Source code for libra_py.LAMMPS_methods

#* Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Mahsa Mofidi, Alexey V. Akimov
#* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
#* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#* See the file LICENSE in the root directory of this distribution
#* or <>.
.. module:: LAMMPS_methods
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: This module implements various functions for computing with LAMMPS
.. moduleauthor:: Alexey V. Akimov


import os
import math
import sys

if sys.platform=="cygwin":
    from cyglibra_core import *
elif sys.platform=="linux" or sys.platform=="linux2":
    from liblibra_core import *

[docs]def compute_dynmat(lmp, filename, atoms, dr, opt=1): """ The function to return the dynamic matrix for a system using LAMMPS Note: To use this code, one needs to have pylammps installed Args: lmp ( lammps.lammps() object ): an instance of PyLAMMPS - you need to create if first filename ( string ): LAMMPS input filename defining the system and the interactions (importantly! assuming everything is in ATOMIC UNITS - "units electron"). Furthermore, this file should define the minimization procedure e.g. "minimize 0.0 1.0e-8 1000 100000" atoms ( list of integers ): indices of the atoms for which to compute Hessian dr ( double ): the magnitude of the displacement [ units: Bohr ] Returns: tuple: ( D, H, R, M, E ), where: * D ( MATRIX(ndof, ndof) ): a sub-block of a dynamic matrix (Hessian/sqrt(m_ij)) * H ( MATRIX(ndof, ndof) ): a sub-block of a Hessian matrix [ units: a.u.] * r ( MATRIX(ndof, 1) ): coordinates of all atoms [ units: Bohr ] * M ( MATRIX(ndof, 1) ): masses of all atoms [ units: a.u. ] * E ( list of ndof ints ): types of atoms - later can be mapped to atom names * opt ( int ): flag to use all atoms or only the pupplied sub-set - opt = 0: use all atoms - opt = 1: use only the supplied subset [ default ] Example: >> import lammps >> lmp = lammps.lammps() >> D, H, R, M, E = compute_dynmat(lmp, "in.lammps", [0,1,2], 1e-3) >> print "Atom types are:", E >> print "Masses are:"; M.show_matrix() >> print "Coordinates are:"; R.show_matrix() >> print "Hessian matrix is:"; H.show_matrix() >> print "Dynamical matrix is:"; D.show_matrix() """ # run infile all at once lmp.file(filename) nlocal = lmp.extract_global("nlocal", 0) r = lmp.numpy.extract_atom_darray("x", nlocal, dim=3) F = lmp.numpy.extract_atom_darray("f", nlocal, dim=3) ntypes = lmp.extract_global("ntypes", 0) mass = lmp.numpy.extract_atom_darray("mass", ntypes+1) atype = lmp.numpy.extract_atom_iarray("type", nlocal) if opt==0: atoms = range(nlocal) nat = len(atoms) ndof = 3 * nat H = MATRIX(ndof, ndof) D = MATRIX(ndof, ndof) R = MATRIX(ndof, 1) M = MATRIX(ndof, 1) E = [] # Coordinates for at in atoms: a = atoms.index(at) for pa in [0,1,2]: i = 3*a + pa R.set(i,0, r[at][pa]) # Masses and types for at in atoms: a = atoms.index(at) E.append(atype[at][0]) for pa in [0,1,2]: i = 3*a + pa M.set(i,0, mass[atype[at][0]][0]) # Hessian and Dynamtrix for at in atoms: a = atoms.index(at) for pa in [0,1,2]: i = 3*a + pa # Theory: # dH_ij = (F_i(R+R_j) - F_i(R-R_j)) / 2*dR # Displace the atom a by dr in direction pa # so we evaluate all forces at R+dR[at][pa] # update the forces r[at][pa] = r[at][pa] + dr lmp.command("run 0") for bt in atoms: b = atoms.index(bt) for pb in [0,1,2]: j = 3*b+pb H.add(j,i, F[bt][pb]) # Displace the atom a by 2*dr in direction -pa # so we evaluate all forces at R-dR[at][pa] # update the forces r[at][pa] = r[at][pa] - 2.0*dr lmp.command("run 0") for bt in atoms: b = atoms.index(bt) for pb in [0,1,2]: j = 3*b+pb H.add(j,i, -1.0*F[bt][pb]) # Return the atom a to its original position r[at][pa] = r[at][pa] + dr H = (0.5/dr)*H for i in range(0,ndof): for j in range(0,ndof): D.set(i,j, H.get(i,j)/math.sqrt(M.get(i)*M.get(j))) return D, H, R, M, E
""" """