Source code for libra_py.Gaussian_methods

#* Copyright (C) 2020 Mohammad Shakiba, Brendan Smith, Alexey V. Akimov
#* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
#* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#* See the file LICENSE in the root directory of this distribution
#* or <>.
.. module:: Gaussian_methods
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: This module implements functions for processing the Gaussian inputs and outputs.
.. moduleauthors:: 
       Mohammad Shakiba, Brendan Smith, Alexey V. Akimov 

import os
import sys
import numpy as np
from libra_py import CP2K_methods
import util.libutil as comn

[docs]def read_gaussian_tddft_log_file(params): """ This function read Gaussian output file and extracts the excitation analysis results. Args: params (dictionary): The dictionary containing the input parameters. logfile_name (string): The log file name. tolerance (float): The tolerance factor for choosing the excited states of the excitation analysis. number_of_states (integer): The number of excited states to be considered in the excitation analysis. isUKS (integer): This parameter is the flag for restricted or unrestricted spin calculations. If it is set to 1 the unrestricted spin calculations will be considered. Returns: excitation_energies (1D numpy arra): The excitation energies. ci_basis (list): The list containnig the CI basis of the excitation analysis. ci_coefficients (list): The list containing the ci_coefficients for each excitation. spin_components (list): The list containing the spin components for each excitation. """ # Critical parmeters critical_params = [ "logfile_name" ] # Default parameters default_params = { "tolerance": 0.05, "number_of_states": 5, "isUKS": 0 } # Check input comn.check_input(params, default_params, critical_params) # Gaussian log file name gaussian_log_file_name = params["logfile_name"] # tolerance factor tolerance = params["tolerance"] # The unrestricted spin calculations flag isUKS = params["isUKS"] # The number of states number_of_states = params["number_of_states"] # Open the log file file = open(gaussian_log_file_name,'r') lines = file.readlines() file.close() # Initialize the excitation energies list excitation_energies = [] # The lines with excited state in them excited_states_lines = [] for i in range(len(lines)): # If 'Excited State' was found in the log file append it in excited_states_lines if 'Excited State' in lines[i]: excitation_energies.append(float(lines[i].split()[4])) excited_states_lines.append(i) print("excited_states_lines = ", excited_states_lines) # Initialize the ci_basis, ci_coefficients, and spin_components ci_basis = [] ci_coefficients = [] spin_components = [] # Find the final line of the excitation analysis (the blank line) and append # it to excited_states_lines for further use in the 'for' loops for i in range(excited_states_lines[-1],len(lines)): # Find the blank line if len(lines[i].split())==0: excited_states_lines.append(i) # If founf the blank line exit the for loop break for i in range(number_of_states): # Initialize tmp variables for storing the excitation analyses tmp_ci_state = [] tmp_ci_state_coefficients = [] tmp_spin = [] for j in range( excited_states_lines[i], excited_states_lines[i+1] ): if '->' in lines[j]: # and len(lines[j].split())==4: if isUKS==1: # For alpha spin if 'A' in lines[j]: line_alpha = lines[j].replace('A','').replace('->','').split() # Use the tolerance factor for chosing the states if float(line_alpha[2])**2 > tolerance: tmp_ci_state.append( [int(line_alpha[0]), int(line_alpha[1])] ) tmp_ci_state_coefficients.append( float(line_alpha[2]) ) tmp_spin.append('alp') # For beta spin elif 'B' in lines[j]: line_beta = lines[j].replace('B','').replace('->','').split() # Use the tolerance factor for chosing the states if float(line_beta[2])**2 > tolerance: tmp_ci_state.append( [int(line_beta[0]), int(line_beta[1])] ) tmp_ci_state_coefficients.append( float(line_beta[2]) ) tmp_spin.append('bet') else: # Just for alpha spin and the same as above print("\nThis is the spin-restricted case, we are reading the lines now") tmp_line_alpha = lines[j].replace("->","") line_alpha = tmp_line_alpha.split() print("\nlines[j] = ", lines[j]) print("tmp_line_alpha = ", tmp_line_alpha) print("line_alpha = ", line_alpha) if float(line_alpha[2])**2 > tolerance: tmp_ci_state.append( [int(line_alpha[0]), int(line_alpha[1])] ) tmp_ci_state_coefficients.append( float(line_alpha[2]) ) tmp_spin.append('alp') # Append the tmp variables into the main variables ci_basis.append(tmp_ci_state) ci_coefficients.append(tmp_ci_state_coefficients) spin_components.append(tmp_spin) return excitation_energies[0:number_of_states], ci_basis, ci_coefficients, spin_components
[docs]def read_energies_from_gaussian_log_file( params ): """ This function read the energies from Gaussian log file and returns the Kohn-Sham and total_energies. Args: params (dictionary): The dictionary containing the input parameters. logfile_name (string): The log file name. min_band (integer): The minimum state number. max_band (integer): The maximum state number. spin (integer): The spin component. 1 is for alpha and 2 is for beta spin. Returns: ks_energies (1D numpy array): The Kohn-Sham energies. total_energy (float): The total energy of the system. """ # Critical params critical_params = [ "logfile_name", "min_band", "max_band" ] # Default params default_params = { "spin": 1 } # Check inputs comn.check_input(params, default_params, critical_params) # Extracting the input parameters gaussian_log_file_name = params["logfile_name"] min_band = params["min_band"] max_band = params["max_band"] spin = params["spin"] file = open(gaussian_log_file_name,'r') lines = file.readlines() file.close() # Initialize the occupied and unoccupied energies occupied_energies = [] unoccupied_energies = [] if spin==1: # alpha spin spin_letter = 'alpha' elif spin==2: # beta spin spin_letter = 'beta' for i in range(len(lines)): # Find the eigenvalues of the occupied molecular orbitals if 'eigenvalues' in lines[i].lower() and 'occ' in lines[i].lower() and spin_letter in lines[i].lower(): for j in range(len(lines[i].split())): try: occupied_energies.append(float(lines[i].split()[j])) except: pass # Find the eigenvalues of the unoccupied molecular orbitals if 'eigenvalues' in lines[i].lower() and 'virt' in lines[i].lower() and spin_letter in lines[i].lower(): for j in range(len(lines[i].split())): try: unoccupied_energies.append(float(lines[i].split()[j])) except: pass # Turn them into numpy arrays occupied_energies = np.array(occupied_energies) unoccupied_energies = np.array(unoccupied_energies) # Concatenate the occupied and unoccpied energies so we can choose from min_band to max_band ks_energies = np.concatenate((occupied_energies,unoccupied_energies)) # Now the total energy total_energy = 0 for i in range(len(lines)): # Find the 'SCF Done' in the output, total energy is there if 'SCF Done:'.lower() in lines[i].lower(): for j in range(len(lines[i].split())): try: total_energy = float( lines[i].split()[j] ) break except: pass break return ks_energies[min_band-1:max_band], total_energy
[docs]def gaussian_distribute( istep, fstep, nsteps_this_job, trajectory_xyz_file, gaussian_input, curr_job_number ): """ Distributes Gaussian jobs for trivial parallelization Make sure that your Gaussian input file has absolute paths to the following input parameters: This parameters should be set in the input template chk file ---> e.g. %chk=/home/username/gaussian_calculations/check_file.chk rwf file ---> e.g. %rwf=/home/username/gaussian_calculations/check_file.rwf Args: istep (integer): The initial time step in the trajectory xyz file. fstep (integer): The final time step in the trajectory xyz file. nsteps_this_job (integer): The number of steps for this job. trajectory_xyz_file (string): The full path to trajectory xyz file. gaussian_input (string): The sample Gaussian input template. curr_job_number (integer): The current job number. Returns: None """ # Now we need to distribute the jobs into job batches # First, make a working directory where the calculations will take place os.chdir("wd") nsteps = fstep - istep + 1 njobs = int( nsteps / nsteps_this_job ) # Initialize the curr_step to istep curr_step = istep # Make the job directory folders os.system("mkdir job"+str(curr_job_number)+"") os.chdir("job"+str(curr_job_number)+"") # Copy the trajectory file and input template there os.system("cp ../../"+trajectory_xyz_file+" .") os.system("cp ../../"+gaussian_input+" .") # Now, we need to edit the submit file # Now, in jobs folder njob, we should do only a certain number of steps for step in range( nsteps_this_job ): # Extract the coordinates and write them to a xyz file CP2K_methods.read_trajectory_xyz_file( trajectory_xyz_file, curr_step ) # Now, we need to edit the gaussian_input file by adding the # coordinates to the input file tmp = open(gaussian_input) A = tmp.readlines() sz = len(A) tmp.close() tmp2 = open("step_%d"%curr_step+".gjf","w"); tmp2.close() for i in range(sz): b = A[i].strip().split() if not b: continue tmp2 = open("step_%d"%curr_step+".gjf","a") tmp2.write(A[i]) tmp2.close() # add to the curr_step curr_step += 1 # Go back to the main directory os.chdir("../../")
[docs]def read_trajectory_xyz_file_gaussian(trajectory_xyz_file_name: str, time_step: int): """ This function reads the trajectory of a molecular dynamics .xyz file and extract the 'time_step' th step then returns it in form of a numpy array. Args: trajectory_xyz_file_name (string): The trajectory .xyz file name. time_step (integer): The desired time to extract its .xyz coordinates which starts from zero. Returns: coordinates (2D numpy array): The numpy array containing the coordinates of the time_step. """ f = open(trajectory_xyz_file_name,'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() # The number of atoms for each time step in the .xyz file of the trajectory. number_of_atoms = int(lines[0].split()[0]) # Add two to the number of atoms, this is the number of # lines for each geometry in the trajectory xyz file n = number_of_atoms+2 # Initialize the coordiantes coordinates = [] # Find the time_step coordinates for i in range( n*time_step, n*( time_step + 1 ) ): coordinates.append(lines[i].split()) coordinates = np.array(coordinates) return coordinates
[docs]def gaussian_input( project_name, time_step, sample_input, trajectory_xyz_file_name ): """ This function creates a Gaussian input file for the time_step geometry using an input template. Args: project_name (string): The project name. time_step (integer): The time step. sample_input (string): The Gaussian sample input. trajectory_xyz_file_name (string): The trajectory xyz file name. Returns: None """ # Read the sample input lines f = open(sample_input,'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() for i in range(0,len(lines)): # Find the chk line for placing the check file if '%chk=' in lines[i].lower(): chk_line = i # Find the rwf line for placing the rwf file if '%rwf=' in lines[i].lower(): rwf_line = i # Find the line with '#', this line shows the calculation types for Gaussian if '#' in lines[i]: calc_type_line = i # Extract the coordinates from the trajectory xyz file coordinates = read_trajectory_xyz_file_gaussian(trajectory_xyz_file_name, time_step) # Open a new input file f = open('%s-%d.gjf'%(project_name,time_step),'w') for i in range(0,calc_type_line+5): if i==chk_line: d = lines[chk_line].split('/')[-1] f.write('%%chk=%s'%os.getcwd()+'/'+'%s-%d.chk'%(project_name,time_step)) f.write('\n') elif i==rwf_line: d = lines[rwf_line].split('/')[-1] f.write('%%rwf=%s'%os.getcwd()+'/'+'%s-%d.rwf'%(project_name,time_step)) f.write('\n') else: f.write(lines[i]) for i in range( 2, len(coordinates) ): for j in range( 0, len(coordinates[i]) ): f.write( coordinates[i][j] ) f.write(' ') f.write('\n') # We need some blank lines at the end of the input file, here we add three f.write('\n') f.write('\n') f.write('\n') # Close the file f.close()
[docs]def cube_generator_gaussian( project_name, time_step, min_band, max_band, nprocs, sample_cube_file, isUKS ): """ This function generates the cube files by first forming the 'fchk' file from 'chk' file. Then it will generate the cube files from min_band to max_band the same as CP2K naming. This will helps us to use the read_cube and integrate_cube functions easier. Args: project_name (string): The project_name. time_step (integer): The time step. min_band (integer): The minimum state number. max_band (integer): The maximum state number. nprocs (integer): The number of processors used to generate the cubes using 'cubegen'. sample_cube_file (str): The path to a sample cube file. This file is used to generate the cube files according the mesh of this file. Therefore the integration will be plausible. isUKS (integer): The unrestricted spin calculation flag. 1 is for spin unrestricted calculations. Other numbers are for spin restricted calculations Returns: None """ # Form the fchk file from the chk file os.system('formchk %s-%d.chk %s-%d.fchk'%(project_name, time_step, project_name, time_step)) # Print the commands... print('formchk %s-%d.chk %s-%d.fchk'%(project_name, time_step, project_name, time_step)) # Generate the sample cube file, if it exists it will not create it again if not os.path.isfile(sample_cube_file): # Generate the sample cube file with the maximum fineness ---> 100 as in Gaussian website os.system('cubegen %d MO=Homo %s-%d.fchk %s 100 h'%(nprocs, project_name, time_step, sample_cube_file)) # For spin unrestricted if isUKS == 1: # Generate the names and cube files for each state. Here we use the cube names by CP2K. This will increase the speed of our work. for state in range(min_band,max_band+1): # State name in CP2K format state_name = CP2K_methods.state_num_cp2k(state) # Cube file name cube_name = '%s-%d-WFN_%s_1-1_0.cube'%(project_name, time_step, state_name) print('Generating cube for state %d'%state) # Generate cube files for alpha spin using the 'cubegen' os.system('cubegen %d AMO=%d %s-%d.fchk %s -1 h %s'%(nprocs, state, project_name, time_step, cube_name, sample_cube_file)) print('cubegen %d AMO=%d %s-%d.fchk %s -1 h %s'%(nprocs, state, project_name, time_step, cube_name, sample_cube_file)) cube_name = '%s-%d-WFN_%s_2-1_0.cube'%(project_name, time_step, state_name) print('Generating cube for state %d'%state) # Generate cube files for beta spin using the 'cubegen' os.system('cubegen %d BMO=%d %s-%d.fchk %s -1 h %s'%(nprocs, state, project_name, time_step, cube_name, sample_cube_file)) print('cubegen %d BMO=%d %s-%d.fchk %s -1 h %s'%(nprocs, state, project_name, time_step, cube_name, sample_cube_file)) # Spin restricted case else: for state in range(min_band,max_band+1): # Use cp2k names because the rest of the code expects this format state_name = CP2K_methods.state_num_cp2k(state) cube_name = '%s-%d-WFN_%s_1-1_0.cube'%(project_name, time_step, state_name) print('Generating cube for state %d'%state) # Generate the cubes for alpha spin only os.system('cubegen %d MO=%d %s-%d.fchk %s -1 h %s'%(nprocs, state, project_name, time_step, cube_name, sample_cube_file)) print('cubegen %d MO=%d %s-%d.fchk %s -1 h %s'%(nprocs, state, project_name, time_step, cube_name, sample_cube_file))