res) print("Formatted output:") print(line) return res, line, unsorted_pairs_out
[docs]def find_undercoordinated_atoms(res, MaxCoord): """ Args: res ( list of lists [ res[i][0], res[0][1] ] ), where * res[i][0] ( int ): index of the atom * res[i][1] ( list of ints ): indices of the atoms that are connected to res[i][0] This would typically be the first output of the ```autoconnect``` function MaxCoord ( list of ints ): Maximal coorination numbers of each atom Returns: (list): out, such that: out[i][0] - is the index of the i-th undercoordinated atom out[i][1] - is the number of dangling bonds on the i-th atom """ nat = len(MaxCoord) # the total number of atoms out = [] for i in range(0,nat): diff = MaxCoord[i] - len(res[i][1]) if diff > 0: out.append([i, diff]) return out
def example_1(): rnd = Random() N = 10 R = [] MaxCoord = [] for i in range(0,N): if rnd.uniform(0.0, 1.0)<0.5: MaxCoord.append(3) else: MaxCoord.append(3) R.append(VECTOR(rnd.normal(), rnd.normal(), rnd.normal())) Rcut = 3.0 print("Runing autoconnect(R, MaxCoord, Rcut, 0, 1) with : ") print("R = ", R) print("MaxCoord = ", MaxCoord) print("Rcut = ", Rcut) autoconnect(R, MaxCoord, {"Rcut":Rcut, "opt":0, "verbosity":1})
[docs]class TestAutoconnect(unittest.TestCase): """ Docs """
[docs] def test_1(self): """ Diatomic""" R = [] MaxCoord = [] R.append(VECTOR(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); MaxCoord.append(1) # Atom 1 R.append(VECTOR(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)); MaxCoord.append(1) # Atom 2 res, lines = autoconnect(R, MaxCoord, {"Rcut":1.5}) self.assertEqual(res, [[0, [1]], [1, [0]]] ) res, lines = autoconnect(R, MaxCoord, {"Rcut":0.5}) self.assertEqual(res, [[0,[]], [1, []]] )
[docs] def test_2(self): """ Triatomic """ R = [] MaxCoord = [] R.append(VECTOR(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); MaxCoord.append(2) # Atom 1 R.append(VECTOR(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)); MaxCoord.append(2) # Atom 2 R.append(VECTOR(1.2, 0.0, 0.0)); MaxCoord.append(2) # Atom 2 res, lines = autoconnect(R, MaxCoord, {"Rcut":1.5}) self.assertEqual(res, [[0, [1,2]], [1, [0,2]], [2, [0,1]] ] ) res, lines = autoconnect(R, MaxCoord, {"Rcut":0.5}) print(res) self.assertEqual(res, [ [0, []], [1, [2]], [2, [1]] ] )
if __name__=='__main__': unittest.main() #example_1()