Source code for libra_py.ERGO_methods

#* Copyright (C) 2019 Alexey V. Akimov
#* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
#* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#* See the file LICENSE in the root directory of this distribution
#* or <>.
.. module:: ERGO_methods
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: This module implements functions for dealing with the outputs of the ErgoSCF package

.. moduleauthor:: 
       Alexey V. Akimov 

import os
import sys
import math
import re

if sys.platform=="cygwin":
    from cyglibra_core import *
elif sys.platform=="linux" or sys.platform=="linux2":
    from liblibra_core import *

import util.libutil as comn
from . import units
from . import data_read

[docs]def find_last_file(prefix, suffix): """ This functions searches for the last file in a series of files named `prefix`%i`suffix`, for instance "A1.txt", "A2.txt", "A3.txt", etc. Args: prefix ( string ): the prefix of the filenames suffix ( string ): the suffix of the filenames Return: (int, string): (i, filename), where: * i : the largest index of the existing file * filename : the name of the last existing file """ stop = False i = 1 while stop==False: exists = os.path.isfile('%s%i%s' % (prefix, i, suffix)) if exists: i = i + 1 else: stop = True return i-1, '%s%i%s' % (prefix, i-1, suffix)
[docs]def get_mtx_matrices(filename, act_sp1=None, act_sp2=None): """Get the matrices printed out by the DFTB+ Args: filename ( string ): the name of the file to read. In the MatrixMarket (mtx) format act_sp1 ( list of ints or None): the row active space to extract from the original files Indices here start from 0. If set to None - the number of AOs will be determined automatically from the file. [default: None] act_sp2 ( list of ints or None): the cols active space to extract from the original files Indices here start from 0. If set to None - the number of AOs will be determined automatically from the file. [default: None] Returns: list of CMATRIX(N, M): X: where N = len(act_sp1) and M = len(act_sp2) These are the corresponding property matrices (converted to the complex type) """ # Copy the content of the file to a temporary location f = open(filename, "r") A = f.readlines() f.close() sz = len(A) start = 0 for i in range(0,sz): if A[i][0]!="%": start = i break # Initialize the matrix dimentions tmp = A[start].split() N = int(float(tmp[0])) M = int(float(tmp[1])) # Determine the dimensions of the output matrices nstates1, nstates2 = -1, -1 if act_sp1==None: nstates1 = N act_sp1 = list(range(0, nstates1)) else: nstates1 = len(act_sp1) if act_sp2==None: nstates2 = N act_sp2 = list(range(0, nstates2)) else: nstates2 = len(act_sp2) X = CMATRIX(N,M) for n in range(start+1, sz): tmp = A[n].split() if len(tmp)==3: i = int(float(tmp[0])) - 1 j = int(float(tmp[1])) - 1 x = float(tmp[2]) X.set(i,j, x*(1.0+0.0j)) X.set(j,i, x*(1.0+0.0j)) # Extract the sub-matrix of interest x_sub = CMATRIX(nstates1, nstates2) pop_submatrix(X, x_sub, act_sp1, act_sp2) return x_sub
[docs]def xyz_traj2gen_sp(infile, md_iter): """ This file converts the xyz trajectory file to a string that contains the geometry of the ```md_iter``` step that can be used to setup the input for the ErgoSCF calculations Args: infile ( string ): the name of the input xyz trajectory file md_iter ( int ): index of the timeframe to extract Returns: string: atoms and coordinates section [ units: same as in xyz file ] """ f = open(infile, "r") A = f.readlines() f.close() sz = len(A) # Determine the key info nat = int( float(A[0].split()[0] ) ) # Make up the output file line = "" for i in range(0,nat): ln_indx = (nat+2)*md_iter + (i + 2) tmp = A[ln_indx].split() at = tmp[0] x = float(tmp[1]) y = float(tmp[2]) z = float(tmp[3]) line = line + " %s %15.8f %15.8f %15.8f\n" % (at, x, y, z) return line
[docs]def xyz_traj2gen_ovlp(infile, md_iter1, md_iter2): """ This file converts the xyz trajectory file to a string that contains the superimposed geometries of the ```md_iter1``` and ```md_step2``` steps that can be used to setup the input for the ErgoSCF calculations Args: infile ( string ): the name of the input xyz trajectory file md_iter1 ( int ): index of the first timeframe to extract md_iter2 ( int ): index of the second timeframe to extract Returns: string: atoms and coordinates section [ units: same as in xyz file ] """ f = open(infile, "r") A = f.readlines() f.close() sz = len(A) # Determine the key info nat = int( float(A[0].split()[0] ) ) # Make up the output file line = "" for i in range(0,nat): ln_indx = (nat+2)*md_iter1 + (i + 2) tmp = A[ln_indx].split() at = tmp[0] x = float(tmp[1]) y = float(tmp[2]) z = float(tmp[3]) line = line + " %s %15.8f %15.8f %15.8f\n" % (at, x, y, z) for i in range(0,nat): ln_indx = (nat+2)*md_iter2 + (i + 2) tmp = A[ln_indx].split() at = tmp[0] x = float(tmp[1]) y = float(tmp[2]) z = float(tmp[3]) line = line + " %s %15.8f %15.8f %15.8f\n" % (at, x, y, z) return line
[docs]def read_spectrum_unrestricted(): """ This function reads the eigenspectrum files produced by ErgoSCF in the case of spin-polarized (unrestricted) formulation. The names of the files are known, so the we do not need any arguments Note: the ordering of the orbitals in the ErgoSCF is: occupied_spectrum.txt | unoccupied_spectrum.txt --------------------------------------------------------- H L H-1 L+1 ... ... So, the occupied orbitals order is reverted in the created array Args: None Returns: (list, list): ( [e_a, e_b], [nocc, nvirt]) * e_a ( list of floats ): energies of the alpha orbitals printed out this list contains both occupied and unoccupied orbitals * e_b ( list of floats ): energies of the beta orbitals printed out this list contains both occupied and unoccupied orbitals * nocc ( int ): the number of occupied orbitals, it should be less than len(e_a) and len(e_b) * nvirt ( int ): the number of unoccupied orbitals, it should be less than len(e_a) and len(e_b) """ tmp = data_read.get_data_from_file2("occupied_spectrum_alpha.txt", [0])[0] nocc = len(tmp) e_a = [] for i in range(nocc): e_a.append(tmp[nocc-1 - i]) e_a = e_a + data_read.get_data_from_file2("unoccupied_spectrum_alpha.txt", [0])[0] nvirt = len(e_a) - nocc tmp = data_read.get_data_from_file2("occupied_spectrum_beta.txt", [0])[0] e_b = [] for i in range(nocc): e_b.append(tmp[nocc-1 - i]) e_b = e_b + data_read.get_data_from_file2("unoccupied_spectrum_beta.txt", [0])[0] return [e_a, e_b], [nocc, nvirt]
[docs]def read_mo_unrestricted(nocc, nvirt, act_space=None): """ This function reads the MO files produced by ErgoSCF in the case of spin-polarized (unrestricted) formulation. The names of the files are known, so the we do not need to specify that Args: nocc ( int ): the number of occupied orbitals in the pool of the printed out MO files nvirt ( int ): the number of unoccupied (virtual) orbitals in the pool of the printed out MO files act_space ( list of ints ): indices of the orbitals we are interested in The indexing convention is relative to HOMO, that is 0 is HOMO, -1 is HOMO-1, 1 is LUMO, etc. Returns: ( list ): ( [mo_a, mo_b] ) * mo_a ( CMATRIX(nao, nocc+nvirt) ): alpha orbitals * mo_b ( CMATRIX(nao, nocc+nvirt) ): beta orbitals """ # Get dimensions: tmp_a = data_read.get_data_from_file2("homo_coefficient_vec_alpha.txt", [0])[0] nao = len(tmp_a) # Working active space ac = [] if act_space == None: ac = list(range(-(nocc-1), nvirt+1 )) else: ac = list(act_space) nmo = len(ac) mo = [CMATRIX(nao, nmo), CMATRIX(nao, nmo)] for spin in [0, 1]: suff = "" if spin==0: suff = "alpha" elif spin==1: suff = "beta" # Mapping the relative (to HOMO) index of a MO to the # name of the file that contain this MO filenames = { 0 : F"homo_coefficient_vec_{suff}.txt", 1 : F"lumo_coefficient_vec_{suff}.txt" } for j in range(1, nocc): filenames[-j] = F"occ_{j}_coefficient_vec_{suff}.txt" for j in range(2, nvirt+1): filenames[j] = F"unocc_{j-1}_coefficient_vec_{suff}.txt" # Now iterate over all entries in the active space for j in range(nmo): tmp_a = data_read.get_data_from_file2(filenames[ ac[j] ], [0])[0] for i in range(nao): mo[spin].set(i, j, tmp_a[i]*(1.0+0.0j)) return mo
[docs]def read_spectrum_restricted(): """ This function reads the eigenspectrum files produced by ErgoSCF in the case of spin-unpolarized (restricted) formulation. The names of the files are known, so the we do not need any arguments Note: the ordering of the orbitals in the ErgoSCF is: occupied_spectrum.txt | unoccupied_spectrum.txt --------------------------------------------------------- H L H-1 L+1 ... ... So, the occupied orbitals order is reverted in the created array Args: None Returns: (list, list): ( [e_a], [nocc, nvirt]) * e_a ( list of floats ): energies of the alpha orbitals printed out this list contains both occupied and unoccupied orbitals * nocc ( int ): the number of occupied orbitals, it should be less than len(e_a) and len(e_b) * nvirt ( int ): the number of unoccupied orbitals, it should be less than len(e_a) and len(e_b) """ tmp = data_read.get_data_from_file2("occupied_spectrum.txt", [0])[0] nocc = len(tmp) e_a = [] for i in range(nocc): e_a.append(tmp[nocc-1 - i]) e_a = e_a + data_read.get_data_from_file2("unoccupied_spectrum.txt", [0])[0] nvirt = len(e_a) - nocc return [e_a], [nocc, nvirt]
[docs]def read_mo_restricted(nocc, nvirt, act_space=None): """ This function reads the MO files produced by ErgoSCF in the case of spin-unpolarized (restricted) formulation. The names of the files are known, so the we do not need to specify that Args: nocc ( int ): the number of occupied orbitals in the pool of the printed out MO files nvirt ( int ): the number of unoccupied (virtual) orbitals in the pool of the printed out MO files act_space ( list of ints ): indices of the orbitals we are interested in The indexing convention is relative to HOMO, that is 0 is HOMO, -1 is HOMO-1, 1 is LUMO, etc. Returns: ( list ): ( [mo_a] ) * mo_a ( CMATRIX(nao, nocc+nvirt) ): alpha orbitals """ # Get dimensions: tmp_a = data_read.get_data_from_file2("homo_coefficient_vec.txt", [0])[0] nao = len(tmp_a) # Working active space ac = [] if act_space == None: ac = list(range(-(nocc-1), nvirt+1 )) else: ac = list(act_space) nmo = len(ac) mo = [CMATRIX(nao, nmo)] for spin in [0]: suff = "" if spin==0: suff = "alpha" # Mapping the relative (to HOMO) index of a MO to the # name of the file that contain this MO filenames = { 0 : F"homo_coefficient_vec.txt", 1 : F"lumo_coefficient_vec.txt" } for j in range(1, nocc): filenames[-j] = F"occ_{j}_coefficient_vec.txt" for j in range(2, nvirt+1): filenames[j] = F"unocc_{j-1}_coefficient_vec.txt" # Now iterate over all entries in the active space for j in range(nmo): tmp_a = data_read.get_data_from_file2(filenames[ ac[j] ], [0])[0] for i in range(nao): mo[spin].set(i, j, tmp_a[i]*(1.0+0.0j)) return mo
[docs]def energies(en, nocc, nvirt, act_space=None): """ This function creates a diagonal matrix of energies of the states included in the active space. Args: en ( list of floats ): energies of all (occupied + unoccupied) orbitals as read from the ErgoSCF nocc ( int ): the number of occupied orbitals in the pool of the printed out MO files nvirt ( int ): the number of unoccupied (virtual) orbitals in the pool of the printed out MO files act_space ( list of ints ): indices of the orbitals we are interested in The indexing convention is relative to HOMO, that is 0 is HOMO, -1 is HOMO-1, 1 is LUMO, etc. Returns: ( CMATRIX(N,N) ): matrix with orbital energies (ordered from lowest to highest) Here, N is the size of the active space """ # Working active space ac = [] if act_space == None: ac = list(range(-(nocc-1), nvirt+1 )) else: ac = list(act_space) nmo = len(ac) E = CMATRIX(nmo, nmo) # Iterate over all entries in the active space for j in range(nmo): E.set(j, j, en[ ac[j] + (nocc-1) ] * (1.0+0.0j)) return E